Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomic Paper
Corresponding author:
Academic editor: Pavel Stoev
Received: 01 Feb 2016 | Accepted: 11 Apr 2016 | Published: 22 Apr 2016
© 2016 Peter Buhl, Gavin Broad, David Notton
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Buhl P, Broad G, Notton D (2016) Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Platygastroidea. Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7991.
A revised checklist of the British and Irish Platygastroidea (Platygastridae) substantially updates the previous comprehensive checklist, dating from 1978. Distribution data (i.e. occurrence in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the Isle of Man) is reported where known.
A total of 381 British and Irish Platygastroidea represents a 47% increase on the number of British and Irish species reported in 1978.
Platygastridae, Platygastrinae, Scelionidae, Sparasionidae, Scelioninae, Sceliotrachelinae, Teleasinae, Telenominae, fauna
This paper continues the series of checklists of the Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland, starting with
It has been recognised for some time that the traditional Scelionidae are paraphyletic with respect to the Platygastridae s.s. (e.g.
[species] taxon deleted from the British and Irish list
BMNH Natural History Museum, London
? status (including uncertain synonymy) or identification in the British Isles uncertain
misident. has been misidentified as this name
nom. dub. nomen dubium, a name of unknown or doubtful application
nom. ob. nomen oblitum, ‘forgotten name’, does not have priority over a younger name
nom. nov. nomen novum, a new replacement name
nom. nud. nomen nudum, an unavailable name
preocc. name preoccupied (junior homonym)
stat. rev. status revocatus, revived status (e.g., raised from synonymy)
unavailable not meeting the requirements of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
var. variety, only available as a valid name under the provisions of article 45.6 of the ICZN
Alternative versions of the checklist, as a formatted Word document and Excel spreadsheet, are provided here in the supplementary materials: Suppl. materials
Photographs were taken using a Canon EOS 450D digital camera attached to a Leica MZ12 stereomicroscope and partially focused images were combined using Helicon Focus v.4.80 software.
Inostemma boter Walker, 1838
Ireland, Isle of Man
Acerota humilis Kieffer, 1913
added by
Platygaster abas Walker, 1835
Platygaster belus Walker, 1835
Platygaster crates Walker, 1835
Platygaster nereus Walker, 1835
Platygaster otreus Walker, 1835
Platygaster prorsa Walker, 1835
Platygaster roboris Haliday, 1835
lasiophila Kieffer, 1913
PB regards rufopetiolata as a valid species, not a subspecies of lasiophila, although he has not seen the type.
Platygaster scelionoides Haliday, 1835
furius (Walker, 1835, Platygaster)
fuscicornis Thomson, 1859
British specimens have been assigned to the subspecies hyalina Kieffer, 1914 (
Platygaster tritici Walker, 1835
Platygaster vestinus Walker, 1835
added by
added by
added by
Platygaster cochleatus Walker, 1835
filicornis (Haliday, 1835, Platygaster)
munki (Buhl, 1994, Platygaster)
added by
Platygaster laricis Haliday, 1835
XESTONOTUS Förster, 1856 preocc.
AXESTONOTUS Kieffer, 1926
EOXESTONOTUS Debauche, 1947
added by
Platygaster error Fitch, 1861
England, Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man
Added by
added by
added by
PSILUS Jurine, 1807 preocc.
ACEROTA Förster, 1856
CERATOPSILUS Kieffer, 1913
BRACHYNOSTEMMA Risbec, 1953; incorrect subsequent spelling (
INOCEROTA Szelényi, 1938
Psilus boscii Jurine, 1807
added by
added by
Added by
Added by
Added by
added by
Platygaster cotta Walker, 1835
Platygaster erato Walker, 1835
Platygaster grandis Nees, 1834
Platygaster matuta Walker, 1835
MONOCRITA Förster, 1856
Ichneumon inserens Kirby, 1800
Platygaster punctiger Nees, 1834
atinus (Walker, 1835, Inostemma)
scrutator (Walker, 1835, Inostemma)
Recorded by
added by
aadded by
Platygaster halia Walker, 1835
Platygaster laodice Walker, 1835
buchi Buhl, 1997
added by
Platygaster nice Walker, 1835
Platygaster nydia Walker, 1835
torispinula Huggert, 1980
Anacoryphe orchymonti Debauche, 1947
Platygaster ozines Walker, 1835
Ichneumon tipulae Kirby, 1798
scutellaris (Nees, 1834, Platygaster)
Amblyaspis tripartitus Kieffer, 1913
added by
PARINOSTEMMA Kieffer, 1914
Inostemma areolata Haliday, 1835
added by
Inostemma ocalea Walker, 1838
added by
DISYNOPEAS Kieffer, 1916
Disynopeas lasiopterae Kieffer, 1916
britannicus Jackson, 1966
Platygaster catillus Walker, 1835
Platygaster mamertes Walker, 1835
Platygaster seron Walker, 1835
RHACODIA Panzer, 1838
HYPOCAMPSIS Förster, 1856
POLYGNOTUS Förster, 1856
ANEURHYNCHUS Provancher, 1887
COELOPELTA Ashmead, 1893
ANEURON Brues, 1910
PAREPIMECES Kieffer, 1926
added by
added by
cleodaeus Walker, 1835
added by
added by
added by
added by
added by
Misocyclops betulae Kieffer, 1916
added by
added by
added by
cratinus Walker, 1835
olorus Walker, 1835
added by
added by
pini (Kieffer, 1916, Misocyclops)
schlicki Buhl, 1995
added by
added by
added by
added by
added by
attenuata Walker, 1835
evadne Walker, 1835
Epimeces enneatomus Kieffer, 1913
Epimeces ensifer Westwood, 1833
added by
added by
Prosactogaster floricola Kieffer, 1916
added by
added by
added by
nitida Thomson, 1859
added by
added by
longiventris Thomson, 1859
added by
added by
Added by
added by
added by
intermedia Buhl, 2006 preocc.
