Mymarothrips garuda Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931
Mymarothrips garuda Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931: 1031 | Mymarothrips bolus Bhatti, 1967: 3. Synonymised by Mound and Marullo (1998) | Mymarothrips flavidonotus Tong & Zhang, 1995: 39.
Mymarothrips garuda Ramakrishna & Margabandhu
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun), Jinghong
; verbatimCoordinateSystem: 21°39'35.16''N, 101°25'43.56''E
; decimalLatitude: 30.3427
; decimalLongitude: 119.4338
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 17/07/2019
; individualID: 2019-VII-17
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H
; identifiedBy: Liu Hui
; dateIdentified: 2019
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt1
Female macropterous, body yellowish-brown (Fig. 2), reddish pigments on abdominal segments 3-6, yellow median longitudinal stripe extending from ocellar region to the base of abdomen, cheeks brown; pronotum brown with reddish alongside the yellow median region; head longer than wider; prothorax broader than longer; fore wings with an abroad transversal colourless patch with grey before apex.
Described from India and recorded in southern China.
Subfamily Panchaetothripinae
Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner, 1923)
Heliothrips venustulus Priesner, 1923: 89 | Astrothrips angulatus Hood, 1925: 50. Synonymised by Wilson (1975).
Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun), Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 30.3427
; decimalLongitude: 119.4338
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 30/05/2018, 16-18/05/2019
; individualID: 2018-V-30|2019-V-18| 2019-V-16
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 1 male, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N. & X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2019
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt2
Female macropterous; Body brown to yellowish-brown, abdomen often yellow (Fig. 3), antennal segments I-VI largely yellow with brown apices; tarsi yellow, hind tibiae yellow with small brown area, fore wings brown with small pale cross bands sub-basally, medially and at apex; antennae 8-segmented, III and IV with simple sense cone, segment VIII twice as long as VII. Pronotum reticulated; the presence of a complete longitidinal division on the mesonotum; fore wing curved forward at apex with two veins, first vein with about five dark setae and two setae distally, second vein with a row of widely-spaced setae.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from tea tree, lotus, wide plant varieties.
Described from Grenada. Recorded from Florida USA, widely around the Caribbean, also Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, Fiji (Mound and Marullo 1996) and China.
Araliacothrips daweishanensis Li, Li & Zhang, 2018
Araliacothrips daweishanensis Li, Li & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Menghai
; decimalLatitude: 19.1167
; decimalLongitude: 109.05
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 16/05/2019
; individualID: 2019-v-16
; individualCount: 3
; sex: 1 male, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Elie N. & Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2019
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt3
Female fully winged; body dark brown and strongly reticulate (Fig. 4); cheeks parallel, constricted behind eyes; maxillary palps 2-segmented; compound eyes with 6 weakly pigmented facets; ocellar setae pair I present, pair III on anterolateral margins of the ocellar triangle; antennae 8-segmented, III and IV with long apical neck, III with sense cone long and forked, IV with one forked and one simple sense cone, VI constricted at base, VIII longer than VII; pronotum reticulated with small setae. Identification details are in the provided link.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Ranunculaceae and Polypodiaceae (ferns).
Described from Xishuangbanna (Li et al. 2018b) and distributed from southern China.
Astrothrips asiaticus (Bhatti, 1967)
Sempothrips asiaticus Bhatti, 1967: 7.
Astrothrips asiaticus (Bhatti)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 30.3427
; decimalLongitude: 119.4338
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017, 01/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-vi-1 | 2017-iii-11
; individualCount: 3
; sex: 1 male, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt4
Macropterous, body dark brown to yellowish with reticulations (Fig. 5); antennal 8-segments, all eight antennal segments are clearly separated, antennal segments III–IV with sense cone simple. Male with U-shaped sternal pore plates.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from grasses.
Palaeotropics, from West Africa to northern Australia, Japan and southern China.
Astrothrips aucubae Kurosawa, 1932
Astrothrips aucubae Kurosawa
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 22.011754
; decimalLongitude: 100.785957
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017, 07/08/2017, 21/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-21|2017-III-10|2017-VIII-7
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 3 males, 4 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J & X.Y.L.
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt5
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Pueraria lobata and Ficus tree.
Described from Japan. Recorded from China (Li et al. 2021).
Astrothrips aureolus Stannard & Mitri, 1962
Astrothrips aureolus Stannard & Mitri
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 22.001969
; decimalLongitude: 100.795012
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 3
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt6
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Ophiopogon japonicus (Asparagaceae).
Described from Peninsular Malaysia. Recorded from northern Australia and southern China.
Astrothrips chisinliaoensis Chen, 1980
Astrothrips chisinliaoensis Chen
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.963829
; decimalLongitude: 100.64345
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 4
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt7
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from ferns and Ternstroemia pseudoverticillata.
Described from Republic of Moldova (Chisinliao). Recorded from southern China and Taiwan.
Astrothrips globiceps (Karny, 1913)
Heliothrips globiceps Karny, 1913: 125.
Astrothrips globiceps (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 22.043353
; decimalLongitude: 100.917923
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 25/10/2016
; individualID: 2016-X-25
; individualCount: 2
; sex: males
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt8
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from onion.
Described from Indonesia, New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Recorded from China.
Astrothrips strasseni Kudo, 1979
Astrothrips strasseni Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Menghai (Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 22.010116
; decimalLongitude: 100.958167
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 16/05/2019
; individualID: 2019-v-16
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 1 male, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N & X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2019
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt9
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from bamboo.
Described from Myanmar and recorded from southern China.
Astrothrips tumiceps Karny, 1923
Astrothrips tumiceps Karny
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 22.004755
; decimalLongitude: 100.922522
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017, 01/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-vi-1|2017-iii-11
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 1 male, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt10
This species differs from A. asiaticus by antennae with 5 to 7 segments; metanotum triangle of reticulation sharply defined; mesonotum anterior third fully divided with no sculptured reticulate connection (Fig. 6); male with no sternal pore plates.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Moringa and Smilacaceae.
Described from Indonesia. Recorded from India, Philippines, northern Australia and China.
Caliothrips tongi Mound, Zhang & Bei, 2011
Caliothrips tongi Mound Zhang & Bei
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.995104
; decimalLongitude: 100.879979
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/07/2017
; individualID: 2017-viii-10
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 2 males, 4 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt11
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from a wide range of host plants.
Described from Zhejiang Province, China (Mound et al. 2011).
Copidothrips octarticulatus (Schmutz, 1913)
Heliothrips (Parthenothrips) octarticulata Schmutz, 1913: 993 | Copidothrips formosus Hood, 1954: 190 | Mesostenothrips kraussi Stannard & Mitri, 1962: 211.
Copidothrips octarticulatus (Schmutz)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Forest)
; decimalLatitude: 21.973654
; decimalLongitude: 100.942069
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 25/10/2017, 01/05/2018, 31/05/2018
; individualID: 2017-X-25|2018-v-31|2018-vi-1
; individualCount: 27
; sex: 1 male, 26 female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J & X.Y.L.
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt12
Female fully winged; body yellowish-brown (Fig. 7), pterothorax darker laterally; antennal segments I, III–V and basal half of VI yellow, II, VII and apex of VI brown; tarsi and tibiae yellow; fore wing brown with transverse white bands sub-basally, medially and at the apex; head with cheeks convex and constricted at base; ocellar region elevated; antennae 8-segmented, III and IV with simple sensorium, VIII twice as long as VII. Pronotum with six pairs of large setae.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from asparagus and ferns.
Described from Sri Lanka. Recorded from Taiwan, Gilbert Island, Kiribati, Seychelles, Thailand, northern Australia and southern China.
Helionothrips brunneipennis Bagnall, 1915
Helionothrips brunneipennis Bagnall
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 22.005827
; decimalLongitude: 100.924822
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 30/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-v-30
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt13
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Reinwardtia indica (Lauraceae).
Described from Sri Lanka and recorded from China.
