Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomy & Inventories
Corresponding author: Yong Ding (, Ting-Chi Wen (
Academic editor: Olivier Raspé
Received: 03 Jan 2022 | Accepted: 02 Jun 2022 | Published: 06 Jul 2022
© 2022 Hong-De Yang, Yong Ding, Ting-Chi Wen, Kalani Kanchana Hapuarachchi, De-Ping Wei
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Yang H-D, Ding Y, Wen T-C, Hapuarachchi KK, Wei D-P (2022) Ganoderma ovisporum sp. nov. (Polyporales, Polyporaceae) from Southwest China. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e80034.
Ganoderma is a white-rot fungus with a cosmopolitan distribution and includes several economically important species. This genus has been extensively researched due to its beneficial medicinal properties and chemical constituents with potential nutritional and therapeutic values. Traditionally, species of Ganoderma were identified solely based on morphology; however, recent molecular studies revealed that many morphology-based species are conspecific. Furthermore, some type species are in poor condition, which hinders us from re-examining their taxonomic characteristics and obtaining their molecular data. Therefore, new species and fresh collections with multigene sequences are needed to fill the loopholes and to understand the biological classification system of Ganoderma.
In a survey of Ganoderma in Guizhou Province, southwest China, we found a new species growing on soil and, herein, it was identified by both morphology and phylogenetic evidence. Hence, we propose a new species, Ganoderma ovisporum sp. nov. This species is characterised by an annual, stipitate, laccate basidiome, with a red–brown to brownish-black pileus surface and pale white pores, duplex context, clavate pileipellis terminal cells, trimitic hyphal system, ellipsoid basidiospores with dark brown eusporium bearing coarse echinulae and an obtuse turgid appendix. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the novel species sisters to G. sandunense with high bootstrap support. Furthermore, the RPB2 sequence of G. sandunense is supplied for the first time. Notably, we re-examined the type specimen of G. sandunense and provide a more precise description of the duplex context, pileipellis terminal cells and basidia. All species collected are described and illustrated with coloured photographs. Moreover, we present an updated phylogeny for Ganoderma, based on nLSU, ITS, RPB2 and TEF1-α DNA sequence data and species relationships and classification are discussed.
one new species, Ganoderma, morphology, phylogeny, taxonomy
Ganodermataceae Donk is a large family of Polyporales and Ganoderma P. Karst is the most speciose genus in the family (
Ganoderma was introduced by Karsten (1881) and typified by G. lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. (syn. Polyporus lucidus; bas. Boletus lucidus Curtis), a species with stipitate and laccate white-rot Polypore fungi (
Despite their economic importance, the taxonomy of Ganoderma remains uncertain due to a slew of confusion and misconceptions. During the past several decades, many species of Ganoderma have been delimited, based on the presence of stipe, laccate or non-laccate, the context of pileus and the microscopic characteristics of basidiospores (
Ganoderma has a cosmopolitan distribution and most of the species are known from tropical and sub-tropical regions (He et al. 2019). This fungus grows as saprobes or parasites on deciduous and coniferous trees and some of them are considered as plant pathogens that cause basal stem butt rot and root rot (
