Biodiversity Data Journal :
Taxonomy & Inventories
Corresponding author: Sang Jae Suh (
Academic editor: Borislav Guéorguiev
Received: 15 Mar 2022 | Accepted: 26 May 2022 | Published: 06 Jun 2022
© 2022 Dooyoung Kim, Sang Jae Suh
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Kim D, Suh SJ (2022) Taxonomic and faunistic notes on the genus Trichotichnus from Korea (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalinae, Harpalini). Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e83804.
Trichotichnus Morawitz, 1863 is a genus of the subtribe Harpalina, comprising more than 260 species worldwide. In Korea, nine species of the nominotypical subgenus are listed in the Korean catalogue (
In the course of taxonomic studies on Trichotichnus species from Korea, two unrecorded species are identified: Trichotichnus (Bottchrus) nanus and Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) vespertinus. In addition, the distribution of a poorly known species, T. (T.) miser, is firstly recognized in the southern part of Korea. Along with the description of the newly-recorded species, a checklist of the Korean species of the genus Trichotichnus is revised. As for the checklist, the distribution of T. (Iridessus) lucidus and T. (T.) leptopus in Korea is re-discussed, and T. (T.) leptopus is excluded from the Korean fauna. Lastly, additional distribution records for the following species are provided: T. (I.) lucidus, T. (T.) longitarsis, T. (T.) nishioi, and T. (T.) noctuabundus.
ground beetles, morphology, new record, taxonomy
Trichotichnus Morawitz, 1863 is a genus of the subtribe Harpalina, comprising more than 260 species worldwide (
In this study, the distribution of T. lucidus and T. leptopus in Korea is re-discussed. First, the distribution of T. lucidus in Korea is confirmed. The specimen of T. lucidus was recently recorded by
Furthermore, the authors identified two species, which are new to the Korean fauna: Trichotichnus (Bottchrus) nanus Habu, 1954 and Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) vespertinus Habu, 1954. In addition, Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) miser (Tschitschérine, 1897), which is a poorly known species, was firstly recognized in the southern part of Korea. Consequently, a total of ten species are recognized to occur in Korea. Along with the description of the three species above, an updated checklist of Korean Trichotichnus species is provided.
The specimens were hand-collected at the collection sites and preserved in 95% ethanol or in dried condition. For the observation of the genital apparatus, 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution was used for clearing. The genital apparatus was stored in a microtube with glycerine after observation. The examined specimens, except the specimen of T. (I.) lucidus, are deposited in the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University (Daegu, Korea).
The habitus and male genital apparatus were observed and photographed under a stereoscopic microscope (Olympus SZX 16) and the female genital apparatus under a compound microscope (Olympus BX 50). The terminology used is based on
Body length measured from the anterior margin of the clypeus to the apex of elytra; head width (HW) measured including eye; pronotum width (PW) measured along the widest point; basal width of pronotum (PbW) measured the distance between the basal angles; pronotum length (PL) measured along the median line; elytra width (EW) measured along the widest point; elytra length (EL) measured from the basal border near scutellum to the apex of elytra; length of metepisternum (ML) measured along the outer margin; width of metepisternum (MW) measured along the anterior margin.
The genus Trichotichnus can be distinguished from other genera by the following characteristics (
Trichotichnus nanus Habu, 1954 -
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) nanus: Habu, 1961 -
Trichotichnus (Pseudotrichotichnus) nanus: Habu, 1973 -
Trichotichnus (Bottchrus) nanus: Kataev and Wrase, 2017 -
Body length: 6.0–7.1 mm, width: 2.6–2.8 mm.
Coloration (Fig.
Head (Fig.
Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra convex, widest before middle; basal edge evenly curved, forming an obtuse angle with lateral margin; humerus with indistinct blunted tooth visible from behind; apical sinuation very weak; intervals somewhat flat, slightly convex near lateral area and apex, without punctation; setigerous pore of interval 3 located between 1/2 to 3/5 from base; striae moderately deep; parascutellar striole not long, sometimes quite short; marginal umbilicate series with 7–10 pores (usually 8 pores) in anterior group and 9–12 pores (usually 10 pores) in posterior group; microsculpture invisible on disc. Hind wing fully developed. EW/PW = 1.27–1.35, mean 1.31; EL/EW = 1.48–1.55, mean 1.52, in 10 males and 10 females.
Ventral side (Fig.
Legs. Metacoxa with two setae; metafemur with two setae in hind margin; metatarsomere 1 slightly shorter than metatarsomere 2 and 3 combined, about 1.6 times as long as metatarsomere 2; metatarsomere 5 about 1.1 times as long as metatarsomere 1; tarsomere 5 with two setae in each ventrolateral margin.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Male and female genitalia of Trichotichnus (Bottchrus) nanus Habu, 1954: A median lobe of aedeagus, right lateral view; B ditto, dorsal view; C ditto, ventral view; D ditto, left lateral view; E sclerotic armature of internal sac of aedeagus, left lateral view; F ditto, right lateral view; G left paramere; H right paramere; I male sternite Ⅸ; J female genitalia. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A–D, I); 0.3 mm (E, F, J); 0.2 mm (G, H).