Helionothrips cephalicus Hood, 1954
Helionothrips cephalicus Hood
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Forest)
; decimalLatitude: 22.109802
; decimalLongitude: 100.87078
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-iii-11
; individualCount: 5
; sex: 2 males, 3 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J. & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt14
Female fully winged; body dark brown (Fig. 8); head wider than long, strongly reticulate, not projecting in front of eyes; ocellar region elevated, occipital ridge present; two pairs of postocular setae; maxillary palps 2-segmented; antennal segment II prominently darker than VI; male pore glands on sternite VIII only.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Anacardiaceae and Poaceae.
Described from Japan and recorded from China (Sichuan, Taiwan and Yunnan).
Helionothrips mube Kudo, 1992
Helionothrips mube Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 22.177291
; decimalLongitude: 100.890327
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-iii-10
; individualCount: 5
; sex: 2 males, 3 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt15
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from taro, papaya, Poaceae, vines.
Described from Japan (Nagasaki, Inasayama) and recorded from China (Shanxi, Taiwan and Yunnan).
Helionothrips parvus Bhatti, 1968
Helionothrips parvus Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 22.177291
; decimalLongitude: 100.861869
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-iii-11
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 2 males, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt16
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from Poaceae and Ferns.
Described from India and recorded from China (Guangxi, Yunnan).
Helionothrips rugatus Mirab-balou & Tong, 2016
Helionothrips rugatus Mirab-balou & Tong
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area), Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 22.179968
; decimalLongitude: 100.849508
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/03/2017, 24/10/2017, 31/05/2018, 01/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-vi-1|2018-v-31|2017-iii-24|2017-x-24
; individualCount: 24
; sex: 6 males, 18 female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N, L.Y.J, X.Y.L & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt17
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae, Cornaceae, blackberries, ferns, Lophatherum gracile and Pueraria.
Described from Guangdong, distributed from Guangxi and Yunnan Provinces of China.
Helionothrips shennongjiaensis Feng, Yang & Zhang, 2007
Helionothrips shennongjiaensis Feng, Yang & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Rain Forest)
; decimalLatitude: 21.922967
; decimalLongitude: 101.184971
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-x-24
; individualCount: 13
; sex: 5 males, 8 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt18
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from wide host plants.
Described from Hubai China and distributed from Yunnan, Guangdong and Hainan Provinces (Feng et al. 2007).
Heliothrips longisensibilis Xie, Mound & Zhang, 2019
Heliothrips longisensibilis Xie, Mound & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.918541
; decimalLongitude: 101.184828
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017, 24/03/2017, 30/05/2018
; individualID: 2017-iii-11|2018-v-30|2017-x-24
; individualCount: 12
; sex: 3 males, 9 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H & X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt19
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from tea, Pinus, ferns, Tecoma stans.
Described from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China (Xie et al. 2019).
Panchaetothrips bifurcus Mirab-balou & Tong, 2016
Panchaetothrips bifurcus Mirab-balou & Tong
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Rain Forest)
; decimalLatitude: 21.914651
; decimalLongitude: 101.186983
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-Vi-2
; individualCount: 9
; sex: 3 males, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L & E.N
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt20
Female fully winged; body dark brown (Fig. 9); head longer than wide, strongly reticulate, not projecting in front of eyes; two pairs of postocular setae; maxillary palps 2-segmented. Antennae 8-segmented, segment I without paired dorso-apical setae; III and IV with simple sense cones or forked, IV with or without extra simple sense cone. Pronotum transversely reticulate, no long setae; mesonotum reticulate without anteromedian campaniform sensilla.
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from Poaceae, Cornaceae, blackberries, ferns and Pueraria.
Described from Hainan, distributed from Guangdong and Jiangxi Provinces, China.
Panchaetothrips indicus Bagnall, 1912
Panchaetothrips indicus Bagnall
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 21.916663
; decimalLongitude: 101.193451
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 30/09/2011
; individualID: 2011-ix-30
; individualCount: 18
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L & S.J
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt21
Feeds on:
leaves and flowers, collected from coffee trees, bananas and bamboo.
Described from India and recorded from China.
Phibalothrips peringueyi (Faure, 1925)
Reticulothrips peringueyi Faure, 1925: 145.
Phibalothrips peringueyi (Faure)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.923101
; decimalLongitude: 101.200925
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 31/05/2018, 02/08/2018
; individualID: 2018-viii-2|2018-v-31
; individualCount: 3
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: T.X.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt22
Feeds on:
leaves and flowers, collected from Poaceae and bamboo.
Described from South Africa, recorded from Taiwan and south China.
Phibalothrips rugosus Kudo, 1979
Phibalothrips rugosus Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.919882
; decimalLongitude: 101.191583
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 03/05/2018, 02/08/2018
; individualID: 2018-viii-2|2018-v-3
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 2 males, 4 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N. & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt23
Female macropterous; body bicoloured (Fig. 10), head and thorax dark brown and constricted behind eye, abdomen yellow; legs and antennal segments III–V yellow; fore wing slender, uniformly pale or a little darker at base, with no long setae; antennae 6-segmented, V–VII form single unit; sensoria on III and IV slender, each with one simple sensorium. Male similar to female, but smaller, without pore plate at sternites III–VII. The distinctive feature of this genus is an elongated head that is strongly irregular, circular reticulated and constricted behind the eyes.
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from Poaceae and bamboo.
Described from Malaysia and recorded from Japan and China (Xishuangbanna).
Newly recorded for China.
Rhipiphorothrips concoloratus Zhang & Tong, 1993
Rhipiphorothrips concoloratus Zhang & Tong
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.935842
; decimalLongitude: 101.248356
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/04/1987
; individualID: 1987-iv-11
; individualCount: 2
; sex: 1male, 1 female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.W.Q
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt24
Feeds on:
leaves collected from hibiscus and grape.
Described from southern China (Xishuangbanna).
Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus Hood, 1919
Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus Hood, 1919: 94 | Rhipiphorothrips Karna Ramakrishna, 1928: 252.
Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus Hood
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.926454
; decimalLongitude: 101.254249
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/09/1998
; individualID: 1998-ix-22
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: W.Q.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt25
Female macropterous; body dark brown (Fig. 11), antennae and legs largely yellow, fore wing pale with yellow veins; Head with complex irregular sculpture, cheeks sharply incut behind eyes and constricted to basal neck; antennae 8-segmented, segments III & IV with simple sensorium; VIII more than twice as long as VII. Pronotum without long setae; mesonotum with complete longitudinal division, metanotum with well developed reticulate triangle with a pair of minute setae near posterior and a pair of campaniform sensilla. Fore wing rounded at apex with 2 slender cilia; Abdominal tergites III–VIII with grooved medially, with 1 pair of strong median setae; tergites strongly sculptured laterally. Male similar to the female, but smaller with small circular pore plate on anterior margin of sternites III–VII.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from grape.
Described from India and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Rhipiphorothrips pulchellus Morgan, 1913
Rhipiphorothrips pulchellus Morgan, 1913: 17 | Retithrips bicolor Bagnall, 1913: 290.
Rhipiphorothrips pulchellus Morgan
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.930611
; decimalLongitude: 101.258129
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 17/11/2018
; individualID: 2018-xi-17
; individualCount: 10
; sex: 4 males, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt26
R. pulchellus differs from other species of the same genus by the yellow pronotum and abdominal segments (Fig. 12) and the male does not have a tubercle laterally on abdominal segment IV.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from grape and a wide range of fruits.
Described from Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Recorded from India, Indonesia and China (Xishuangbanna).
Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard, 1901)
Physopus rubrocincta Giard, 1901: 264 | Heliothrips (Selenothrips) decolor Karny, 1911: 179 | Heliothrips (Selenothrips) mendax Schmutz, 1913: 994 | Brachyurothrips indicus Bagnall, 1926: 98.
Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.937451
; decimalLongitude: 101.257842
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-x-24
; individualCount: 4
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt27
Both sexes macropterous; female about 1.2 mm in length (Fig. 13); dark brown to black body underlain by red pigment chiefly in the first three abdominal segments; the anal segments retain a reddish-black colour and the wings are dark, male similar to female, but smaller.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Rosaceae.
Described from Sri Lanka and recorded in West Papua, Indonesia, India, China and widely distributed from Subtropical zone.