Ganoderma was first reported from China by Teng (1934), with four species including G. lucidum and one variety. More than 80 species have been introduced so far and several extensive studies have been carried out to investigate Ganoderma diversity in China, with new species being introduced (
Ganoderma samples were collected from Sandong Township, Sandu Shuizu Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, China, during the rainy season of July 2020. They were dried and preserved as outlined in
Macro-morphological characteristics were described, based on dried material and the photographs provided here. Colour codes (e.g. 8E8) are from
Genomic DNA was extracted from dried specimens using an HP Fungal DNA Kit (OMEGA, USA) following the protocol of the manufacturer. PCR amplification was performed in a final volume of 50 µl reaction mixture that contained 25 µl 2x BenchTopTM Taq Master Mix (Biomigas), 19 µl distilled water, 2 µl (10 µM) of each primer and 2 µl template DNA. The large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the translation elongation factor (TEF1-α) and the RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) were amplified with primer pairs LROR/LR5 (
The raw sequences generated in this study were assembled with ChromasPro (2.1.8). Megablast analysis was conducted using the assembled ITS and RPB2 sequences as the query to check the closely-related taxa. The taxa used in our phylogenetic analysis were selected, based on megablast results and related publications (Table
The species, specimens and GenBank accession numbers of sequences used in this study
Species | Voucher | Geographic origin | GenBank accession numbers | References | |||
ITS | LSU | EF-1 | RPB2 | ||||
G. adspersum | SFC20141001-16 | Korea | KY364251 | – | KY393284 | KY393270 |
G. adspersum | SFC20160115-20 | Korea | KY364254 | – | KY393286 | KY393272 |
G. angustisporum | Cui 14578 | China | MG279171 | – | MG367564 | – |
G. angustisporum | Cui 13817 (T) | China | MG279170 | – | MG367563 | MG367507 | |
G. applanatum | SFC20150930-02 | Korea | KY364258 | – | KY393288 | KY393274 |
G. applanatum | Wei 5787a | China | KF495001 | – | KF494978 | – | GenBank |
G. aridicola | Dai 12588 (T) | Africa | KU572491 | – | KU572502 | – |
G. australe | DHCR417 (HUEFS) | Australia | MF436676 | MF436673 | MF436678 | – |
G. australe | ZRL20151500 | China | LT716076 | KY418900 | KY419088 | – |
G. boninense | WD 2085 | Japan | KJ143906 | – | KJ143925 | KJ143965 |
G. boninense | WD 2028 | Japan | KJ143905 | KU220015 | KJ143924 | – |
G. carnosum | MUCL 49464 | France | MG706220 | MG706168 | MG837838 | MG837793 | GenBank |
G. carnosum | GC011ND | Slovakia | MK415266 | MK995647 | – |
G. carocalcareum | DMC 322 (T) | Cameroon | EU089969 | – | – | – |
G. casuarinicola | Dai 16339 | China | MG279176 | – | MG367568 | MG367511 |
G. casuarinicola | Dai 16336 (T) | China | MG279173 | – | MG367565 | MG367508 |
G. chalceum | URM80457 | Brazil | JX310812 | JX310826 | – | – | GenBank |
G. concinnum | Robledo 3235 | – | MN077523 | MN077557 | – | – |
G. concinnum | Robledo 3192 | – | MN077522 | MN077556 | – | – |
G. curtisii | CBS 100131 | USA | JQ781848 | – | KJ143926 | KJ143966 |
G. curtisii | CBS 100132 | USA | JQ520164 | – | KJ143927 | KJ143967 |
G. destructans | CBS 139793 (T) | South Africa | NR_132919 | NG_058157 | – | – |
G. destructans | Dai 16431 | South Africa | MG279177 | – | MG367569 | MG367512 |
G. dianzhongense | L4331(T) | China | MW750237 | – | – | MZ467043 |
G. dianzhongense | L4737 | China | MW750238 | – | – | MW839000 |
