Biodiversity Data Journal : Taxonomy & Inventories
Taxonomy & Inventories
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of cuckoo wasps, with the description of new species from the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
expand article infoPaolo Rosa, Thomas Wood, Teresa Luísa L. Silva§,|, Joana Veríssimo§,|, Vanessa A. Mata§,|, Denis Michez, Pedro Beja§,|,, Sónia Ferreira§,|
‡ University of Mons, Research Institute for Biosciences, Laboratory of Zoology, Place du parc 20, 7000, Mons, Belgium
§ CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBIO Laboratório Associado, Campus de Vairão, Universidade do Porto, 4485-661 Vairão, Vila do Conde, Portugal
| BIOPOLIS Program in Genomics, Biodiversity and Land Planning, CIBIO, Campus de Vairão, 4485-661 Vairão, Vila do Conde, Portugal
¶ CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBIO Laboratório Associado, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Open Access



DNA barcoding technologies have provided a powerful tool for the fields of ecology and systematics. Here, we present a part of the InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) dataset representing 144 specimens and 103 species, covering approximately 44% of the Iberian and 21% of the European fauna. The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI – DNA Barcoding Portuguese terrestrial invertebrate biodiversity) aims to fill the barcoding gap for the terrestrial invertebrate taxa. All DNA extractions are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources and specimens are deposited in the University of Mons collection (Belgium) and in the Natur-Museum in Lucerne (Switzerland).

New information

This dataset increases the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of 102 species of cuckoo wasps. A total of 52 species, from 11 different genera, were new additions to the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD), with DNA barcodes for another 44 species added from under-represented taxa in BOLD. All specimens have their DNA barcodes publicly accessible through the BOLD online database. Nine cuckoo wasp species are newly recorded for Portugal. Additionally, two new species for science are described: Chrysis crossi Rosa, sp. nov. from southern Portugal and Hedychridium calcarium Rosa, sp. nov. from eastern Spain. Several taxonomic changes are proposed and Hedychrum rutilans Dahlbom, 1845 is found to consist of two different taxa that can be found in sympatry, Hedychrum rutilans s. str. and Hedychrum viridaureum Tournier, 1877 stat. nov. Stilbum westermanni Dahlbom, 1845 stat. nov. is confirmed as distinct from Stilbum calens (Fabricius, 1781), with the latter species not confirmed as present in Iberia; barcoded Stilbum material from Australia is distinct and represents Stilbum amethystium (Fabricius, 1775) sp. resurr.; Portuguese material identified as Hedychridium chloropygum Buysson, 1888 actually belongs to Hedychridium caputaureum Trautmann & Trautmann, 1919, the first confirmed record of this species from Iberia. Philoctetes parvulus (Dahlbom, 1845) is confirmed to be a synonym of Philoctetes punctulatus (Dahlbom, 1845). Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff, 1910 is confirmed as a valid species. Chrysis hebraeica Linsenmaier, 1959 stat. nov. is raised to species status.


Portugal, Spain, Italy, DNA barcode, mitochondrial DNA, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)


In Europe, the diversity of cuckoo wasps is highest in the Mediterranean region, with relatively few species found in the north (Paukkunen et al. 2014, Paukkunen et al. 2015) and the British Isles (Morgan 1984). Chrysidids are more common in southern European countries in part due to their ecology, since most species are heliophilous and thermophilous, favouring warm and sunny habitats. Another reason is their reproductive biology, as the number of host species of bees and aculeate wasps is also greater in Mediterranean countries (Michez et al. 2019).

The total number of valid cuckoo wasp species is approximately 2,800 (Rosa 2017). Of this world total, about 480 have been recorded from Europe, plus 135 accepted subspecies, whose possible specific rank has yet to be evaluated (Mitroiu et al. 2015). In Portugal, a total of 130 species and four subspecies are known to date, but this number is likely to be far from the true total given the much larger number of species reported from neighbouring Spain (e.g. González et al. 1999, González et al. 2009, Mingo and Gayubo 1981, Mingo and Gayubo 1986). Mingo (1994) compiled the most recent faunistic survey for the Iberian Peninsula, including identification keys. In this important monograph, Portuguese species are not clearly separated from Spanish ones. This volume is a valuable guide for beginners, yet includes only 170 species for the Iberian Peninsula, overlooking many of the species described or published from Spain. The real number of species exceeds 230 known taxa. However, new field research on Portuguese bees and aculeate wasps (e.g. Rosa et al. 2015, Rosa et al. 2015, Rosa and Vårdal 2015, Rosa and Xu 2015, Baldock et al. 2018, Baldock et al. 2020, Cross et al. 2021) has reinvigorated work on the Iberian cuckoo wasp fauna and a new illustrated catalogue of the Portuguese fauna is in preparation, including new records for the country and for Europe.

Despite the fact that the Iberian Chrysididae fauna is one of the richest in Europe (Mingo 1994), this fauna has essentially never been investigated using molecular tools, with only a handful of DNA barcodes sequences available from a small selection of species (e.g. Pauli et al. (2019)). To a certain extent, this is a function of the limited number of studies that have presented barcode data for West Palaearctic Chrysididae in general (Niehuis and Wägele 2004, Soon and Saarma 2011, Soon et al. 2014, Paukkunen et al. 2015, