Biodiversity Data Journal :
Software Description
Corresponding author: Petr Novotný (
Academic editor: Quentin Groom
Received: 06 Jan 2022 | Accepted: 14 Mar 2022 | Published: 01 Apr 2022
© 2022 Petr Novotný, Josef Brůna, Milan Chytrý, Vojtěch Kalčík, Zdeněk Kaplan, Tomáš Kebert, Martin Rohn, Marcela Řezníčková, Milan Štech, Jan Wild
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Novotný P, Brůna J, Chytrý M, Kalčík V, Kaplan Z, Kebert T, Rohn M, Řezníčková M, Štech M, Wild J (2022) Pladias platform: Technical description of the database structure. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e80167.
Digitising and aggregating local floristic data is a critical step in the study of biodiversity. The integrative web-based platform Pladias, designed to cover a wide range of data on vascular plants, was recently developed in the Czech Republic. The combination of occurrence data with species characteristics opens many opportunities for data analysis and synthesis.
This article describes the relational structure of the Pladias database service (PladiasDB) and the context of the platform architecture. The structure is relatively complex, as our goal was to cover: (i) species occurrence records, including their management, validation and export of revised species distribution maps, (ii) data on species characteristics with quality control tools using defined data types and (iii) separate user interfaces (UI) for professionals and the general public. We discuss the approaches chosen to model individual elements in PladiasDB and summarise the experience gained during the first five years of operation of the Pladias platform.
botany, Czech Republic, database, flora, occurrence, plant, relational database model, species, trait, tree hierarchy, vegetation
A new botanical database platform called Pladias has recently been established in the Czech Republic. It aggregates data on spontaneously occurring vascular plants, including species occurrence records from a dozen institutional data providers and hundreds of scientists and hobby botanists (
The Czech Republic has a long history of botanical research (
The creation of biological databases is a relatively common component of scientific projects, but it is often associated with subsequent problems. More than half of core biological databases face financial difficulties (
In designing the Pladias database, we considered the following key elements:
Some of these design requirements differ from the principles accepted in the Biodiversity Information Standards data model (
The aim of this article is to describe the internal structure of PladiasDB and to identify and discuss specific solutions to problems commonly encountered in biodiversity databases. We focus on the PladiasDB data schema, which is an expression of the general concept of the database and can serve as inspiration for further work.
Database of botanical biodiversity at the national scale (Czech Republic).
The Pladias platform consists of several interconnected services designed as a web application. The public interface is based on the Nette framework (PHP) and is available at (Fig.
Pladias platform infrastructure. PladiasDB is stored on two servers with streaming replication to optimise server load. Data are edited through the web application. Low-level read-only access is available to researchers via a direct connection to a secondary database server. Logos are the property of their respective owners. Sources:,_2017.svg,,
More than 80 tables of PladiasDB are divided into five table schemas: atlas, geodata, measurements, pladias_functions and public. The table schemas are based on content unity or as a separate functional unit within the platform. We use materialised views for computationally intensive operations, in particular the data for Geoserver are preprocessed and recomputed once a day.
The full SQL schema and the ER diagram showing the relationships amongst described tables are published online in the Git repository at (
Schema 1: atlas
Schema atlas is a core for storing occurrence data. Data are imported as Excel files from specific sources (atlas.projects), resulting in the creation of a batch (atlas.batch). Any errors found by automatic checkpoints are reported to the user in the form of annotated Excel files (atlas.excel). Data that pass validation checkpoints are stored as species occurrence records (atlas.records). The import only allows records with a point location and is linked to the quadrant of the basic fields of the Mapping of the Flora of Central Europe (
The remaining tables relate to record management and preparation of final versions of distribution maps for professional publications (e.g.
