Biodiversity Data Journal : Taxonomic Paper
Taxonomic Paper
First record of Phanuropsis laniger Johnson in Brazil and first record of P. semiflaviventris Girault in Amazonas (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) with notes of their hosts, stink-bugs of cupuaçu
expand article infoThiago Mahlmann, Bruno G Oliveira
‡ Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil
Open Access



We report the first record and collection of Phanuropsis laniger Johnson, 1987, for Brazil since its original description. In addition we expand the distribution of Phanuropsis semiflaviventris Girault, 1916, for Amazonas, Brazil and present an updated list of records for both species with the occurrence of P. semiflaviventris in egg of stink-bugs on cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum).

New information

First record of Phanuropsis laniger Johnson, 1987, for Brazil. We also expanded the distribution of Phanuropsis semiflaviventris Girault, 1916, for the state of Amazonas, Brazil


Antiteuchus, Parasitoid, Telenominae, Theobroma grandiflorum


The Neotropical genus Phanuropsis Girault (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) is represented by two species: Phanuropsis semiflaviventris Girault, 1916, and Phanuropsis laniger Johnson, 1987 (Hymenoptera Online, various contributors 2016). The most common species is P. semiflaviventris which can be found from Belize to southern Brazil (Oliveira 2016). Phanuropsis laniger is rarely collected, until now known only from two localities in Colombia and Peru.

Host associations are known for both species (Hymenoptera Online, various contributors 2016) in which P. semiflaviventris was found in association mainly with Antiteuchus Dallas (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and P. laniger was associated only with Edessa Fabricius (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Relationships with species and their hosts can support additional information on behavior from species also facilitating future collections.

The objective of this work was to report the first occurrence of P. laniger in Brazil with the first collection after its description. In addition we report the first record of P. semiflaviventris for Amazonas, Brazil updating the occurrence with some notes on the parasitism in eggs of stink-bugs on “cupuaçu” (Theobroma grandiflorum)

Materials and methods

The collections were taken at different times in 2014-2015 at natural vegetation areas containing "cupuaçu trees" (Theobroma grandiflorum) of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), located in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil (3°5'45.80"S; 59°59'21.86"W). Cupuaçu trees canopies were sampled randomly seeking for ovipositions of Hemiptera. Egg masses with signs of parasitism were collected and held in an incubator with temperature of 25ºC ±1, humidity of 70% ±5 and photo period of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark until the emergence of adults. After the emergency the insects were killed and mounted for identification. The specimens of Phanuropsis were identified based on the diagnosis of the genera and by the discussion presented by Johnson 1987). Photos were sent to Lubomir Masner to confirm our identification.

Photomicrographs were prepared using a LeicaM205C stereomicroscope coupled with a Leica DFC295 and a Leica Application Suite V4.1 Interactive Measurements, Montage. All the material is deposited at Invertebrates Collection of INPA.

Taxon treatments

Phanuropsis laniger Johnson, 1987


This species is so far known from Colombia and Peru (Johnson 1987) and is a new record for Brazil (Table 1).

Table 1.

List of species of Phanuropsis Girault occurring in Brazil, including regions and the states where they were collected.





P. semiflaviventris



Mahlmann & Oliveira (present study)*


Hymenoptera Online, various contributors (2016)



Loiácono and Margaría (2002)


Paz-Neto et al. (2015)

Southeast Espírito Santo Azevedo et al. 2015

Rio de Janeiro

Santos and Albuquerque (2001)

São Paulo

Johnson 1987

P. laniger



Mahlmann & Oliveira (present study)*

* new record

Phanuropsis semiflaviventris Girault, 1916


This species is so far known from Central America (Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama) and South AmericaI (Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname and Brazil). In Brazil is a new record for Amazonas (Table 1​).


A single female specimen of P. laniger was collected during the period of observation (Fig. 1). The insect was at the bottom of a cupuaçu leaf near an egg mass of Antiteuchus sp. We did not observe however the contact of P. laniger with those eggs even though they were collected at the exact time of observation. This is the first record of P. laniger in Brazil (Table 1) with the first record of collection since its original description in 1987.

Figure 1.

Female of Phanuropsis laniger Johnson.

aDorsal view  
bLateral view  

Were collected seven Hemiptera egg postures in the cupuaçu trees all belonging to genus Antiteuchus. The species of parasitoids emerged were Gryon sp., P. semiflaviventris (Fig. 2) and Trissolcus urichi Crawford. This is the first record of P. semiflaviventris in the Amazonas, Brazil. Thus, there are currently records for the North, Northeast and Southeast of Brazil.

Figure 2.

Female of Phanuropsis semiflaviventris Girault.

aDorsal view  
bLateral view  


The authors want to thank's Lubomir Masner for confirm the identification, Juliana Hipólito for the considerations in the manuscript and the Invertebrate Collection of INPA for allowing the use of photographic equipment used in this work.


Supplementary materials

Suppl. material 1: Phanuropsis laniger_DarwinCoreFile 
Authors:  Mahlmann, Olivera & Elijah
Data type:  occurences
Suppl. material 2: Phanuropsis semiflaviventris_DarwinCoreFile 
Authors:  Mahlmann, Oliveira & Elijah
Data type:  occurences
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