G. ecuadorense | URM 89449 | Brazil | MK119828 | MK119908 | MK121577 | MK121535 |
G. ecuadorense | URM 89441 | Brazil | MK119827 | MK119907 | MK121576 | MK121534 |
G. eickeri | CMW50325 | Africa | MH571689 | – | MH567290 | – |
G. eickeri | CMW 49692 (T) | Africa | NR_165524 | – | – | – |
G. ellipsoideum | MFLU 19-2221 | China | MN398339 | MN428664 | MN423157 | – | GenBank |
G. ellipsoideum | GACP 14080966 (T) | China | NR_160617 | – | – | – |
G. enigmaticum | Dai 15971 | South Africa | KU572487 | – | KU572497 | MG367514 |
G. enigmaticum | Dai 15970 | South Africa | KU572486 | – | KU572496 | MG367513 |
G. esculentum | L4935 (T) | China | MW750242 | – | – | MW839004 |
G. esculentum | L4946 | China | MW750243 | – | – | – |
G. flexipes | VT17102301 | Viet Nam | MK345430 | MK346830 | – | – |
G. flexipes | Wei5491 | China | JQ781850 | – | – | KJ143968 |
G. gibbosum | SFC20150918-08 | Korea | KY364271 | – | KY393291 | KY393278 |
G. gibbosum | SFC20150918-03 | Korea | KY364270 | – | KY393290 | KY393277 |
G. hoehnelianum | Dai 11995 | China | KU219988 | KU220016 | MG367550 | MG367497 |
G. hoehnelianum | Cui 13982 | China | MG279178 | – | MG367570 | MG367515 |
G. knysnamense | CMW 47755 (T) | South Africa | NR_165523 | – | MH567261 | – |
G. knysnamense | CMW49688 | Africa | MH571683 | – | MH567266 | – |
G. leucocontextum | Dai 15601 | China | KU572485 | – | KU572495 | MG367516 |
G. leucocontextum | GDGM 40200 (T) | China | KM396272 | – | – | – |
G. lingzhi | Dai12574 (IFP) | China | KJ143908 | – | JX029977 | JX029981 |
G. lingzhi | Cui9166 | China | KJ143907 | – | JX029974 | JX029978 |
G. lobatum | JV 1008/31 | USA | KF605671 | – | MG367553 | MG367499 |
G. lobatum | JV 1008/32 | USA | KF605670 | – | MG367554 | MG367500 |
G. lucidum | BR 4195 | France | KJ143909 | – | – | KJ143969 |
G. lucidum | K 175217 | Italy | KJ143911 | – | KJ143929 | KJ143971 |
G. lucidum | Cui 14405 | China | MG279182 | – | MG367574 | MG367520 |
G. lucidum | CCBAS 707 | Europe | MG706231 | MG706177 | MG837846 | MG837805 | GenBank |
G. martinicense | UMNTN1 | USA | MG654178 | – | MG754738 | MG754860 |
G. martinicense | He 2240 | USA | MG279163 | – | MG367557 | MG367503 |
G. mbrekobenum | UMN7-4 GHA | Ghana | KX000898 | KX000899 | – | – |
G. mbrekobenum | UMN7-3 GHA | Ghana | KX000896 | KX000897 | – | – |
G. meredithiae | UMNFL50 | USA | MG654103 | – | MG754735 | MG754862 |
G. meredithiae | CBS 271.88 (T) | USA | NR_164435 | NG_067432 | – | – |
G. meredithiae | UMNFL64 | USA | MG654188 | – | MG754734 | MG754861 |
G. mexicanum | MUCL: 55832 | Martinique | MK531815 | – | MK531829 | MK531839 |
G. mexicanum | MUCL: 49453 | Martinique | MK531811 | – | MK531825 | MK531836 |
G. mizoramense | UMN-MZ5 | India | KY643751 | – | – | – |
G. mizoramense | UMN-MZ4 (T) | India | KY643750 | – | – | – |
G. multipileum | Cui 14373 | China | MG279184 | – | MG367575 | MG367521 |
G. multipileum | Dai 9447 | China | KJ143914 | – | KJ143932 | KJ143973 |
G. multiplicatum | Dai 12320 | China | KU572490 | – | KU572500 | – |
G. multiplicatum | Dai 13710 | China | KU572489 | – | KU572499 | – |
G. mutabile | Yuan2289 | China | JN383977 | – | – | – |
G. mutabile | CLZhao 982 | China | MG231527 | – | – | – |
G. nasalaense | LPDR17060212 | Laos | MK345442 | MK346832 | – | – |
G. nasalaense | GACP 17060211 (T) | Laos | NR_164048 | NG_066439 | – | – |
G. orbiforme | Cui 13880 | China | MG279187 | – | MG367577 | MG367523 |
G. orbiforme | Cui 13918 | China | MG279186 | – | MG367576 | MG367522 |
G. oregonense | JV 0108/93 | USA | KF605620 | – | MG367558 | MG367504 |