Schema 2: geodata
Spatial data, except for the location of species occurrence records, are stored immutably in the geodata schema. The main code lists are the basic fieds ("squares") and quadrants (geodata.squares_full+quadrants_full) of the Mapping of the Flora of Central Europe, the phytogeographical division of the Czech Republic by
The administrative division of the country is a hierarchical list, similar to other lists in PladiasDB, for example, the lists of taxa and syntaxa (see Schema 5 public). Four approaches are generally used to store the tree structure in relational databases (
Nested set hierarchy model. Left and right attributes (in blue) are used to model the hierarchy of taxa A, B, C and D. These two attributes result from a pre-ordered (visiting the current node before traversing subtrees), depth-first (the tree walking is deepened as much as possible before going to the next sibling node) tree traversal. Such a traversal is topologically sorted, i.e. these two attributes store the tree structure and also the order of sibling nodes like order of species of the same genus. As a result of omitting recursive process, read queries are effective in this hierarchy model. For example, to obtain all the subordinate taxa of taxon A, we search for taxa that have left > 1 and right < 8 regardless of the size of the subtree.
For reading efficiency, a redundant attribute depth can be added to describe the level of the hierarchy. Here, taxon A has a depth of 1 and taxon D has a depth of 3.
The third point is very important. Exports of tables, such as taxon checklists, include the key columns (lft, rgt, depth, e.g. geodata.districts table) describing the taxon hierarchy so that users can work independently with the hierarchy in a simple spreadsheet.
Schema 3: measurements
Besides the occurrence data, the second essential part of the database is the module containing plant characteristics (traits, environmental associations and other information). These data are stored in the measurements schema. Each characteristic is represented in the database by an envelope called feature (measurements.features) with metadata, such as measurement units or accepted values. The import is done by the user in the form of an Excel file and, after validation, forms a separate set of characteristics (measurements.traits), i.e. metadata of a particular import. The actual data on plant characteristics are stored in tables (measurements.data_ *), depending on the data type (measurements.datatypes).
To fill in missing values, we use the taxonomic tree (see
Data reproducibility is important for practical scientific use of stored data, but in shared databases, data on plant characteristics are constantly being corrected and added. Several times we used the low-level approach of creating a snapshot of the entire database and storing it as a reference state for a particular analysis, but we have reached the limits of this approach. The snapshot of the database contains complete data, including users' contacts, their activities and other data that would need to be deleted before providing them for peer-reviews. Not only the stored data, but also partial changes in the database structure evolve, complicating automated processes in creating the snapshots described above. For data on plant characteristics, we therefore created the table trait_export_snapshots, which stores the complete data in a 2D structure with an annotation to which analysis the snapshot belongs. The snapshots are saved as an Excel file and made available to researchers via the web application.
Schema 4: pladias_functions
The pladias_functions schema provides a repository of PL/SQL functions implemented to work with data, mainly for administration, technical management and data mining. Although the functions always work with a particular table, the context of their calls is highly variable. A clear separation of the functions into isolated schemas facilitates the overview of the implemented functionality.
At the moment, all functions are dedicated to processing the Nested Set hierarchy in taxa and partially in syntaxa. The only table in this schema, pladias_functions.mptt_taxons_errors stores error messages for these functions.
Schema 5: public
The default PostgreSQL schema is used to store the core lists of the entire platform – data tables for user accounts, checklists of taxa (public.taxons) and syntaxa (public.syntaxons) including their associated data structures. Both checklists use the Nested Set structure to store the hierarchy, as described above in the geodata schema. The table names (public.taxons/syntaxons) intentionally use a grammatically incorrect form of the plural to follow the convention used for table names derived from the object in the application layer with the suffix "s". Therefore, we ignore irregular plural forms, such as taxa or syntaxa.
Taxon and syntaxon checklists are mandatory and no alternative concepts are allowed. This standardisation allows for efficient data management, which is particularly necessary because of the relational link to plant characteristics data at the database layer. To solve the issue of occasional changes in taxon names and delimitations, we adopted a synonym-derived solution. We arrange names representing different concepts in the table public.synonyms, which links names in the checklist with nomenclatural synonyms and names of taxa in different delimitations as adopted in important botanical monographs of the study area.
Some of the data stored in PladiasDB are original data, but most come from partially-aggregated sources (see
The SQL structure of PladiasDB is licensed under
MIT Licence
Copyright (c) 2022 Pladias
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealing with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense and/or sell copies of the Software and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
PladiasDB table description
Tables that model basic objects are named with the plural form of the entity name. Tables modelling M:N (many-to-many) relationships use the naming convention "table1_table2". The SourceSQL code, the ER diagram and additional information are published in the Git repository.
schema atlas (Table
Database tables stored in the atlas schema. Counts of table rows as of 1 December 2021.