Female genitalia (Fig.
This species can be distinguished from others by the following characters: overall reddish black or brownish black coloration; postgena finely ciliate, penultimate maxillary palpomere distinctly short, about half as long as apical palpomere; pronotum with narrowly rounded basal angle, apical margin completely bordered, lateral margin with faint or without sinuation before basal angle; hind wing fully developed; internal sac of aedeagus in right lateral view (Fig.
Korea: South (new record); Japan: Kyushu (
All the individuals were observed from May to early July and mating behavior was observed in late June. None of the immature adults was observed during the study. Most individuals were observed under the leaf litter in the deciduous forest or at the bottom of the drainage channel, located in the surroundings of the deciduous forest (Fig.
Even though the description of T. (B.) nanus by
Harpalus miser Tschitschérine, 1897 -
Asmerinx misera: Tschitschérine, 1898 -
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) miser: Noonan, 1985 -
Body length: 6.2–7.9 mm, width: 2.6–3.3 mm.
Coloration (Fig.
Head (Fig.
Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra slightly convex, widest a little before middle; basal edge slightly curved, almost linear, forming an obtuse angle with lateral margin; humerus with minute acute tooth visible from behind; apical sinuation very weak; intervals overall flat, slightly convex near apex, without punctation; setigerous pore of interval 3 located near 3/5 from base; striae moderately deep; parascutellar striole moderately long, rarely reaching stria 1; marginal umbilicate series with 7–9 pores (usually 8 pores) in anterior group and 8–11 pores (usually 9–10 pores) in posterior group; microsculpture invisible on disc. Hind wing fully developed. EW/PW = 1.23–1.32, mean 1.27; EL/EW = 1.45–1.53, mean 1.49, in nine males and six females.
Ventral side (Fig.
Legs. Protibia not longitudinally sulcate on dorsal side; metacoxa with two setae; metafemur with two setae in hind margin; metatarsus shorter than width of head (metatarsus/HW = 0.73–0.82, mean 0.78, in eight males and six females); metatarsomere 1 shorter than metatarsomere 2 and 3 combined, about 1.5 times longer than metatarsomere 2, as long as metatarsomere 5, but generally metatarsomere 5 slightly longer; tarsomere 5 usually with three setae, sometimes two setae in each ventrolateral margin.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Male and female genitalia of Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) miser (Tschitschérine, 1897): A median lobe of aedeagus, right lateral view; B ditto, dorsal view; C ditto, ventral view; D ditto, left lateral view; E internal sac of aedeagus, left lateral view; F ditto, right lateral view; G left paramere; H right paramere; I male sternite Ⅸ; J female genitalia. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A–D, I); 0.3 mm (E, F, J); 0.2 mm (G, H).
Female genitalia (Fig.
The description of the congruus-group by
Korea: South (new record), North (
The immature adults were observed from June to July, whereas the mature adults were observed from late March to early May. Most individuals were observed under the leaf litter at the bottom of the drainage channel, located in the surroundings of the deciduous forest (Fig.
This species was first recorded in Korea by
Trichotichnus vespertinus Habu, 1954 -
Trichotichnus habui Jedlička, 1958 -
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) vespertinus: Habu, 1961 -
Body length: 9.5–10.3 mm, width: 3.9–4.1 mm.
Coloration (Fig.
Head (Fig.
Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra moderately convex, widest before middle; basal edge weakly sinuate medially, forming an obtuse angle with lateral margin; humerus with minute acute tooth visible from behind; apical sinuation very weak; intervals somewhat flat, slightly convex near lateral area and apex, without punctation; setigerous pore of interval 3 located a little behind middle; striae somewhat deep; parascutellar striole moderately long, usually not reaching stria 1; marginal umbilicate series with 21–24 pores; microsculpture invisible on disc. Hind wing fully developed. EW/PW = 1.25–1.32, mean 1.28; EL/EW = 1.55–1.63, mean 1.59, in four males and three females.
Ventral side (Fig.
Legs. Protibia longitudinally sulcate on dorsal side; metacoxa with two setae; metafemur with two setae in hind margin; metatarsomere 1 distinctly shorter than metatarsomere 2 and 3 combined, slightly shorter than metatarsomere 5; pro- and mesotarsomere 5 with three setae in each ventrolateral margin and metatarsomere 5 with four setae in each ventrolateral margin.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Male and female genitalia of Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) vespertinus Habu, 1954: A median lobe of aedeagus, right lateral view; B ditto, dorsal view; C ditto, left lateral view; D left paramere; E right paramere; F male sternite Ⅸ; G female genitalia. Scale bars: 0.6 mm (A–C, F); 0.3 mm (D, E, G).
Female genitalia (Fig.
This species can be easily identified by the following significant features of the male and female genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in apical part minutely hooked ventrally, ventral side bordered with two parallel serrate lines, internal sac with distinct sclerotized spiny hook in subapical area; apical stylomere short and stout.