added by
added by
added by
Misocyclops leucanthemi Kieffer, 1916
recorded by
recorded by
added by
added by
Added by
lativentris Thomson, 1859
hanseni Buhl, 2006
added by
added by
Added by
occipitalis Buhl, 1994
added by
Prosactogaster marshalli Kieffer, 1916
added by
added by
aadded by
laeviventris Thomson, 1859
Added by
Added by
added by
nigerrimus (Kieffer, 1926, Misocyclops)
added by
fuscipes Thomson, 1859
apicalis Thomson, 1859
ruborum (Kieffer, 1916,)
crevecoeuri (Maneval, 1936, Misocyclops)
Tentatively identified individuals recorded from Wales too (
nottoni Buhl, 1995
England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
English record from
Cynips phragmitis Schrank, 1781
added by
added by
nigripes Thomson, 1859 preocc.
thomsoni Buhl, 1995
added by
added by
Polygnotus quadrifaria Kieffer, 1916
added by
luteocoxalis (Kozlov, 1966, Prosactogaster)
Polygnotus signatus Förster, 1861
added by
added by
added by
leptocera Thomson, 1859
hirticornis Förster, 1861
lissonota Förster, 1861
added by
added by
added by
added by
Prosactogaster subuliformis Kieffer, 1926
subulatus misident.
added by
Polygnotus suecicus Kieffer, 1926
added by
crassus Szélenyi, 1958 preocc.
added by
siphon Förster, 1840
tuberosa Kieffer, 1913 preocc.
added by
added by
ilione Walker, 1835
added by
bettyae (Maneval, 1936, Paracyclops)
roosevelti (Debauche, 1947, Urocyclops)
humbolti (Fabritius & Grelimann, 1972, Urocyclops)
POLYMECUS Förster, 1856
DOLICHOTRYPES Crawford & Bradley, 1911
added by
added by
BMNH, det. PB.; added by
added by
Added by
Platygaster craterus Walker, 1835
gynomamertes (Hincks, 1944, Ectadius) invalid
Sactogaster curvicauda Förster, 1856
longicauda (Förster, 1856, Sactogaster)
pisi (Förster, 1856, Sactogaster)
added by
Platygaster euryale Walker, 1835
added by
added by
added by
Platygaster hyllus Walker, 1835
figitiforme Thomson, 1859
Platygaster jasius Walker, 1835
Platygaster larides Walker, 1835
added by
added by
added by
added by
Platygaster myles Walker, 1835
added by
added by
added by
Platygaster osaces Walker, 1835
Platygaster rhanis Walker, 1835
acco (Walker, 1835, Platygaster)
added by
added by
Platygaster sosis Walker, 1835
muticus misident.
Synopeas muticus (Nees, 1834, Platygaster) as recorded by
Platygaster tarsa Walker, 1835
Platygaster trebius Walker, 1835
Platygaster velutinus Walker, 1835
Described from English specimens, omitted by
Epimeces ventralis Westwood, 1833
abaris (Walker, 1835, Platygaster)
Platygaster didas Walker, 1835
Platygaster pisis Walker, 1835
opaca Thomson, 1859
Platygaster remulus Walker, 1835
EUROSTEMMA Szelényi, 1938
NASDIA Nixon, 1942
PLATYTROPA Kozlov, 1976
Inostemma europus Walker, 1838
Inostemma mecrida Walker, 1836
ZACRITA Förster, 1878
ELAPTUS Forbes, 1884
Zacrita longicornis Förster, 1878
added by
Amitus minervae auctt., not A. minervae Silvestri; added by
ROSNETA Brues, 1908
TRICLAVUS Brèthes, 1916
FAHRINGERIA Kieffer, 1921
PLATYLLOTROPA Szelényi, 1938
synergorum misident.