G. oregonense | CBS 265.88 | USA | JQ781875 | – | KJ143933 | KJ143974 |
G. ovisporum | HKAS123193 (T) | China | MZ519547 | MZ519545 | – | MZ547661 | This study |
G. ovisporum | GACP20071602 | China | MZ519548 | MZ519546 | – | MZ547662 | This study |
G. perzonatum | URM 89437 | Brazil | MK119830 | – | MK121579 | – |
G. perzonatum | SP445990 | Brazil | KJ792750 | – | – | – | GenBank |
G. pfeifferi | LGAM 336-ACAM DD2118 | Greece | MG706232 | MG706178 | MG837847 | MG837806 | GenBank |
G. pfeifferi | Dai 12683 | Greece | MG279165 | – | MG367560 | – |
G. philippii | Cui 14444 | China | MG279189 | – | MG367579 | MG367525 |
G. philippii | MFLU 19-2223 | Thailand | MN401411 | MN398327 | MN423175 | – | GenBank |
G. podocarpense | QCAM6422 | Ecuador | MF796661 | MF796660 | – | – | GenBank |
G. polychromum | 330OR | USA | MG654196 | – | MG754742 | – |
G. polychromum | UMNOR3 | USA | MG654204 | – | MG754744 | – |
G. ravenelii | MS187FL | USA | MG654211 | – | MG754745 | MG754865 |
G. ravenelii | 150FL | USA | MG654207 | – | – | – |
G. resinaceum | MUCL: 38956 | Netherlands | MK554772 | – | MK554723 | MK554747 |
G. resinaceum | MUCL: 52253 | France | MK554786 | – | MK554737 | MK554764 |
G. ryvardenii | GanoTK41 | Cameroon | JN105699 | – | – | – |
G. ryvardenii | GanoTK43 | Cameroon | JN105695 | – | – | – |
G. sandunense | GACP18012502 | China | MK345451 | – | – | MZ547664 |
G. sandunense | GACP18012501 (T) | China | NR_164049 | – | – | MZ547663 |
G. sessile | 228DC | USA | MG654319 | – | MG754750 | MG754869 |
G. sessile | JV 1209/27 | USA | KF605630 | – | KJ143937 | KJ143976 |
G. shandongense | Dai 15791 | China | MG279192 | – | MG367582 | MG367528 |
G. shandongense | Dai 15787 | China | MG279191 | – | MG367581 | MG367527 |
G. shanxiense | HSA 539 | China | MK764269 | – | – | MK789681 |
G. shanxiense | BJTC FM423 (T) | China | MK764268 | – | MK783937 | MK783940 |
G. sichuanense | CGMCC 5.2175 (T) | China | NR_152892 | – | – | KC662404 |
G. sinense | Cui 13835 | China | MG279193 | – | MG367583 | MG367530 |
G. sinense | Wei 5327 | China | KF494998 | KF495008 | KF494976 | MG367529 |
G. steyaertanum | 6-WN-16(M)-A | Indonesia | KJ654461 | – | – | – |
G. steyaertanum | V-64-3 | Indonesia | KJ654433 | – | – | – |
G. stipitatum | MUCL: 52655 | French Guiana | MK554770 | – | MK554717 | MK554755 |
G. stipitatum | MUCL: 43863 | Cuba | MK554769 | – | MK554739 | MK554745 |
G. subamboinense | UMNFL100 | USA | MG654373 | – | MG754762 | – |
G. subamboinense | SPC1 | Brazil | KU569546 | KU570945 | – | – | |
G. tenue | GTEN24-1 | China | DQ424977 | – | – | – | GenBank |
G. tenue | GTEN24-2 | China | DQ424978 | – | – | – | GenBank |
G. thailandicum | HKAS 104641a | Thailand | MK848682 | MK849880 | MK875830 | MK875832 |
G. thailandicum | HKAS 104640a (T) | Thailand | MK848681 | MK849879 | MK875829 | MK875831 |
G. tropicum | Dai 16434 | China | MG279194 | – | MG367585 | MG367532 |
G. tropicum | KUMCC 18–0046a | Thailand | MH823539 | – | – | MH883621 |
G. tsugae | Cui 14112 | China | MG279196 | – | MG367587 | MG367534 |
G. tsugae | Dai 12760 | USA | KJ143920 | – | KJ143940 | KJ143978 |
G. tuberculosum | UMNFL117 | USA | MG654359 | – | MG754771 | – |
G. tuberculosum | 233FL | USA | MG654367 | – | – | MG754873 |
G. weberianum | CBS 219.36 | Philippines | MH855780 | MH867289 | MK611974 | MK611972 |
G. weberianum | CBS 128581 | Taiwan | MH864975 | MH876427 | MK636693 | MK611971 |
G. weixiensis | HKAS 100649 (T) | China | NR_166271 | NG_067863 | MK302442 | – |
G. weixiensis | HKAS100650 | China | MK302445 | MK302447 | MK302443 | – |
