Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic Paper
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Academic editor: Donat Agosti
Received: 26 Jan 2016 | Accepted: 11 Apr 2016 | Published: 15 Apr 2016
© 2016 Gavin Broad
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Broad G (2016) Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Trigonaloidea. Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7935.
The British and Irish checklist of Trigonaloidea comprises a single species, Pseudogonalos hahnii (Spinola), which is the only species in Europe.
Country-level distribution and nomenclature of Pseudogonalos hahnii are updated.
Britain, fauna, Trigonalyidae, Trigonalyoidea
The Trigonaloidea is a small but cosmopolitan superfamily comprising approximately 110 species all classified in one family, the Trigonalidae. The single European species, Pseudogonalos hahnii (Spinola), is rarely collected in Britain and has not been found in Ireland. The superfamily is rather phylogenetically isolated (
The biology of trigonalids is unusual and is most similar to that of the ichneumonid subfamily Eucerotinae. The eggs are laid on foliage and only hatch when consumed by sawfly or lepidopteran larvae (in which respect they differ from eucerotines). Further development takes place as a hyperparasitoid of a primary parasitoid within the sawfly or lepidopteran larva. Sometimes development takes place as a parasitoid of a vespid larva if the secondary host is taken as prey by vespids. Some species have been reported to be primary parasitoids of sawfly larvae (biology summarised in
Pseudogonalos hahnii is illustrated in Fig.
[species] taxon deleted from the British and Irish list
NHM Natural History Museum, London
# known introductions occurring only under artificial conditions
? status (including uncertain synonymy) or identification in the British Isles uncertain
misident. has been misidentified as this name
nom. dub. nomen dubium, a name of unknown or doubtful application
nom. ob. nomen oblitum, ‘forgotten name’, does not have priority over a younger name
nom. nov. nomen novum, a replacement name
nom. nud. nomen nudum, an unavailable name, with no type specimen
preocc. name preoccupied (junior homonym)
stat. rev. status revocatus, revived status (e.g., raised from synonymy)
unavailable not meeting the requirements of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
var. variety, only available as a valid name under certain provisions of the ICZN code
Photographs were taken using a Canon EOS 450D digital camera attached to a Leica MZ12 stereomicroscope and partially focused images were combined using Helicon Focus v.4.80 software.
The alternative spelling of ‘Trigonalyoidea’ and ‘Trigonalyidae’, for the superfamily and family respectively, are often met with in the literature (e.g.
ABASTUS Guérin-Méneville, 1840 invalid
JEZOGONALOS Tsuneki, 1991
TRIGONALIS misident., misspelling
Currently classified in the subfamily Trigonalinae, but not assigned to a tribe within that subfamily (
Trigonalis hahnii Spinola, 1840
anglicana (Shuckard, 1841, Trigonalys)
europaea (Westwood, 1841, Trigonalys)
macquarti (Guérin-Méneville, 1842, Abastus)
nigra (Westwood, 1843, Trigonalys)
solitaria (Jacobs 1848, Trigonalys)
aterrima (Eversmann, 1849, Trigonalis)
phaeognatha (Enderlein, 1905, Trigonalis)
enslini (Torka, 1936, Trigonalis)
prudnicensis (Torka 1936, Trigonalys)
England, Scotland, Wales
Listed in Fauna Europaea as Trigonalis hahnii. Pseudogonalos is treated as a separate genus on sound phylogenetic ground by
Natalie Dale-Skey kindly converted the original text file into a spreadsheet for import.