Zaniothrips ricini Bhatti, 1967
Zaniothrips ricini Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.932623
; decimalLongitude: 101.271352
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 12/05/2019
; individualID: 2019-v-12
; individualCount: 3
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N & X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Xie Yanlan
; dateIdentified: 2019
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt28
Female macropterous, body brown to paler (Fig. 14); head wider than long, weakly reticulated with broad reticulate posterior collar; ocellar setae I present, II longer than III; three pairs of well-developed postocular setae; maxillary palps 2-segmented; antennae 8- segmented, segment I without paired dorso-apical setae; III with sense cone forked, IV with one forked and one simple sense cones. Pronotal with or without weak sculptures; metanotum weakly reticulate, median setae close to posterior margin, campaniform sensilla present; fore wing with anterior margin fringe cilia shorter than costa setae.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Moraceae.
Described in India and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Subfamily Dendrothripinae
Dendrothrips minowai Priesner, 1935
Dendrothrips schimae Kudo, 1989: 42. Synonymised by Wang et al. (2019).
Dendrothrips minowai Priesner
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Menghai (Protected area), Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.923369
; decimalLongitude: 101.276527
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 06/04/2009, 02/12/2009, 05/12/2009
; startDayOfYear: |2009-XII-2|2009-IV-6
; individualID: 2009-XII-5|2009-XII-2|2009-IV-6
; individualCount: 100
; sex: 12 males, 88 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: J.M.M
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt29
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from tea leaves, Poaceae and Spatholobus suberectus Dunn.
Described from Japan. Recorded from Nepal and China (Xishuangbanna).
Dendrothrips strasseni Bhatti, 1971
Dendrothrips strasseni Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 21.915456
; decimalLongitude: 101.275664
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 03-15-09
; individualID: 2009-III-15
; individualCount: 9
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt30
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Populus tremula (Salicaceae).
Described from India and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Filicopsothrips pulcher Li, Yuan & Zhang, 2020
Filicopsothrips pulcher Li, Yuan & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.911298
; decimalLongitude: 101.285581
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 21/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-v-21
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H & E.N
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt31
Female fully winged, body bicoloured (Fig. 15); head brown laterally and at anterior, white medially; antennal segments I–IV brown, V–IX paler, VI with sense cone on basal half; pronotum shaded on lateral margins, with two longitudinal brown markings laterally; abdominal tergites paler; fore wing brown and all legs paler.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from grasses (Poaceae).
Described from China (Xishuangbanna) (Li et al. 2020).
Pseudodendrothrips bhattii Kudo, 1984
Pseudodendrothrips bhattii Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.914786
; decimalLongitude: 101.291474
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt32
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Senegalia pennata (Fabaceae).
Described from Japan and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa, 1908)
Belothrips mori Niwa, 1908: 180 | Graphidothrips stuardoi Moulton, 1930: 273.
Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Menghai (Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 21.92404
; decimalLongitude: 101.28515
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 29/04/2010, 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2010-IV-29|2017-X-24
; individualCount: 11
; sex: 4 males, 7 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt33
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Senegalia pennata (Fabaceae).
Described from Japan. Recorded from China, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Italy, Chile and USA (California, Georgia, Maryland, Illinois).
Pseudodendrothrips pueraria Zhang & Tong, 1990
Pseudodendrothrips pueraria Zhang & Tong
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.926856
; decimalLongitude: 101.317346
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 07/04/1987
; individualID: 1987-IV-7
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.W.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt34
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Pueraria montana (Fabaceae).
Described from China (Xishuangbanna).
Subfamily Sericothripinae
Hydatothrips aureus Bhatti, 1973
Hydatothrips aureus Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.927891
; decimalLongitude: 101.311502
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24
; individualCount: 5
; sex: 2 males, 3 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt35
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from Callerya dielsiana (Papilionaceae).
Described from India and worldwide distributed.
Hydatothrips dorax Bhatti, 1973
Hydatothrips dorax Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.959907
; decimalLongitude: 100.463502
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/02/2017
; individualID: 2017-II-10
; individualCount: 4
; sex: 2 males, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt36
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from grasses (Poaceae).
Described from India and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Hydatothrips flavidus Wang, 2007
Hydatothrips flavidus Wang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.959857
; decimalLongitude: 100.46016
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt37
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from Litchi chinensis (Sapindaceae).
Described from Taiwan and distributed from China (Yunnan Province).
Neohydatothrips plynopygus (Karny, 1925)
Anaphothrips plynopygus Karny, 1925: 29 | Zonothrips luridus Ananthakrishnan, 1968: 115.
Neohydatothrips plynopygus (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Naban He Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 21.963879
; decimalLongitude: 100.457142
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/02/2017
; individualID: 2017-II-11
; individualCount: 8
; sex: 2 males, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt38
Feeds on:
flowers and leaves, collected from raspberry and congo grass.
Described from Indonesia and India. Recorded from Singapore, Taiwan, China (Yunnan Province) and Australia.
Neohydatothrips Samayunkur (Kudo, 1995)
Hydatothrips (Neohydatothrips) samayunkur Kudo, 1995: 169.
Neohydatothrips Samayunkur (Kudo)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 21.954225
; decimalLongitude: 100.44859
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/10/2011
; individualID: 2011-X-2
; individualCount: 12
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt39
Feeds on:
flowers and leaves, collected from Tagetes erecta (Asteraceae).
Described from Japan. Recorded in Hawaii, Florida, Australia, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, New Zealand, Mexico, Taiwan and China (Yunnan Province).
Amomothrips associatus (Priesner, 1938)
Taeniothrips associatus Priesner, 1938: 483.
Amomothrips associatus (Priesner)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.962539
; decimalLongitude: 100.446218
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 30/09/2011
; individualID: 2011-IX-30
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 2 males, 4 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt40
Female fully-winged; body dark brown (Fig. 16), all legs brown, except yellow apicals of tibia and tarsi; antenna segments I–II dark brown, III brown with apex light brown, segments IV–VIII brown; fore wing brown, head longer than wider with sculpture, close striates behind eyes, cheeks slightly constricted; antenna 8-segmented, segment I without dorso-apical setae, III & IV with long and forked sensoria, III with pedicel; pronotum wider than long, sculptured with close transverse striations with four pairs of posteromaginal setae. Male similar to female, but smaller.
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from Alpinia vittata (Zingiberaceae).
Described from Malaysia and China (Yunnan Province).
Anaphothrips floralis Karny, 1922
Anaphothrips floralis Karny
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.963879
; decimalLongitude: 100.359622
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 17/04/2009
; individualID: 2009-IV-17
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt41
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from dandelion and allium (Fabaceae and Liliaceae).
Described from Vietnam and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Anaphothrips incertus (Girault, 1929)
Limothrips incertus Girault, 1929: 3.
Anaphothrips incertus (Girault)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 22.045911
; decimalLongitude: 100.479779
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 28/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-28
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt42
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from Kyllinga brevifolia (Poaceae).
Described from Queensland. Recorded from Australia and China (Xishuangbanna).
Anascirtothrips discordiae Chen & Lu, 1994
Anascirtothrips discordiae Chen & Lu
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.917631
; decimalLongitude: 100.407825
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/06/2017
; individualID: 2017-VI-24
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt43
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from ficus, Vitis amurensis.
Described from Taiwan and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Arorathrips mexicanus (Crawford DL, 1909)
Chirothrips mexicana Crawford DL, 1909: 114 | Chirothrips floridensis Watson, 1920: 22 | Chirothrips catchingsi Watson, 1924: 76. Chirothrips saltensis Tapia, 1952: 109
Arorathrips mexicanus (Crawford DL)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Forest Park), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area, Ye Xianggu)
; decimalLatitude: 21.961529
; decimalLongitude: 100.462693
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-22
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt44
Feeds on:
Flower and collected from grasses (Poaceae).
Described from Mexico. Recorded from New Orleans, Louisiana, Florida, Argentina and China.
Aroidothrips longistylus Ananthakrishnan, 1960
Aroidothrips longistylus Ananthakrishnan
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.96147
; decimalLongitude: 100.462909
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017, 22/10/2017, 25/03/2017, 27/05/2018
; individualID: 2017-III-11|2017-III-11|2017-III-25|2017-X-22|2018-V-27|2018-V-27
; individualCount: 8
; sex: 1 males, 7 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J, X.Y.L & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt45
Feeds on:
Further researches are needed to identify the species feeding habits. Collected from Chloranthaceae, Ficus vasculosa, Pittosporopsis kerrii (Alseuosmiaceae).