Name | Description | Count of columns | Count of rows |
authors | persons who recorded plant occurrence in the field | 4 | 14,283 |
batch | metadata of the occurrence data import batch | 6 | 18,503 |
comments | users' comments on species occurrence records | 11 | 25,647 |
csv_map_details | additional information used for map rendering in the map publishing workflow | 6 | 941 |
excel | Excel files containing original species occurrence records (validated/imported) | 9 | 17,452 |
herbariums | list of excerpted herbaria | 13 | 267 |
institutions_users | administrator of a cooperating institution | 2 | 0 |
pdf_map | PDF files containing distribution maps generated for use in printed publications | 6 | 2,651 |
projects | set of batches/species occurrence records sharing the same source of funding or licensing conditions | 6 | 15 |
projects_users | users allowed to import within a project | 3 | 230 |
record_originality_status | list of states for species occurrence records' originality status | 4 | 4 |
record_validation_status | list of states for species occurrence records' validity status | 4 | 4 |
records | species occurrence records | 40 | 13,635,402 |
records_authors | M:N link table | 3 | 13,333,320 |
records_herbariums | M:N link table | 2 | 506,159 |
records_history | log of any editing of species occurrence records after importing into the application | 9 | 5,051,082 |
records_quadrants |
M:N link table; Pladias allows old species occurrence records to be stored with inaccurate original locations by linking them to multiple adjacent quadrants. However, for ordinary users, the application layer only allows the import of point records, for which the linkage to the quadrant is calculated automatically |
2 | 13,543,850 |
records_squares |
M:N link table; see above table public.records_quadrants |
2 | 38,604 |
taxon_mapsettings | settings and progress in the map publishing workflow | 16 | 5,673 |
taxon_mapsettings_publication | list of available states of progress in the map publication | 2 | 5 |
taxon_mapsettings_revision | list of available states of progress in the map revision | 2 | 7 |
taxons_users |
M:N link table; the assigned user is a map administrator of the taxon, including all of its hierarchically subordinated taxa, an has the right to determine validation status and change the taxon identification |
3 | 1,413 |
users_comments | users being not asssigned as a map administrator can only comment on species occurrence records and propose changes for the revisers | 2 | 4,925 |
schema geodata (Table
Database tables stored in the geodata schema. Counts of table rows as of 1 December 2021.
Name | Description | Count of columns | Count of rows |
districts | administrative division of the Czech Republic | 12 | 41,916 |
districts_depth | list of available states for administrative district hierarchy level | 3 | 8 |
phytochorions | phytogeographical districts of the Czech Republic | 7 | 215 |
phytochorions_outside_cz | approximation of phytogeographical division outside the country borders | 4 | 89 |
quadrants_full | grid of mapping quadrants | 10 | 40,000 |
regions | polygons of regions for specific projects | 6 | 2 |
squares_full | grid of basic mapping fields ("squares") | 4 | 10,000 |
schema measurements (Table
Database tables stored in the measurements schema. Counts of table rows as of 1 December 2021.