Added by
ANOPEDIELLA Sundholm, 1956
Anopedias transversus Thomson, 1859
strangaliophagus Nixon, 1937
Some Irish distribution data from
PARATRIMORUS Kieffer, 1908
TRICHACOLUS Kieffer, 1912
Telenomus aethra Walker, 1836
Transferred from Opisthacantha by
Trimorus asramanes Walker, 1836
erdosi (Szabó, 1958, Paratrimorus)
Transferred from Trimorus by
HYPERBAEUS Förster, 1856
PSILOBAEUS Kieffer, 1926
added by
ACOLUS Förster, 1856
HADRONOTUS Förster, 1856
MUSCIDEA Motschoulsky, 1863
PLESIOBAEUS Kieffer, 1913
Plesiobaeus hospes Kieffer, 1913
pumilio (Nees, 1834, Teleas)
divisus (Wollaston, 1858, Telenomus)
opacus (Thomson, 1859, Acolus)
basalis (Thomson, 1859, Acolus)
sagax (Kieffer, 1908, Plastogryon)
walkeri Kieffer, 1913
ACOLOIDES Howard, 1890
CERATOBAEUS Ashmead, 1893
PSEUDOBAEUS Perkins, 1910
DISSACOLUS Kieffer, 1926
MEGACOLUS Priesner, 1951
krygeri (Kieffer, 1910, Acolus)
added by
BAEONEURA Förster, 1856
PROSAPEGUS Kieffer, 1908
PARAPEGUS Kieffer, 1908
added by
added by
punctata (Kieffer, 1908, Apegus)
?minor Kozloz & Kononova, 1987
added by
OXYPHANURUS Kieffer, 1926
Anteris bicolor Kieffer, 1908
added by
ALERIA Marshall, 1874
ENNEASCELIO Kieffer, 1910
added by
NEOTHORON Masner, 1972
Distribution and synonymy from
fornicatus (Nees, 1834, Teleas)
solidus (Nees, 1834, Teleas)
gibbus Ruthe, 1859
nepea (Ferrière, 1916, Anteris)
LIMNODYTES Marchal, 1900 preocc.
Limnodytes gerriphagus Marchal, 1901
kaszabi (Szabó, 1957, Hungaroscelio)
added by
PROTELEAS Kozlov, 1961
Scelio clavicornis Latreille, 1805
longicornis (Latreille, 1806, Scelio)
myrmecobius Kieffer, 1911
TRICHASIUS Provancher, 1887
PENTACANTHA Ashmead, 1888
HOPLOGRYON Ashmead, 1893
PARAGRYON Kieffer, 1908
ALLOGRYON Kieffer, 1910
HEMIMORUS Cameron, 1912
PACHYSCELIO Risbec, 1954
Teleas aegle Walker, 1836
Paragryon algicola Kieffer, 1911
Hoplogryon angustipennis Kieffer, 1908
Hoplogryon antennalis Kieffer, 1908
Teleas apricans Walker, 1836
Teleas aratus Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon bacilliger Kieffer, 1908
Although described from Scotland by
Teleas bassus Walker, 1836
Prosacantha brevicollis Thomson, 1859
Hoplogryon cameroni Kieffer, 1908
Hoplogryon carinatus Kieffer, 1908
Hoplogryon carinifrons Kieffer, 1908
Teleas cephisus Walker, 1836
Teleas chesias Walker, 1836
Teleas chyllene Walker, 1836
Teleas elatior Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon elongatus Kieffer, 1908
Although described from probable English material by
Teleas ephippium Walker, 1836
England, Ireland
Teleas flavipes Walker, 1836
angustula (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
rufipes (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
similis (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
cursor (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
tardus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
nigerrimus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
rufimanus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
incompletus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
fimbriatus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
Teleas galba Walker, 1836
Teleas glaucus Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon halterata Kieffer, 1912
Teleas lamus Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon levigena Kieffer, 1908
Teleas lycaon Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon marshalli Kieffer, 1913
Hoplogryon micropterus Kieffer, 1908
Hoplogryon myrmecobius Kieffer, 1911
Paragryon myrmecophilus Kieffer, 1911
Gryon nanno Walker, 1836
Prosacantha nitidula Thomson, 1859
pleuralis (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon) preocc.
cursitans (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
fulvimanus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
pleuricus (Kieffer, 1910, Hoplogryon)
bohemicus Masner, 1962
Teleas ocyroe Walker, 1836
Prosacantha opaca Thomson, 1859
pedestris misident.