G. wiiroense | UMN-21-GHA | Ghana | KT952363 | KT952364 | – | – | |
G. wiiroense | MIN 938704 (T) | Ghana | NR_158480 | NG_064392 | – | – |
G. williamsianum | Dai 16809 | Thailand | MG279183 | – | MG367588 | MG367535 |
G. williamsianum | Wei 5032 | China | KU219994 | KU220024 | – | – |
G. zonatum | FL-03 | USA | KJ143922 | – | KJ143942 | KJ143980 |
G. zonatum | FL-02 | USA | KJ143921 | – | KJ143941 | KJ143979 |
Foraminispora concentrica | Cui 12644 (T) | China | NR_158325 | NG_064396 | MK121561 | MK121499 |
F. yinggelingensis | Cui 13618 (T) | China | NR_174805 | MK119900 | MK121570 | MK121536 |
Basidiome annual, stipitate, corky, strongly laccate, becoming lighter when dry. Pileus 3 × 5 cm, up to 0.9 cm thick at the base, applanate, subreniform, upper surface red-brown (8E8) when fresh, becoming brownish-black (6C8) when dry, with slightly concentrically sulcate, radially rugose, irregularly tuberculate bumps and ridges overlying the context. Margin is slightly obtuse, yellow-brown (5D8) or concolorous with the pileus. Pore surface pale white (4A2). Pores nearly round to round, 3–4 per mm, dissepiments thin to slightly thick. Context up to 0.3 cm thick, corky, homogeneous at the periphery, becoming three-layered towards the centre, upper layer creamy-white (6E4), middle layer pale brown (6E4), lower layer brown (6D1), without concentric growth zone, black melanoid band absent. There is a line of independent or confluent, laterally arranged tubes inserted between the upper and middle layers of the context. Tubes up to 0.6 cm long, brownish (6E7). Stipe slightly darker than pileus, lateral, subcylindrical, 4-7 cm long, up to 1 cm in diam. Basidia not observed. Basidiospores (12.5–)13.0–13.5–15.0(–15.5) × (9.0–)9.5–10.0–10.5(–11.5) μm (Qm = 1.3, Q = 1.0–1.7,n = 30, with myxosporium), ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, ovoid, brown, double-walled, with a dark brown eusporium bearing coarse echinulae and an obtuse turgid appendix, overlaid by a hyaline, smooth myxosporium. Pileipellis hymeniodermiformic, yellowish-brown, terminal cells clavate, entire, brown (5D6), thick-walled, hollow, 18–29 × 6–11 μm. Hyphal system trimitic, generative hyphae 3.5–6 μm in diam., hyaline, colourless, thin-walled with clamp connections; skeletal hyphae 3–6 μm in diam., thick-walled to nearly solid, sometimes branched; binding hyphae 1.5–3 μm in diam., thick-walled, nearly solid, colourless (Fig.
Ganoderma ovisporum (HKAS123193, holotype). a–b Basidiome; c Pileus; d Pore surface; e Pores; f Sections of pileus; g–i Pileipellis terminal cell; j–m Basidiospores; n Skeletal hyphae; o Generative hyphae; p Binding hyphae. Scale bars: g = 50 µm; h–i = 30 µm; j–m = 10 µm; n = 100 µm; o = 10 µm; p = 100 µm.
Referring to the ovoid basidiospores.
Ganoderma ovisporum clusters with G. sandunense in the multigene phylogenetic tree (Fig. 3), the former is similar to the latter by having 98% and 97% homology in ITS and RPB2 sequence data, respectively. These two species are similar in having wide ovoid basidiospores and inhabiting deciduous coniferous mixed forests. However, G. ovisporum differs from G. sandunense in having inconspicuously concentric rings near the pileus margin, lateral stipe and shorter pileipellis terminal cells (18–29 × 6–11 μm), while conspicuously concentric zones and vertically-arranged ridges or grooves, central stipe and longer pileipellis terminal cells (50–95 × 8–13.5 μm) have been observed in the latter. By considering both phylogenetic evidence and morphological observations, we conclude our collection is a new species in Ganoderma.