Name | Description | Count of columns | Count of rows |
data_boolean | data on plant characteristics with Boolean data type | 4 | 59,957 |
data_comment | pseudo-values for data on plant characteristics allowing comments on all data types | 4 | 0 |
data_enum | data on plant characteristics with nominal or ordinal data types | 8 | 10,296,633 |
data_enum_syntaxons | data on plant characteristics with specific data type that contains linking to the public.syntaxons table | 7 | 37,688 |
data_integer | data on plant characteristics with numeric data types | 6 | 196,510 |
data_interval_avg | extension of the previous numeric data type used for storing a broader set of values | 9 | 165,804 |
data_month | data on plant characteristics with month data type | 6 | 9,603 |
data_occurrence_frequency | data on species characteristics generated based on species occurrence records from the atlasmodule | 6 | 27,792 |
data_percentage | data on plant characteristics with percentage data type | 4 | 48,188 |
data_real | data on plant characteristics with decimal number values | 4 | 53,514 |
data_real_multi | data on plant characteristics with decimal number values and multiplicit values per taxon | 5 | 287,866 |
data_taxon_taxon_real | data on plant characteristics with data type storing numeric (real) value for a set of two taxa | 5 | 129,476 |
data_unmeasurable | pseudo-values for data on plant characteristics allowing to mark values that are not measurable in the given context (for example, flower colour for ferns) | 3 | 2,820 |
data_year | data on plant characteristics with year datatype | 7 | 1,996 |
datatypes | list of implemented data types for data on plant characteristics | 13 | 14 |
enumerates | metadata for nominal or ordinal lists of available values | 6 | 104 |
enumerates_values | list of available values for nominal or ordinal data types | 9 | 1,044 |
features | metadata for plant characteristics | 25 | 291 |
inheritances | list of implemented inheritances, i.e. mechanisms for transferring values across a taxonomic tree | 4 | 11 |
sections | hierarchical structure of features | 10 | 38 |
trait_export_snapshots | storage for backups of data on plant characteristics used for reproducibility of analysis, flattened into a 2D structure and Excel file format | 5 | 11 |
trait_visibility_status | list of available states for availability of data on plant characteristics in various export/publishing services of the Pladias platform | 3 | 3 |
traits | metadata of specific series of data on plant characteristics | 14 | 400 |
units | list of available units of measurement | 6 | 16 |
schema pladias_functions (Table
PL/pgSQL functions in the pladias_functions schema. See Git repository for input/output parameters.
Name of the function | Description |
descendant_taxon() | provides the entire subtree of the taxon, including itself |
get_parents_if_singleton() | recursive function that returns a continuous series of parent taxa that are monotypic |
get_taxon_cloud() | aggregates descendant_taxon() and get_parents_if_singleton() function results; used for rendering maps of taxa aggregating records with different level of identification accuracy |
mptt_syntaxons_appendchild() | add new syntaxon |
mptt_taxons_appendchild() | add new taxon |
mptt_taxons_delete_leaf() | delete taxon with no subordinate taxa |
mptt_taxons_delete_subtree() | delete taxon and its subordinate taxa |
mptt_taxons_get_depth() | numeric approach to reach depth of tree |
mptt_taxons_get_error_code() | help for error messaging when using PL/pgSQL functions |
mptt_taxons_move_subtree_before() | change the order of taxa belonging to a specific node. This function is used when changing the order of species listing inside one genus or other taxon; the parent (genus) remains the same, but the tree must be recalculated to change the order of species |
mptt_taxons_move_subtree_real() | move a taxon subtree within a specific node; this function allows rebuilding the taxon tree by moving a taxon and all its subtaxa to a new parent (hierarchically superior taxon) |
mptt_taxons_repair_depth() | recalculation of taxon nodes' depth |
schema public (Table
Database tables stored in the public schema. Counts of table rows as of 1 December 2021.
Name | Description | Count of columns | Count of rows |
downloads | static data provided in the web application | 11 | 3 |
institutions | institutions providing the plant occurrence data | 4 | 11 |
licenses | list of available licences for species occurrence records | 3 | 6 |
publications | essential recent overview publications on the Czech flora | 10 | 5 |
syntaxon_ranks | list of syntaxon hierarchy levels | 5 | 5 |
syntaxons | core hierarchical list of syntaxa | 33 | 674 |
taxon_ranks | list of taxon hierarchy levels | 10 | 58 |
taxons | core hierarchical list of taxa | 18 | 6,948 |
taxons_synonyms | taxon synonyms and invalidated taxon concept crosswalks mapped to the public.publications | 7 | 18,485 |
user_activities | list of logged activities | 2 | 21 |
user_activity_log | logging users' activity storage | 7 | 4,170,445 |
user_settings | users' individual settings for web application | 3 | 7,541 |
users | web application users | 15 | 232 |
The institutions forming the Pladias consortium include the Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University; Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia. The development of the Pladias database was funded by the Centre of Excellence PLADIAS, project no. 14-36079G from the Czech Science Foundation. JB, JW, VK and ZK were also supported by the long-term research development project no. RVO 67985939 from the Czech Academy of Sciences.