Described from India and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Ayyaria chaetophora Karny, 1926
Bussothrips claratibia Moulton, 1935: 475 | Parafrankliniella fasciatus Kurosawa, 1937: 271 | Parafrankliniella subfasciatus Kurosawa, 1968: 24.
Ayyaria chaetophora Karny
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.959819
; decimalLongitude: 100.460016
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017, 16/02/2019
; individualID: 2019-II-16|2017-III-11
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J, S.S.Q, & E.N
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt46
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from Litchi chinensis and mango.
Described from India. Recorded from Japan and China (Xishuangbanna).
Bathrips jasminae Ananthakrishnan, 1968
Bathrips jasminae Ananthakrishnan
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected area + Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.959811
; decimalLongitude: 100.463996
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 1 males, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt47
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from golden privet, tea, jasmine, Osmanthus fragrans.
Described from India and recorded from southern China.
Bathrips melanicornis (Shumsher, 1946)
Taeniothrips melanicornis Shumsher, 1946: 179 | Taeniothrips ipomoeae Zhang, 1981: 324. Synonymised by Mirab-Balou et al. (2012).
Bathrips melanicornis (Shumsher)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.957163
; decimalLongitude: 100.46193
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 4
; sex: 2 males, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt48
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from sweet potato, Lantana camara, mango tree, beans and eggplant.
Described from Myanmar, China (Guangdong & Yunnan Province). Recorded from India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, East Timor, Australia and Iran.
Bolacothrips graminis Priesner, 1930
Bolacothrips graminis Priesner
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.957615
; decimalLongitude: 100.462244
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 27/11/2011
; individualID: 2011-XII-27
; individualCount: 4
; sex: 2 males, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt49
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae.
Described from Egypt and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Bolacothrips striatopennata (Schmutz, 1913)
Thrips striatopennata Schmutz, 1913: 1002 | Bolacothrips orientalis Priesner, 1935: 359 | Bolacidothrips orizae Moulton, 1942: 10.
Bolacothrips striatopennata (Schmutz)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden + Bubang Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.957733
; decimalLongitude: 100.459298
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 21/10/2017, 22/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-21|2017-X-22
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt50
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae.
Described from Guam Island (USA). Recorded from Taiwan, China (Yunnan Province), Sri Lanka and Japan.
Bregmatothrips sinensis Wang & Tong, 2016
Bregmatothrips sinensis Wang & Tong
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden + Mansha Village), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area + Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.957733
; decimalLongitude: 100.459298
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/08/2018
; individualID: 2018-VIII-2
; individualCount: 3
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N & L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt51
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae.
Described from Guangdong, China (Wang et al. 2016) and recorded in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province.
Chaetanaphothrips longisetis Nonaka & Okajima, 1992
Chaetanaphothrips longisetis Nonaka & Okajima
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Bubang Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.993361
; decimalLongitude: 100.958531
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 2
; sex: 1 male, 1 female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt52
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from oak tree.
Described from Taiwan and distributed from China (Yunnan Province).
Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton, 1907)
Euthrips orchidii Moulton, 1907: 52 | Euthrips marginemtorquens Karny, 1914: 362.
Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden + Mansha Village), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected area+ Botanical garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.978615
; decimalLongitude: 100.942433
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017, 12/03/2017, 22/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10|2017-III-12|2017-X-22
; individualCount: 5
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J. & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt53
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Pueraria montana.
Described from Indonesia and widespread around the world.
Chaetanaphothrips querci Kudo, 1985
Chaetanaphothrips querci Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.978615
; decimalLongitude: 100.942433
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt54
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from tea leaves.
Described from Japan and recorded from China.
Chaetanaphothrips theiperdus (Karny, 1921)
Anaphothrips theiperdus Karny, 1921: 69 | Chaetanaphothrips taiwanus Sakimura, 1974: 319.
Chaetanaphothrips theiperdus (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 22.027942
; decimalLongitude: 100.891984
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt56
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from tea leaves.
Described from Indonesia (Java). Recorded from Japan (Kannanzan), Taiwan and China (Yunnan Province).
Cricothrips bourbonensis (Bournier & Bournier, 1988)
Moundiella bourbonensis Bournier & Bournier, 1988: 68.
Cricothrips bourbonensis (Bournier & Bournier)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.978615
; decimalLongitude: 100.942433
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017, 08/10/2018
; individualID: 2017-III-10|2018-X-8
; individualCount: 4
; sex: 2 males, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.C.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt55
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from mosses.
Described from Reunion Island (Mare Longue) and recorded from southern China.
Danothrips theivorus (Karny, 1921)
Anaphothrips theivorus Karny, 1921: 75 | Danothrips dianellae Zhang & Tong, 1991: 465.
Danothrips theivorus (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 22.03357
; decimalLongitude: 100.933953
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017, 22/10/2018
; individualID: 2017-III-10|2017-X-22
; individualCount: 4
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.B & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt57
Feeds on:
flowers, young fruits, leaves. Collected from banana and camphor tree.
Described from Indonesia and recorded from China (Guangdong and Yunnan Provinces).
Dendrothripoides poni Kudo, 1977
Dendrothripoides poni Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Menghai, Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 21.99068
; decimalLongitude: 101.00438
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 28/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-28
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 2 males, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt58
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from Poaceae and Sterculiaceae.
Described from Thailand. Recorded from Malaysia and southern China.
Dendrothripoides innoxius (Karny, 1914)
Euthrips innoxius Karny, 1914: 359 | Dendrothripoides ipomoeae Bagnall, 1923: 625 | Tryphactothrips mediosignatus Karny, 1925: 34 | Tryphactothrips mundus Karny, 1926: 190 | Heliothrips ipomeae Bondar, 1930: 18 | Scirtothrips gladiiseta Girault, 1933: 2.
Dendrothripoides innoxius (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 21.996042
; decimalLongitude: 101.000931
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 1/03/2017, 24/10/2017, 28/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-28|2017-III-11|2017-X-24
; individualCount: 12
; sex: 3 males, 9 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J & Y.X.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt59
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from potato leaves.
Described from Indonesia. Recorded from India, China, Brazil, Australia and Nepal. Widespread in the Oriental and Pacific Regions.
Dichromothrips nakahari Mound, 1976
Dichromothrips nakahari Mound
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Xishuangbanna (Different sites)
; decimalLatitude: 21.980492
; decimalLongitude: 100.999494
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/10/2011
; individualID: 2011-X-2
; individualCount: 3
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt60
Female macropterous; body dark brown (Fig. 17); head weakly prolonged in front of eyes; antennae 8-segmented, segment I without paired dorso-apical setae, III and IV with long apical neck and long forked sense-cones, III–V with some microtrichial rows on both surfaces; pronotum with two pairs of long postero-angular setae sub-equally in length; posterolateral margins of tergites with well-developed michrotrichia; metanotum weakly reticulated; abdominal tergites I-VIII without sculpture medially.
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from dendrobium.
Described from India. Recorded from China and USA.
Dichromothrips smithi (Zimmermann, 1900)
Physopus smithi Zimmermann, 1900: 10.
Dichromothrips smithi (Zimmermann)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Mansha Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.967621
; decimalLongitude: 100.806322
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 25/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-25
; individualCount: 9
; sex: 4 males, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt61
Feeds on:
flowers, young fruits, leaves. Collected from dendrobium.
Described from Indonesia. Recorded from India, Malaysia, Solomon Islands, Tokyo, Japan, Taiwan and China (Yunnan Province).
Echinothrips americanus Morgan, 1913
Dictyothrips floridensis Watson, 1919: 2.
Echinothrips americanus Morgan
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Xishuangbanna (Different sites)
; decimalLatitude: 21.920687
; decimalLongitude: 101.186341
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 09/03/2017, 25/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-9|2017-X-25
; individualCount: 11
; sex: 2 males, 9 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt62
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Alocasia macrorrhizos (Araceae).