Korea: South (new record); Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (
The immature adults were observed from mid-May to June, the mature adults were observed from September to early October and the mating behavior was observed in early October. Most individuals were observed under the leaf litter at the bottom of the drainage channel, located in the surroundings of the deciduous forest (Fig.
This species was previously only known to occur in Japan, but a new distribution record is added to Korea.
Harpalus lucidus Morawitz, 1863 -
Iridessus lucidus: Bates, 1883 -
Trichotichnus lucidus: Csiki, 1932 -
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) lucidus: Habu, 1961 -
Trichotichnus (Iridessus) lucidus: Kataev and Wrase, 2017 -
Korea: South; Japan: Kyushu, Honshu, Shikoku, Hokkaido (
Trichotichnus longitarsis Morawitz, 1863 -
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) longitarsis: Habu, 1961 -
Korea: South; Japan: Kyushu, Honshu, Shikoku, Hokkaido (
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) nishioi Habu, 1961 -
Korea: South, North (
The immature adults were observed around July and the mature adults were observed around April and October.
Trichotichnus noctuabundus Habu, 1954 -
Trichotichnus (Trichotichnus) noctuabundus: Habu, 1961 -
Korea: South; China: Fujian, Hubei, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Taiwan (
In Korea, this species has been only recorded from Jejudo Island, but it was also collected from the southern island of Geojedo Island by the authors.
Key to the Korean species of the genus Trichotichnus The presented key is mainly based on |
1 | Frontal impression deep throughout, clearly reaching margin of eye; ligula narrow, not widened at apex; paraglossa separated from ligula by narrow notch (subgenus Bottchrus Jedlička); median lobe of aedeagus with apical capitulum, internal sac in right lateral view (Fig. |
T. (B.) nanus Habu |
– | Frontal impression becoming shallow near eye; ligula narrow or widened at apex; paraglossa separated from ligula by narrow or wide notch | 2 |
2 | Paraglossa wider, notch between ligula narrow; ligula not widened apically, parallel-sided or slightly narrowed before apex; elytral marginal umbilicate series not continuous; abdominal sternite VII of male with two pairs of setae (subgenus Iridessus Bates); head and pronotum reddish brown or orange; basal angle of pronotum gently rounded | T. (I.) lucidus (Morawitz) |
– | Paraglossa narrower, notch between ligula wide; ligula widened at apex or almost parallel-sided; abdominal sternite VII of male with one or two pairs of setae (subgenus Trichotichnus Morawitz) | 3 |
3 | Head and pronotum reddish brown or orange; basal angle of pronotum angulate | T. (T.) longitarsis Morawitz |
– | Head and pronotum black or reddish black; basal angle of pronotum angulate or narrowly rounded | 4 |
4 | Metepisternum a little longer than wide, ML/MW = less than 1.15; pronotum cordate, surface clearly punctate, somewhat sparsely punctate in disc | T. (T.) coruscus (Tschitschérine) |
– | Metepisternum distinctly longer than wide, ML/MW = more than 1.15; pronotum more or less punctate | 5 |
5 | Apical margin of abdominal sternite Ⅶ with a pair of setae in male and two pairs of setae in female; protibia longitudinally sulcate on dorsal side | 6 |
– | Apical margin of abdominal sternite Ⅶ with two pairs of setae in male and female; protibia not longitudinally sulcate on dorsal side | 7 |
6 | Basal angle of pronotum narrowly rounded | T. (T.) noctuabundus Habu |
– | Basal angle of pronotum angulate, protruding laterally | T. (T.) vespertinus Habu |
7 | Basal angle of pronotum narrowly rounded | T. (T.) miser (Tschitschérine) |
– | Basal angle of pronotum angulate, more or less protruding laterally | 8 |
8 | Head wider, PW/HW = less than 1.41; proepisternum with faint punctures; length of metatarsus distinctly shorter than head, metatarsus/HW = less than 0.80; body length = 6.2–9.0 mm | T. (T.) congruus Motschulsky |
– | Head narrower, PW/HW = more than 1.41; proepisternum with faint punctures anteriorly or nearly smooth; length of metatarsus slightly shorter than head, metatarsus/HW = more than 0.80 | 9 |
9 | locProepisternum with faint punctures anteriorly; elytra narrower, EW/PW = 1.14–1.24; internal sac of aedeagus with long, peg-shaped sclerotized part; larger species, body length = 8.6–10.0 mm | T. (T.) nishioi Habu |
– | Proepisternum nearly smooth; elytra wider, EW/PW = 1.25–1.33; internal sac of aedeagus without sclerotized part; smaller species, body length = 7.5–8.5 mm | T. (T.) vicinus (Tschitschérine) |
The authors want to express heartful appreciation to Dr. B. M. Kataev for providing information on Trichotichnus (Bottchrus) nanus and T. (T.) miser and to Dr. S. Morita for giving us information on the genitalia of T. (B.) nanus and the distribution of T. (T.) leptopus during this study. Additionally, we appreciate Dr. Y. Nam (National Institute of Forest Science) for giving us an opportunity to examine the specimen of T. (Iridessus) lucidus.