Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic Paper
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Academic editor: David Bowles
Received: 08 Dec 2015 | Accepted: 15 Jan 2016 | Published: 18 Jan 2016
© 2016 Ming Yang, Xin Wang, Ming Sun
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Yang M, Wang X, Sun M (2016) Two newly recorded genera and species of Owlflies (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) from China. Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7451.
The records of genus Bubopsis McLachlan, 1898 with species Bubopsis tancrei Weele, 1908 and the genus Nousera Navás, 1923 with species Nousera gibba Navás, 1923 have not been published in China.
The genus Bubopsis McLachlan, 1898 with species Bubopsis tancrei Weele, 1908 and the genus Nousera Navás, 1923 with species Nousera gibba Navás, 1923 are recorded for the first time from China. We provide detailed descriptions and illlustrations of specimens and the collecting information of the specimens are also provided.
Bubopsis, Nousera, Ascalaphidae, China
The genus Bubopsis McLachlan, 1898 comprises seven species, mainly distributed in Southern Europe, North Africa, Middle East, Southern Arabia Peninsula, Central Asia and India (
Terminology of wing venation follows
Photographs of morphological characteristics were taken with a Canon EOS 500D digital camera connected to an Olympus U-CTR30-2 microscope, using UV-C (Application Suite) applied software by United Vision Ltd. Photographs of habitus were taken by a Canon EOS 60D digital camera. All figures were processed in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
All specimens examined are deposited in the Insect Collections of China Agricultural University (ICCAU), Beijing, China.
Abbreviations: dv = distivalvae; ep = ectoprocts; gc = gonarcus-paramere complex; lg = linguella; pa = parameres;pv = pulvini; s = sternite; t = tergite; vv = ventrovalvae.
Nousera Navás, 1923: 5.
Eyes divided by a transverse furrow almost equally. Antenna not reaching to pterostigma of forewing. The wings narrow, axillary angle of forewing with triangular projection, apical area beyond the vein Sc+R with three rows of cells. Hindwing shorter than forewing, axillary angle with lobe-like projection, apical area beyond the vein Sc+R with two or three rows of cells, CuA area narrow with 1 or 2 rows of cells, CuA2 short and indistinct, CuP reaching to the posterior margin of hindwing, not intersecting with CuA2. Male abdomen longer than hindwing, female abdomen shorter than hindwing. The anterior part of 2nd tergite of male abdomen elevated. Ectoprocts of male and female not extended.
Nousera gibba Navás, 1923: 5.
Wings elongated and narrow, hyaline, axillary angle of forewing with triangular projection, CuA area of hindwing with one row of cells. The anterior part of 2nd tergite of male abdomen elevated.
Male Fig.
Head Fig.
Thorax. Pronotum narrow, yellowish-brown centrally and brown laterally. Mesonotum yellowish-brown, prescutum and scutellum with two black spots, mesoscutum dark-brown with two small yellowish-brown spots. The hairs on whole mesonotum sparse yellowish-brown. Metanotum dark-brown with long soft dark-brown hairs. The lateral and ventral parts of thorax yellowish-brown with pale hairs.
Wings. Membrane hyaline and with brown veins. Pterostigma black-brown with 4 cross-veins. Forewing: Basal part narrow, axillary angle with triangular projection; apical area beyond the vein Sc+R with 3 rows of cells; CuA area with 4 rows of cells. Hindwing: Basal part narrow, anal area with lobe-like projection and the edge of projection with long soft hairs; apical area beyond the vein Sc+R with 3 rows of cells, but only 1-3 cells in the middle row; CuA area rather narrow with only 1 row of cells.
Legs. Coxa and trochanter reddish brown with soft white hairs. Femur reddish brown, dark-brown distally with long pale yellow hairs. Tibia dark-brown with reddish brown stripe longitudinally outside, setae on it long and black , two spurs reddish brown, as long as claws. Tarsal segments 1-4 dark-brown, segment 5 dark-brown, but reddish brown distally, tarsal setae dark-brown. Claws rather long, black, reddish brown distally.
Abdomen. Longer than hindwings. The first tergite hollowed, brown with two long yellowish-brown spots on both sides, hairs on it long soft. The anterior part of 2nd tergite elevated Fig.
Male genitalia. Ectoprocts brown, covered with long black setae Fig.
Female Fig.
Size. Body length 25 mm. Antennae length 22-24 mm. Forewing length 31-32 mm, width 6-7 mm. Hindwing length 28 mm, width 5 mm. Abdomen length 18 mm.
The Abdomen is shorter than hindwings. The 1st tergite lower slightly, the 2nd tergite not elevated Fig.
Female genitalia Figs
China: Yunnan; Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam.
1♀, Mengla Yaoqu, Yunnan Prov. (light trap), 6-V-2005, Liu Xingyue (CAU-N200555); 1♀, Shilin County Heilongtan, Yunnan Prov., 2-Ⅴ-2013; 1♂, Yongde County Wumulongxiang, Yunnan Prov., 22-Ⅳ-22; 4♂, Shilin County Heilongtan, Yunnan Prov., 2-Ⅴ-2013; 1♂, Tengchong Zhengding, Yunnan Prov., 3-Ⅴ-2013.
Bubo Rambur, 1842: 353.
Bubopsis McLachlan, 1898: 159.
Eyes divided by a transverse furrow almost equally. Antennae almost as long as 2/3 of forewing. Wings elongated and narrow with rounded apex, the anterior margin and outer margin of forewing almost parallel, axillary angle obtuse, slightly prominent. Hindwing shorter than forewing. Abdomen in both sexes shorter than hindwing. Ectoprocts of male about as long as 6-9 abdominal segments together with a short, rod-shaped branch downward.
Bubopsis tancrei Weele, 1908: 273.
Wings hyaline, veins of C, M, CuP yellow. Abdomen yellow with black markings. Ectoprocts of male elongate slightly bent with a rod-shaped branch downward.
Male Fig.
Size. Body length 28-29 mm. Antennae lack. Forewing length 28 mm. Hindwing length 25 mm. Abdomen length 17 mm.
Head. Vertex brown with long dense soft brown and white hairs. Frons brown and gena yellow both with long dense soft pale yellow hairs. Clypeus and labrum yellow with short sparse pale yellow hairs, and on the ventral margin of labrum with a row of sparse yellow hairs. Mandible yellow but black distally. Maxillae and labial palpi yellow with short black hairs. Eyes divided by a transverse furrow. Antennae dark-brown, yellow basally. Club pyriform, dark-brown but with the basal 1/3 yellow.
Thorax. Black with long pale yellow hairs, the anterior and posterior margins of pronotum yellow, prescutum, scutum, scutellum of mesonotum and metascutellum black with two big yellow spots. The lateral part of thorax dark-brown with long dense white hairs.
Wings. Membrane hyaline. Forewing: Yellow basally, veins of C, M and 1/3 of the base of CuP and the inner margin to projection of anal area yellow, the rest of veins brown with rather short setae; axillary angle obtuse; pterostigma yellow with 3-4 cross veins; apical area beyond the vein Sc+R with 2-3 rows of cells, CuA area with 4-5 rows of cells. Hindwing: Shorter than forewing, the veins of C, M yellow, the CuP almost entirely yellow; pterostigma yellow with 3-4 cross veins, apical area beyond the vein Sc+R with 2-3 rows of cells, CuA area with 4-5 rows of cells.
Legs. Femur and tibia yellow but with the inner surface dark brown; the tarsi orange but the inner and distal portions dark brown. The claws and spurs red-brown. Hairs on femur long white. Inner surface of tibia with long black setae, but the outside with short black setae. Each segment of tarsi with short black spines distally.
Abdomen. Shorter than hindwing. Tergites black centrally, yellow-brown laterally, each tergite with two pairs of black transverse lines oriented from the center to the lateral margin. Sternites black centrally but yellow-brown laterally. The basis of abdomen with long dense white hairs, the rest with short black setae.
Male genitalia Figs
Female Fig.
Size. Body length 26 mm. Antennae length 21 mm. Forewing length 32 mm. Hindwing length 28 mm. Abdomen length 16 mm.
Female genitalia Figs
China: Xinjiang; Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
2♂,2♀, Urumchi, Xinjiang Province, 24-Ⅵ-1963, Huang Dawen, CAU-N200284, CAU-N200285, CAU-N200274, CAU-N200283.
The researching is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (31272353).