Described in Florida. Introduced and widespread from different parts of the world.
Ernothrips immsi (Bagnall, 1926)
Physothrips immsi Bagnall, 1926: 106.
Ernothrips immsi (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 21.923772
; decimalLongitude: 101.195684
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 08/03/2009
; individualID: 2009-III-08
; individualCount: 5
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt63
Feeds on:
flowers and leaves, collected from citrus.
Described from India and recorded from China.
Ernothrips lobatus (Bhatti, 1967)
Thrips immsi Bagnall, 1926: 110 | Thrips (Ernothrips) lobatus Bhatti, 1967: 18.
Ernothrips lobatus (Bhatti)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Xishuangbanna (Different sites)
; decimalLatitude: 21.923503
; decimalLongitude: 101.201002
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/03/2009, 11/10/2009, 23/01/2010
; individualID: 2010-I-23|2009-III-24|2009-X-11
; individualCount: 11
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: J.M.M & S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt64
Feeds on:
flowers and leaves, collected from tea tree and chinese rose.
Described from India. Recorded from China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Malaysia.
This species has reported to be a successful pollinator in Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae)(Li et al. 2014).
Ernothrips longitudinalis Zhou, Zhang & Feng, 2008
Ernothrips longitudinalis Zhou, Zhang & Feng
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.926454
; decimalLongitude: 101.257487
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 16/02/2009, 24/03/2009
; individualID: 2009-II-16|2009-III-24
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt65
Feeds on:
flowers and leaves, collected from Brassicaceae.
Described from Henan and distributed from Yunnan, China (Zhou et al. 2008).
Frankliniella fusca (Hinds, 1902)
Euthrips fusca Hinds, 1902: 154 | Euthrips nicotianae Hinds, 1905: 198 | Scirtothrips owreyi Watson, 1924: 51.
Tobacco thrips
; scientificNameAuthorship: Frankliniella fusca (Hinds)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden + Bubang Village), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area + Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.923235
; decimalLongitude: 101.25605
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 15/09/2011
; individualID: 2011-IX-15
; individualCount: 9
; sex: 2 males, 7 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.H.R.
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt66
Feeds on:
flowers and fruits, collected from a wide range of host plants.
Described from USA (Massachusetts) and worldwide distributed.
Vector of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV).
Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom, 1895)
Physopus vulgatissima var. albicornis Uzel, 1895: 96 | Physopus vulgatissima var. fulvicornis Uzel, 1895: 96 | Physopus vulgatissima var. nigropilosa Uzel, 1895: 96 | Physapus brevistylis Karny, 1908: 278 | Frankliniella breviceps Bagnall, 1911: 2 | Frankliniella vicina Karny, 1922: 94 | Frankliniella intonsa var. maritima Priesner, 1925: 165 | Frankliniella formosae Moulton, 1928: 324 | Frankliniella formosae f. tricolor Moulton, 1928: 325 | Frankliniella intonsa var. rufula Keler, 1936: 104 | Frankliniella intonsa f. norashensis Jakhontov & Jurbanov, 1957: 1279.
Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Menghai, Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 21.910225
; decimalLongitude: 101.272866
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10
; individualCount: 10
; sex: 2 males, 8 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt67
Feeds on:
flowers and on leaves, collected from Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae and Solanaceae.
Described from Finland and worldwide distributed.
Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895)
Euthrips occidentalis Pergande, 1895: 392 | Euthrips tritici californicus Moulton, 1911: 16 | Euthrips helianthi Moulton, 1911: 40 | Frankliniella tritici moultoni Hood, 1914: 38 | Frankliniella nubila Treherne, 1924: 84. Synonymised by Nakahara (1997) | Frankliniella tritici maculata Priesner, 1925: 15. Synonymised by Nakahara (1997) | Frankliniella claripennis Morgan, 1925: 142 | Frankliniella canadensis Morgan, 1925: 143. Synonym of californicus in Moulton (1948) | Frankliniella trehernei Morgan, 1925: 144 | Frankliniella occidentalis brunnescens Priesner, 1932: 182 | Frankliniella occidentalis dubia Priesner, 1932: 182 | Frankliniella venusta Moulton, 1936: 172 | Frankliniella conspicua Moulton, 1936: 173. Synonymised by Nakahara (1997) | Frankliniella chrysanthemi Kurosawa, 1941: 173 | Frankliniella dahliae Moulton, 1948: 97 | Frankliniella dianthi Moulton, 1948: 98. Synonymised by Mound and Marullo (1996) | Frankliniella syringae Moulton, 1948: 98. Synonymised by Mound and Marullo (1996) | Frankliniella umbrosa Moulton, 1948: 105. Synonymised by Nakahara (1997).
Western flowers thrips (WFT)
; scientificNameAuthorship: Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Mansha Village
; decimalLatitude: 21.935976
; decimalLongitude: 101.263955
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 06/10/2015
; individualID: 2015-X-6
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 1 male, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: K.B
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt68
Feeds on:
flowers and leaves, collected from potatoes and banana flowers.
Described from USA (California) and worldwide distributed.
Vector of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV).
Isunidothrips serangga Kudo, 1992
Isunidothrips serangga serangga Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Mansha Village
; decimalLatitude: 21.920955
; decimalLongitude: 101.289826
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-VI-2
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt69
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from fronds of ferns and Cyperaceae.
Described from Malaysia and recorded from southern China.
Lefroyothrips lefroyi (Bagnall, 1913)
Physothrips lefroyi Bagnall, 1913: 292 | Taeniothrips cuscutae Priesner, 1938: 500 | Taeniothrips (Lefroyothrips) theiphilus Priesner, 1938: 501 | Taeniothrips devii Arora & Bhatti, 1960: 141. Synonyms by Bhatti (1978).
Lefroyothrips lefroyi (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.706336
; decimalLongitude: 101.511312
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/10/2017, 26/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-26|2017-X-22
; individualCount: 732
; sex: 121 males, 611 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N, L.Y.J & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt70
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from tea tree, mango and papaya.
Described from India. Recorded from Indonesia, China and widely introduced.
Megalurothrips distalis (Karny, 1913)
Taeniothrips distalis Karny, 1913: 122 | Physothrips brunneicornis Bagnall, 1916: 218 | Taeniothrips infernalis Priesner, 1938: 472 | Taeniothrips morosus Priesner, 1938: 476 | Taeniothrips ditissimus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966: 250.
Megalurothrips distalis (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Mansha Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.643996
; decimalLongitude: 101.789571
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 21/05/2017
; individualID: 2017-V-21
; individualCount: 26
; sex: 7 males, 19 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt71
Female macropterous; Body dark brown (Fig. 18), head wider than long; eyes with five weakly-pigmented facets, ocellar setae I present, setae III elongate, presence of five pairs of postocular setae; antennae 8-segmented, segments III and IV with elongate forked sense cones, III-VI with some microtrichia on both surfaces, VI with an elongate sense cone at the base. Adult male with spear-shaped sternal discal setae.
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from Erythrina variegata L., Psidium guava and mango.
Described from Japan and widely distributed.
Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall, 1915
Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall, 1915: 590 | Megalurothrips setipennis Karny, 1925: 32 | Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton, 1928: 292 | Taeniothrips centrispinosus Priesner, 1938: 474.
Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.851196
; decimalLongitude: 100.953357
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/10/2017, 23/10/2017, 24/10/2017, 28/05/2018
; individualID: 2017-X-23|2017-X-24|2017-X-22|2018-V-28
; individualCount: 36
; sex: 8 males, 28 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J, X.Y.L & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt72
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from kalancho, mango and papaya.
Described from Malaysia. Recorded from Indonesia, Taiwan and China.
Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall, 1913)
Physothrips usitatus Bagnall, 1913: 293 | Frankliniella nigricornis Schmutz, 1913: 1020 | Frankliniella obscuricornis Schmutz, 1913: 1022 | Frankliniella vitata Schmutz, 1913: 1023 | Physothrips cinctipennis Bagnall, 1916: 217 | Physothrips mjobergi Karny, 1920: 37 | Taeniothrips longistylus Karny, 1922: 99.
Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Mansha Village
; decimalLatitude: 21.854416
; decimalLongitude: 100.944158
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 25/08/2016, 29/06/2016
; individualID: 2016-VIII-29|2016-VIII-25
; individualCount: 39
; sex: 10 males, 29 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Y.X.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt73
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from Fabaceae, Poaceae and mango.
Described from India and widely distributed.
Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford DL, 1910)
Thrips abdominalis Crawford DL, 1910: 157 | Thrips femoralis Jones, 1912: 4 | Thrips crenatus Watson, 1922: 35 | Thrips microcephalus Priesner, 1923: 116 | Thrips (Ctenothripiella) gillettei Moulton, 1926: 126 | Stylothrips brevipalpis Karny, 1926: 206 | Paraphysopus burnsi Girault, 1927: 2 | Thrips oklahomae Watson, 1931: 342 | Microcephalothrips brevipalpis armatus Ananthakrishnan, 1956: 133 | Aureothrips marigoldae Raizada, 1966: 278 | Microcephalothrips chinensis Feng, 1998: 257 | Microcephalothrips jigonshanensis Feng, 1998: 258 | Microcephalothrips yanglinensis Feng, Zhang & Sha, 2002: 167.
Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford DL)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.859515
; decimalLongitude: 100.956519
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-VI-2
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt74
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from sunflower.
Described from Mexico and widely distributed.
Octothrips bhattii (Wilson, 1972)
Apollothrips bhattii Wilson, 1972: 52 | Octothrips lygodii Mound, 2002: 219.
Octothrips bhattii (Wilson)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 22.011754
; decimalLongitude: 100.785957
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 04/05/2017
; individualID: 2017-V-4
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 3 males, 4 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt78
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from ferns.
Described from India. Recorded from Hong Kong and southern China.
Organothrips longisetosus (Zhang & Tong, 1992)
Graminothrips longisetosus Zhang & Tong, 1992: 84.
Organothrips longisetosus (Zhang & Tong)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 22.001969
; decimalLongitude: 100.795012
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 02/07/2018
; individualID: 2018-VII-2
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 4 males, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N & L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt80
Feeds on:
leaves and stem. Collected from Arthraxon hispidus (Poaceae).
Described from Guangxi and distributed from southern China.
Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach, 1896)
Sericothrips perplexus Beach, 1896: 216 | Thrips panicus Moulton, 1929: 61.
Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.963829
; decimalLongitude: 100.64345
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-22
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt81
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from corns.
Described from Iowa. Recorded from Hawaii and southern China.
Rhamphothrips aureus (Ananthakrishnan, 1954)
Perissothrips aureus Ananthakrishnan, 1954: 159 | Perissothrips hartwigi Bhatti, 1967: 12.
Rhamphothrips aureus (Ananthakrishnan)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Menglun)
; decimalLatitude: 22.043353
; decimalLongitude: 100.917923
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10
; individualCount: 2
; sex: males
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt82
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from bamboo and Euphorbiaceae.
Described from India and recorded from southern China.
Rhamphothrips bruceae Li & Zhang, 2018
Rhamphothrips bruceae Li & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Naban He Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 22.010116
; decimalLongitude: 100.958167
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 01/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-VI-1
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y,L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt83
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Brucea (Simaroubaceae).
Described from China (Xishuangbanna) (Li et al. 2018a).
Rhamphothrips parviceps (Hood, 1919)
Perissothrips parviceps Hood, 1919: 92.
Rhamphothrips parviceps (Hood)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Naban He Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 22.004755
; decimalLongitude: 100.922522
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 26/04/2009
; individualID: 2009-IV-26
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt84
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Fabaceae.
Described from India and recorded from China (Xishuangbanna) (Li et al. 2018a).
Rhamphothrips santokhi Kulshrestha & Vijay Veer, 1984
Rhamphothrips santokhi Kulshrestha & Vijay Veer
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Bubang Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.995104
; decimalLongitude: 100.879979
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt85
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Euphorbiaceae.
Described from India and recorded from southern China.
Salpingothrips aimotofus Kudo, 1972
Salpingothrips aimotofus Kudo
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.973654
; decimalLongitude: 100.942069
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-22
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt86
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Pueraria montana.
Described from Japan. Recorded from Georgia and southern China.
Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, 1919
Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, 1919: 90 | Heliothrips minutissimus Bagnall, 1919: 260 | Anaphothrips andreae Karny, 1925: 24 | Neophysopus fragariae Girault, 1927: 1. Synonymised by Mound & Palmer (1981) | Scirtothrips dorsalis var. padmae Ramakrishna, 1942: 169.
Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 22.005827
; decimalLongitude: 100.924822
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 27/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-27
; individualCount: 17
; sex: 14 males, 3 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N & L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt87
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from tea tree, pepper and beans.
Described from Australia. Recorded from India, Indonesia and southern China.
Scolothrips asura Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931
Scolothrips asura Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931: 1035 | Scolothrips quadrinotata Han & Zhang, 1982: 53.
Scolothrips asura Ramakrishna & Margabandhu
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 22.109802
; decimalLongitude: 100.87078
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 10
; sex: 2 males, 8 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt88
Described from India. Recorded from China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and northern Australia.
Scolothrips takahashii Priesner, 1950
Scolothrips takahashii Priesner, 1950: 52 | Scolothrips priesneri Sakimura, 1954: 357.
Scolothrips takahashii Priesner
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Xishuangbanna (Different sites)
; decimalLatitude: 22.177291
; decimalLongitude: 100.890327
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/06/2020
; individualID: 2020-VI-24
; individualCount: 33
; sex: 9 males, 24 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N & L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2020
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt89
Described from Taiwan and Hawaii USA. Widely distributed in China.
Sorghothrips meishanensis Chen, 1977
Sorghothrips meishanensis Chen
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area + Mansha Village)
; decimalLatitude: 22.177291
; decimalLongitude: 100.861869
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-11
; individualCount: 2
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt90
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from corns and sugar-cane.
Described from Taiwan and recorded from south China.
Stenchaetothrips biformis (Bagnall, 1913)
Bagnallia biformis Bagnall, 1913: 237 | Bagnallia adusta Bagnall, 1913: 238 | Bagnallia melanurus Bagnall, 1913: 238 | Thrips (Bagnallia) oryzae Williams, 1916: 353 | Thrips holorphnus Karny, 1925: 15 | Plesiothrips o Girault, 1929: 1 | Thrips dobrogensis Knechtel, 1964: 479 | Chloethrips blandus zur Strassen, 1975: 78.
Stenchaetothrips biformis (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla
; decimalLatitude: 22.179968
; decimalLongitude: 100.849508
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 06/04/2009, 21/10/2017
; individualID: 2009-IV-6|2017-X-21
; individualCount: 16
; sex: 10 males, 6 female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q & L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt91
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from bamboo and Poaceae
Described from England and widely distributed from different parts of the world.
Stenchaetothrips brochus Wang, 2000
Stenchaetothrips brochus Wang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Mansha Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.922967
; decimalLongitude: 101.184971
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 14/04/2017
; individualID: 2017-IV-14
; individualCount: 3
; sex: 2 males, 1 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt92
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from bamboo.
Described from Taiwan and distributed from southern China.
Stenchaetothrips cymbopogoni Zhang & Tong, 1990
Stenchaetothrips cymbopogoni Zhang & Tong
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden + Bubang Village), Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area + Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.918541
; decimalLongitude: 101.184828
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 27/12/2010
; individualID: 2010-XII-27
; individualCount: 4
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt93
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from mango, citronella and sugar-cane.
Described from Hainan and distributed from south China.
Stenchaetothrips minutus (Deventer, 1906)
Thrips minutus Deventer, 1906: 281 | Thrips puttemansi Costa Lima, 1926: 32 | Thrips saccharoni Moulton, 1928: 111 | Fulmekiola saccharicida Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939: 23.
Stenchaetothrips minutus (Deventer)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.914651
; decimalLongitude: 101.186983
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10
; individualCount: 3
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt94
Feeds on:
leaves, collected from bamboo, Poaceae and prunella.
Described from Indonesia. Recorded from Hawaii and China.
Taeniothrips musae (Zhang & Tong, 1990)
Javathrips musae Zhang & Tong, 1990: 193.