Prosacantha ovata Thomson, 1859
orbiculatus (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
petiolaris (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
rotundiventris (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
Teleas paula Walker, 1836
Teleas procris Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon punctatifrons Kieffer, 1908
Prosacantha puncticollis Thomson, 1859
hylanipennis (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
coxalis (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
Hoplogryon rufonotatus Kieffer, 1908
Hoplogryon sectigena Kieffer, 1908
added by
Hoplogryon striatigena Kieffer, 1908
Teleas therycides Walker, 1836
doto (Walker, 1836, Teleas)
mermerus (Walker, 1836, Teleas)
smerdis (Walker, 1836, Teleas)
pallipes (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
chloropus (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
autumnalis (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
brachyptera (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
fuscimanus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
agilis (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
microtomus (Kieffer, 1908, Hoplogryon)
Teleas timareta Walker, 1836
Hoplogryon tuberculatus Kieffer, 1908
added by
Teleas varicornis Walker, 1836
metabus (Walker, 1836, Teleas)
minor (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
grandis (Thomson, 1859, Prosacantha)
spinosa (Szépligeti, 1901, Prosacantha)
rufimanus (Kieffer, 1908, Pentacantha)
Teleas xenetus Walker, 1836
NITEOGRYON Szabó, 1966
Distribution data and synonymy from
hibernicus Mineo & O’Connor, 2009
mutator (Kononova & Kozlov, 2001, Trimorus)
added by
medon (Walker, 1836, Teleas)
curtum (Kononova & Petrov, 1999, Trimorus)
HEMISIUS Westwood, 1833
PHANURUS Thomson, 1861
DISSOLCUS Ashmead, 1893
NEONECREMNUS Brèthes, 1909
ALLOPHANURUS Kieffer, 1912
HOMOPHANURUS Kieffer, 1912
PROPHANURUS Kieffer, 1912
LIOPHANURUS Kieffer, 1912
AHOLCUS Kieffer, 1913
NANOPRIA Kieffer, 1913
NEOTELEIA Dodd, 1913
PARIDRIS Brèthes, 1917
MICROMYMAR Risbec, 1950
Teleas dalmanni Ratzeburg, 1844
orgyiae Fitch, 1865
fiskei Brues, 1910
Platytelenomus danubialis Szelényi, 1939
unilineatus (Szabó, 1975, Platytelenomus)
added by
Verrucosicephalia depressa Szabó, 1975
Added by
added by
added by
nonnitens Szabó, 1978
pappi Szabó, 1978
added by
added by
Teleas laeviusculus Ratzeburg, 1844
added by
Listed by
added by
added by
Hemisius minutus Westwood, 1833
Phanurus nitidulus Thomson, 1861
punctulatus (Ratzeburg, 1844, Teleas)
mayri (Kieffer, 1912, Prophanurus)
Teleas phalaenarum Nees, 1834
Teleas punctatissimus Ratzeburg, 1844
Phanurus tetratomus Thomson, 1861
bombycis Mayr, 1879
gracilis Mayr, 1879
verticillatus Kieffer, 1917
Teleas truncatus Nees, 1834
linnei (Nees, 1834, Teleas)
zetterstedtii (Ratzeburg, 1844, Teleas)
chloropus (Thomson, 1861, Phanurus); synonymy by
sokolowi Mayr, 1897
distribution data from
ASOLCUS Nakagawa, 1900
APHANURUS Kieffer, 1912
IMMSIA Cameron, 1912
Telenomus arminon Walker, 1838
distribution data from
Telenomus belenus Walker, 1836
Telenomus cultratus Mayr, 1879
flavipes misident.
England, ?Ireland
Added by
Asolcus davatchii Javahery, 1968
Telenomus grandis Thomson, 1861
nigripes (Thomson, 1861, Telenomus)
frontalis (Thomson, 1861, Telenomus)
nigrita (Thomson, 1861, Telenomus)
nixomartini (Javahery, 1968, Asolcus)
silwoodensis (Javahery, 1968, Asolcus)
Telenomus theste Walker, 1838
Asolcus waloffae Javahery, 1968
Nomenclature follows
OXYURUS Lamarck, 1817
BEBELUS Gistel, 1848
PROSPARASION Kieffer, 1913
frontalis Latreille, 1805
Natalie Dale-Skey kindly converted the original text files into spreadsheets for import. We are grateful to Simon van Noort for his critical review of the manuscript.
Excel version of the Platygastroidea checklist
alternative version of the Platygastroidea checklist, presented as a Word document.