Basidiome annual, stipitate, corky, strongly laccate. Pileus hemispherical, projecting 8 cm, up to 4 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick. Pileal surface reddish-black (8E8) to brownish-black (6C8), with distinctly concentrically sulcate, vertically-arranged ridges or grooves. Margin obtuse, concolorous with the pileus. Pore surface whitish-yellow (4A2) to light brown (6D4). Pores nearly circular, 3–5 per mm, dissepiments thin. Context up to 0.5 cm thick, inconspicuous triplex, fawn (5C5) to creamy-white (5A1) to dark brown (5E6), without concentric growth zone, black melanoid band absent. There is a line of independent or confluent, laterally-arranged tubes inserted between the upper and middle layer of the context. Tubes up to 1.2 cm long, dark brown (7F8). Stipe slightly darker than pileus, central, subcylindrical, up to 8 cm, 0.5 cm in diam. Basidia broadly ellipsoid, 21–25.5 × 13.5–17.5 μm, with four sterigmata. Basidiospores (12.3–)13.2–13.7–14.2(–15.7) × (9.0–)10–10.3–10.6(–12.5) μm (Qm = 1.3, Q = 1.0–1.7, n = 30, with myxosporium), ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, brown (7E5). Pileipellis cells clavate like, entire, brownish-orange (5C5), 50–95 × 8–13.5 μm. Hyphal system trimitic, generative hyphae 4-6 μm in diam., hyaline, colourless, thin-walled with clamp connections; skeletal hyphae 3.5–6 μm in diam., thick-walled to nearly solid, sometimes branched; binding hyphae 1-2 μm in diam., thick-walled, nearly solid, colourless (Fig.
Ganoderma sandunense (GACP18012501, holotype). a Basidiome; b Pore surface; c Sections of pileus; d–e Pileipellis terminal cell; f Basidia; g–j Basidiospores; k Skeletal hyphae and binding hyphae; l Generative hyphae; m Binding hyphae. Scale bars: d–e= 50 μm; f–h = 20 μm; i–j = 10 μm; k = 100 μm; l–m = 50 μm.
Ganoderma sandunense was introduced by
Keys to 22 species of laccate Ganoderma species in China |
1 | Distributed in China with gymnosperms as substrates | G. tsugae |
– | Distributed in China with angiosperms as substrates | 2 |
2 | Basidiome sessile | 3 |
– | Basidiome stipitate to substipitate | 5 |
3 | Pileipellis terminal cells regular, clavate, occasionally with blunt outgrowth and protuberance, context present melanoid bands, basidiospores 8–12 × 3.8–5.2 µm | G. angustisporum |
– | Pileipellis terminal cells are irregular, mainly composed of clavate cells or branched cells with blunt outgrowths in the lateral part or protuberances in the apical | 4 |
4 | Melanoid bands absent in the context, concentric growth zones present in the context, basidiospores 9.2–12 × 6.8–8.4 μm | G. mutabile |
– | Melanoid bands present in the context, concentric growth zones absent in the context, basidiospores 8–13.5 × 4.2–6.3 μm | G. boninense |
5 | Distributed in tropical regions | 6 |
– | Distributed mainly in temperate regions | 8 |
6 | Basidiome notably with a long, lateral stipe, pileus smaller, basidiospores with coarsely echinulate, 8.5–11 × 5–7 μm | G. flexipes |
– | Basidiome stipitate to substipitate, pileus dimidiate, mostly large | 7 |
7 | Pileus single or occasionally composed of many small pilei, concentric growth zones present in the context, basidiospores with fine and long echinulate, 8–11.3 × 5–12.8 μm | G. multipileum |
– | Pileus is mostly single, concentric growth zones absent in the context, basidiospores with coarse and short echinulae, 8.5–12.5 × 5.5–7.5 μm | G. orbiforme |
8 | Context nearly homogeneous to homogeneous | 9 |
– | Context duplex to triplex | 12 |
9 | Pileus context white, pore surface white to cream, basidiospores 9.5–12.5 × 7–9 μm | G. leucocontextum |
– | Pileus context brownish to brown or darker | 10 |
10 | Pileipellis terminal cells are mostly irregular, context present melanoid bands and concentric growth zones, basidiospores 10.8–13.1 × 8.3–11 μm | G. tropicum |
– | Pileipellis terminal cells regular, cylindrical to clavate, context absent melanoid bands | 11 |
11 | Inhabiting deciduous forests, basidiospores ellipsoid, normally with an orderly arranged echinulae, basidiospores 10.7–12.8 × 7.0–9.0 μm | G. sinense |
– | Inhabiting bamboo forests | 12 |
12 | Pileipellis terminal cells 35–65 × 8–16 μm, basidiospores 11–12.5 × 6.5–7.5 μm | G. bambusicola |