Taeniothrips musae (Zhang & Tong)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area + Mansha Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.916663
; decimalLongitude: 101.193451
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 1987
; individualID: not found
; individualCount: 8
; sex: 2 males, 6 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.W.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 1987
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt96
Feeds on:
leaves, bulbs, flowers and collected from Orchidaceae.
Described from China (Xishuangbanna).
Tameothrips arundo Tyagi, Kumar & Chauhan, 2015
Tameothrips arundo Tyagi, Kumar & Chauhan
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Different sites
; decimalLatitude: 21.923101
; decimalLongitude: 101.200925
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10
; individualCount: 11
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt97
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from arundo grasses.
Described from India and recorded from south China.
Thrips andrewsi (Bagnall, 1921)
Physothrips andrewsi Bagnall, 1921: 394 | Taeniothrips ghoshi Bhatti, 1962: 35.
Thrips andrewsi (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.919882
; decimalLongitude: 101.191583
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 06/05/2016
; individualID: 2016-V-6
; individualCount: 19
; sex: 4 males, 15 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt98
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from mango, longan and tea flowers.
Described from India and worldwide distributed.
Thrips atactus Bhatti, 1967
Thrips atactus Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Nabanhe Protected Area)
; decimalLatitude: 21.935842
; decimalLongitude: 101.248356
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017, 11/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-10|2017-III-11
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 2 males, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J & X.Y.L.
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt99
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from Caricaceae, Rosaceae and Fagaceae.
Described from India and widely distributed.
Thrips australis (Bagnall, 1915)
Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall, 1915: 592 | Thrips lacteicorpus Girault, 1926: 17 | Thrips mediolineus Girault, 1926: 18 | Anomalothrips amygdali Morgan, 1929: 5 | Isoneurothrips marisabelae Ortiz, 1973: 119.
Thrips australis (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.926454
; decimalLongitude: 101.254249
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 22/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-22
; individualCount: 1
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt100
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from potato and eucalyptus.
Described from Australia and widely distributed from where Eucalyptus hosts are distributed.
Thrips coloratus (Schmutz, 1913)
Thrips colorata Schmutz, 1913: 1013 | Thrips japonicus Bagnall, 1914: 288 | Thrips melanurus Bagnall, 1926: 111 | Thrips aligherini Girault, 1927: 1.
Thrips coloratus (Schmutz)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong (Yexianggu)
; decimalLatitude: 21.930611
; decimalLongitude: 101.258129
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 17/04/2009
; individualID: 2009-IV-17
; individualCount: 56
; sex: 17 males, 39 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt101
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from potatoes, mango and citrus.
Described from Sri Lanka. Recorded from Japan, India, Australia and China.
Thrips flavus Schrank, 1776
Thrips flavus Schrank, 1776: 31 | Thrips melanopa Schrank, 1776: 31 | Thrips ochraceus Curtis, 1841: 228 | Physothrips flavidus Bagnall, 1916: 399 | Thrips flavidus Bagnall, 1916: 402 | Thrips flavosetosus Priesner, 1919: 105 | Thrips obscuricornis Priesner, 1927: 423 | Physothrips flavus Bagnall, 1928: 98 | Thrips nilgiriensis Ramakrishna, 1928: 262 | Taeniothrips clarus Moulton, 1928a: 287. Synonymised by Palmer (1992) | Thrips kyotoi Moulton, 1928b: 302 | Taeniothrips luteus Oettingen, 1935: 183 | Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner, 1935: 358 | Thrips biarticulata Priesner, 1935: 358 | Taeniothrips saussureae Ishida, 1936: 70 | Taeniothrips rhopalantennalis Shumsher, 1946: 181.
Thrips flavus Schrank
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla
; decimalLatitude: 21.937451
; decimalLongitude: 101.257842
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 05/05/2016
; individualID: 2016-V-5
; individualCount: 15
; sex: 4 males, 11 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt103
Feeds on:
flowers, leaves, collected from chinese rose, mango flowers and Fabaceae.
Described from Austria and widely distributed.
Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913)
Euthrips hawaiiensis Morgan, 1913 | Thrips sulphurea Schmutz, 1913: 1011 | Thrips nigriflava Schmutz, 1913: 1012 | Thrips albipes Bagnall, 1914: 25 | Physothrips pallipes Bagnall, 1916: 400 | Physothrips albipes Bagnall, 1916: 401 | Bregmatothrips theifloris Karny, 1921: 66. Synonymised by Bhatti (1978) | Thrips versicolor Bagnall, 1926: 108 | Thrips pallipes Bagnall, 1926: 110 | Thrips io Girault, 1927: 351. Synonymised by Mound and Houston (1987) | Thrips partirufus Girault, 1927: 1. Synonymised by Mound & Houston, 1987: 9 | Physothrips emersoni Girault, 1927: 2 | Taeniothrips eriobotryae Moulton, 1928: 297. Synonymised by Bhatti (1970) | Physothrips lacteicolor Girault, 1928: 1 | Physothrips marii Girault, 1928: 2 | Physothrips mjobergi var. darci Girault, 1930: 1. Synonymised by Mound and Houston (1987) | Thrips hawaiiensis form imitator Priesner, 1934: 267. Replacement name for Physothrips albipes Bagnall | Taeniothrips pallipes var. florinatus Priesner, 1938: 489. Synonymised by Bhatti (1970) | Taeniothrips rhodomyrti Priesner, 1938: 492.
Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Different sites
; decimalLatitude: 21.932623
; decimalLongitude: 101.271352
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 28/05/2014, 11/03/2017 28/05/2018, 23/08/2019
; individualID: 2017-III-11|2018-V-28|2014-V-28|2019-VIII-23
; individualCount: 288
; sex: 71 males, 217 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N, L.Y.J, L.H & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2019, 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt104
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from Cannaceae, Irideae, Fabaceae, Cucurbitaceae, tea and mango.
Described from Hawaii, USA and widely distributed.
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall, 1915)
Isoneurothrips orientalis Bagnall, 1915: 593 | Thrips setipennis Steinweden & Moulton, 1930: 25. Synonymised by Sakimura (1967) | Thrips hispidipennis Hood, 1932: 122.
Thrips orientalis (Bagnall)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.923369
; decimalLongitude: 101.276527
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 25/10/2017, 28/05/2018
; individualID: 2017-X-25 & 2018-V-28
; individualCount: 9
; sex: 1 male, 8 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt105
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from jasmine.
Described from Malaysia. Recorded from Tanzania, China and Japan.
Thrips palmi Karny, 1925
Thrips clarus Moulton, 1928: 294 | Thrips leucadophilus Priesner, 1936: 91 | Thrips gossypicola Ramakrishna & Marghabandu, 1939: 41 | Chloethrips (Mictothrips) aureus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1967: 381. Synonymised by Bhatti (1970) | Thrips gracilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1968: 361. Synonymised by Bhatti (1970).
melon thrips
; scientificNameAuthorship: Thrips palmi Karny
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.915456
; decimalLongitude: 101.275664
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 06/10/2015, 07/10/2015, 11/05/2016, 12/05/2016, 17/03/2016, 12/05/2017, 09/08/2017, 08/09/2017, 18/08/2019
; individualID: 2015-X-6|2015-X-7|2016-III-17|2016-V-11|2016-V-12|2017-IX-8|2017-IX-12|2017-VIII-9|2019-VIII-18
; individualCount: 364
; sex: 112 males, 252 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N, L.Y.J, L.H, Y,X.Q & Z.H.R
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2019, 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt106
Feeds on:
flowers, leaves. Collected from Apiaceae, pepper, eggplants, carrots and potatoes
Described from Indonesia and widely distributed from the Tropics to Caribbean Regions.
Thrips subnudula (Karny, 1926)
Ramaswamiahiella subnudula Karny, 1926: 208 | Thrips pandu Ramakrishna, 1928: 264 | Thrips setosus Moulton, 1929: 97 | Thrips temporatus Bailey, 1951: 19.
