Biodiversity Data Journal :
Single Taxon Treatment
Corresponding author: Qiaoqiao He (
Academic editor: Yanfeng Tong
Received: 02 Aug 2021 | Accepted: 06 Sep 2021 | Published: 16 Sep 2021
© 2021 Ying Lu, Fan Yang, Qiaoqiao He
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Lu Y, Yang F, He Q (2021) Pholcus maxian sp. nov., the fifth endemic spider species of Pholcus phungiformes species-group (Araneae: Pholcidae) at the border between Jilin, China and North Korea. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e72464.
The distribution pattern of Pholcus phungiformes species-group indicates that, in Jilin and Heilongjiang, China and North Korea, additional species diversity remains undiscovered.
Pholcus maxian sp. nov., one new species of P. phungiformes species-group, is described, based on material collected from the borderline between Jilin, China and North Korea. It represents the fifth endemic species of this species-group and the genus Pholcus from this region.
taxonomy, morphology, biodiversity, new species, Northeast Asia
The genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805 belongs to the family Pholcidae C.L. Koch, 1850, is diverse and currently contains 95 genera and 1,842 species (
Specimens were examined and measured with a Leica M205 C stereomicroscope. The left male pedipalp was photographed. External female genitalia were photographed before the dissection. Vulva was previously treated in a 10% warm solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) to dissolve soft tissues before illustration. Images were captured with a Canon EOS 750D wide zoom digital camera (24.2 megapixels) mounted on the stereomicroscope mentioned above and assembled using Helicon Focus 3.10.3 image stacking software (
Male (holotype, Figs
Pholcus maxian sp. nov., holotype male A Pedipalp, prolateral view; B Pedipalp, retrolateral view; C Distal part of procursus, prolateral view, arrows 1–5 point at curved, prolatero-distal membranous process, two pointed sclerotised apophyses, prolatero-dorsal membranous lamella and prolatero-ventral membranous process, respectively; D Distal part of procursus, dorsal view. b = bulb, e = embolus, pr = procursus, u = uncus. Scale bars: 0.20 (A–B), 0.10 (C–D).
Pholcus maxian sp. nov. A Paratype female, external genitalia, ventral view; B Paratype female, vulva, dorsal view, arrow points at posterior part of arch; C Holotype male, bulbal apophyses, prolateral view, arrows 1–2 point at proximal and distal apophysis; D Holotype male, chelicerae, frontal view; E Holotype male, habitus, dorsal view; F Holotype male, habitus, lateral view; G Paratype female, habitus, dorsal view; H Paratype female, habitus, ventral view. da = distal apophysis, e = embolus, fa = frontal apophysis, pa = proximo-lateral apophysis, pp = pore plate, u = uncus. Scale bars: 0.20 (A–D), 1.00 (E–H).
Female (Fig.
Variation: Tibia I in another paratype male (SYNU-Ar00142): 11.16. Tibia I in another paratype female (SYNU-Ar00144): 7.89.
The species resembles P. hamatus Tong & Ji, 2010 (see
The specific name refers to the type locality and is a noun in apposition.
China (Jilin, type locality; Fig.
The species was found on rock walls.
The manuscript benefited greatly from comments by the editor and two anonymous reviewers. Abid Ali kindly checked the English. We are grateful to Zhiyuan Yao for providing the specimens. This study was supported by the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Shenyang Normal University (BS201841).