– | Pileipellis terminal cells 20–55 × 10–15 μm, basidiospores 8.0–12.5 × 5.0–8.0 μm | G. esculentum |
13 | Chlamydospores present in the context, basidiospores 7.8–10.4 × 5.2–6.4 μm | G. weberianum |
– | Chlamydospores absent in context | 14 |
14 | Basidiospores < 8 μm in width and < 12 μm in length | 15 |
– | Basidiospores > 8 μm in width and > 9 μm in length | 17 |
15 | Basidiome corky, context soft, pores 2–4 per mm, pileipellis terminal cells regular, clavate, 20‒35 × 10‒12 μm, basidiospores 5.7‒8.3 × 2.6‒4.6 μm | G. weixiensis |
– | Basidiome corky to woody, context firm, pores 4–6 per mm, pileipellis terminal cells occasional with outgrowths | 16 |
16 | Growing on living trees of Casuarina equisetifolia, pileipellis terminal cells 40–70 × 5–13 µm, basidiospores 8.3–11.5 × 4.5–7 µm | G. casuarinicola |
– | Growing on deciduous trees, pileipellis terminal cells 20–40 × 7–15 μm, basidiospores 7–9.3 × 4.6–6.8 μm | G. lingzhi |
17 | Basidiospores ellipsoid, with sinuous ridge-like echinulae, 12.3–13.8 × 8.5–9.8 μm | G. lucidum |
– | Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid, with coarse echinulae and an obtuse turgid appendix | 18 |
18 | Context brown to dark brown | 19 |
– | Context greyish-white to fawn brown | 20 |
19 | Pores 4–5 per mm, pileipellis terminal cells 25–30 × 7.5–8.5 μm, basidiospores 11.0–13.0 × 8.0–9.5 μm | G. shanxiense |
– | Pores 5–8 per mm, pileipellis terminal cells 20–45 × 5.5–7.5 μm, basidiospores 9.0–12.5 × 6.5–9.0 μm | G. dianzhongense |
20 | Distributed in Shandong Province, pileipellis terminal cells 17–25 × 4.5–7.5 μm, basidiospores 9‒13 × 6‒9 μm | G. shandongense |
– | Distributed in Guizhou Province | 21 |
21 | Basidiome with a central stipe, pileipellis terminal cells 50–95 × 8–13.5 μm, basidiospores 12.3–15.7 × 9.1–12.0 μm | G. sandunense |
– | Basidiome with a lateral stipe, pileipellis terminal cells 18–29 × 6–11 μm, basidiospores 12.5–15.5 × 9.0–11.5 μm | G. ovisporum |
Eight sequences of ITS, LSU and RPB2 were successfully amplified, but we failed to obtain the TEF1-α sequence from the two specimens HKAS123193 and GACP20071602. The newly-generated sequences and sequences from GenBank represented 132 specimens from 66 species, of which 21 were the type. The combined alignment of sequences comprised 3028 characters of 606, 1020, 809, 593 belonging to TEF1-α, RPB2, ITS and LSU, respectively. The final ML optimisation log-likelihood was -17354.28. The Bayesian Inference stopped at 2915000 generations when the average standard deviation of split frequencies reached 0.009904. The tree topologies derived from ML and BY were identical. Therefore, only the ML tree is shown (Fig.
Phylogram for Ganoderma generated from Maximum Likelihood analysis of ITS, LSU, TEF1-α and RPB2 sequence data. Bootstrap support values for Maximum Likelihood and maximum parsimony greater than 70% and posterior probabilities of Bayesian Inference ≥ 0.95 are given above branches. Type specimens are marked with letter (T) and new species in this study are indicated in red.
In this study, both phylogeny and morphology support G. ovisporum as a new species. Morphologically, it resembles other dark-coloured, laccate, stipitate Ganoderma species. However, it can be distinguished by having larger (12.5–15.5 × 9.0–11.5 μm), wide ovoid, dark brown-pigmented basidiospores. It is mostly similar to G. sandunense in having brownish-black pileus and similarly-sized basidiospores, as well distribution in Guizhou Province (
Ganoderma was extensively researched by the Chinese because it applied to medicine and food, together with the symbolic happiness and immortality culture, those being recognised as long as 2,000 years ago (
Ganoderma could originate from Southeast Asia and later dispersal to the Northern Hemispheres, the Southern Hemispheres and the neotropics before 30 Mya years, during which species radiation and diversification events happened (
This work was financed by the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (KY [2018]039 and No. [2019]2451-3) and by the Open Fund Project of Key Laboratory of Forest Biotechnology in Yunnan, Southwest Forestry University, China (51700201). The authors are very grateful to Professor Xing-Liang Wu for his valuable comments and suggestions.