Thrips subnudula (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Different sites
; decimalLatitude: 21.911298
; decimalLongitude: 101.285581
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 23/04/2008
; individualID: 2008-IV-23
; individualCount: 15
; sex: 2 males, 13 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt107
Feeds on:
flowers, collected from mango and amaranthus
Described from India. Recorded from Pakistan, Bali, the Philippines, Uganda, Nigeria, Malaysia and China.
Thrips (Isoneurothrips) taiwanus (Takahashi, 1936)
Isoneurothrips parvispinus Karny, 1922: 106 | Isoneurothrips jenseni Karny, 1925: 7. Synonymised by Priesner (1934) | Isoneurothrips pallipes Moulton, 1928: 296 | Thrips (Isoneurothrips) taiwanus Takahashi, 1936: 440.
Thrips taiwanus (Takahashi)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 21.914786
; decimalLongitude: 101.291474
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 09/03/2017
; individualID: 2017-III-9
; individualCount: 6
; sex: 2 males, 4 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: K.B
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt108
Feeds on:
flowers and collected from Caricaceae.
Described from Taiwan. Recorded from Thailand, Philippines, northern Australia and China.
Thrips tabaci Lindeman, 1889
Thrips solanaceorum Widgalm in Portschinsky, 1883: 44 | Limothrips allii Gillette, 1893: 15 | Thrips communis Uzel, 1895: 176 | Thrips communis annulicornis Uzel, 1895: 177 | Thrips communis pulla Uzel, 1895: 177 | Thrips flava obsoleta Uzel, 1895: 187 | Thrips bremnerii Moulton, 1907: 59 | Parathrips uzeli Karny, 1907: 48 | Thrips bicolor Karny, 1907: 49 | Thrips brachycephalus Enderlein, 1909: 441 | Thrips hololeucus Bagnall, 1914: 24. Synonymised by Mound (1968) | Thrips adamsoni Bagnall, 1923: 58. Synonymy in Mound, 1968: 67 | Thrips debilis Bagnall, 1923: 60 | Thrips mariae Cotte, 1924: 2 | Thrips frankeniae Bagnall, 1926: 654|Thrips seminiveus Girault, 1926: 1. Synonymised by Mound and Houston (1987) | Thrips tabaci f. irrorata Priesner, 1927: 436 | Thrips tabaci f. nigricornis Priesner, 1927: 436 | Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner, 1927: 437 | Thrips dorsalis Bagnall, 1927: 576. Synonymy in Mound (1968) | Thrips indigenus Girault, 1929: 29 | Thrips dianthi Moulton, 1936: 104 | Ramaswamiahiella kallarensis Ananthakrishnan, 1960: 564.
Onion thrips
; scientificNameAuthorship: Thrips tabaci (Widgalm in Portschinsk)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla
; decimalLatitude: 21.92404
; decimalLongitude: 101.28515
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 19/04/2010, 23/04/2015, 27/07/2016, 22/08/2016, 09/03/2017, 27/10/2019
; individualID: 2010-IV-19|2015-IV-23|2016-VII-27|2016-VIII-22|2019-X-27|2017-III-9
; individualCount: 147
; sex: 30 males, 117 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: E.N, L.Y.J & L.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2019, 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt109
Feeds on:
flowers. Collected from onion, garlic, tobacco and mango.
Described from Moldova and worldwide distributed.
Trachynotothrips striatus Masumoto & Okajima, 2005
Trachynotothrips striatus Masumoto & Okajima
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Jinghong
; decimalLatitude: 21.926856
; decimalLongitude: 101.317346
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24
; individualCount: 11
; sex: female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt110
The female fully-winged; body mainly paler with brown markings (Fig. 19), head wider than long, constricted just behind compound eyes paler with shaded cheeks; antennal segments I and III yellowish-white, II and VI to VIII brown, IV yellowish-white with distal half brown, segment V yellowish-white with distal third brown; pronotum yellowish-white with two submarginal longitudinal brown bands; fore wings with alternate four white areas and three brown bands; abdominal terga II to VII sculptured. Male generally similar to female, but slightly smaller, sternites III-VIII with scattered small pore plates.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae.
Described from Vietnam. Recorded from India and China.
Trichromothrips alis Bhatti, 1967
Trichromothrips alis Bhatti
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.927891
; decimalLongitude: 101.311502
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24
; individualCount: 10
; sex: males
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt111
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from cosmianthemum.
Described from India and recorded from China.
Trichromothrips antidesmae Li, Li & Zhang, 2019
Trichromothrips antidesmae Li, Li & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.959907
; decimalLongitude: 100.463502
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 10/03/2017, 12/03/2017, 24/10/2017
; individualID: 2017-X-24|2017-III-12|2017-III-10
; individualCount: 7
; sex: 2 males, 5 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.H & K.B
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt112
Female macropterous; body and legs yellow (Fig. 20), head and pronotum with dark lateral margin, antennal segments I–II brown, III–V yellow with the apex brown, VI-VII brown, VIII pale brown; fore wing brown with apex pale, clavus brown; abdominal tergites with transverse striae laterally, tergites II-VII with three setae arranged in a straight line. Male generally similar in structure and colour similar to female, sternites without pore plates.
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from antidesma.
Described from China (Xishuangbanna) (Li et al. 2019).
Trichromothrips assamensis Tyagi & Kumar, 2017
Trichromothrips assamensis Tyagi & Kumar
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.959857
; decimalLongitude: 100.46016
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 24/10/2017, 01/06/2018
; individualID: 2017-X-24|2018-VI-1
; individualCount: 6
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt113
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae.
Described form India (Tyagi et al. 2017). Recorded from China (Xishuangbanna).
Trichromothrips crispator (Karny, 1915)
Physothrips crispator Karny, 1915: 35.
Trichromothrips crispator (Karny)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Different sites
; decimalLatitude: 21.963879
; decimalLongitude: 100.457142
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 01/06/2018
; individualID: 2018-VI-1
; individualCount: 6
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: X.Y.L
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt114
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Acanthaceae.
Described from Indonesia and recorded from China.
Trichromothrips falcus (Bhatti, 1967)
Dorcadothrips fasciatus Bhatti, 1967: 21 | Trichromothrips falcus Bhatti, 1999: 3.
Trichromothrips falcus (Bhatti)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.954225
; decimalLongitude: 100.44859
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 30/09/2011
; individualID: 2011-IX-30
; individualCount: 4
; sex: females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt115
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Poaceae.
Described from India and recorded from China.
Trichromothrips formosus Masumoto & Okajima, 2005
Trichromothrips formosus Masumoto & Okajima
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Bubang Village)
; decimalLatitude: 21.962539
; decimalLongitude: 100.446218
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 19/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-19
; individualCount: 1
; sex: male
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: Z.C.H
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt116
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Chloranthaceae.
Described from Japan. Recorded from south-eastern China and Taiwan.
Trichromothrips guizhouensis Li, Li & Zhang, 2019
Trichromothrips guizhouensis Li, Li & Zhang
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla (Tropical Botanical Garden)
; decimalLatitude: 21.963879
; decimalLongitude: 100.359622
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 28/05/2018, 30/05/2018, 31/05/2018
; individualID: 2018-V-28|2018-V-30|2018-V-31
; individualCount: 4
; sex: 2 males, 2 females
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: L.Y.J
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collectionCode: terebrantia
; basisOfRecord: preserved specimen
; occurrenceID: YAU5082020Tt117
Feeds on:
leaves and collected from Sapotaceae.
Distributed from Guizhou and distributed from southeast of China.
Trichromothrips indicus (Bhatti, 1978)
Dorcadothrips indicus Bhatti, 1978: 423.
Trichromothrips indicus (Bhatti)
; country: China
; stateProvince: Yunnan
; municipality: Xishuangbanna
; locality: Mengla
; decimalLatitude: 22.045911
; decimalLongitude: 100.479779
; samplingProtocol: sweeping and shaking
; eventDate: 30/09/2011
; individualID: 2011-IX-30
; individualCount: 3
; sex: 2 males, 1 female
; lifeStage: adults
; recordedBy: S.S.Q
; identifiedBy: Li Yajin
; dateIdentified: 2018
; identificationReferences: (ThripsWiki 2020)
; collectionID: thrips
; institutionCode: YAU5082020
; collect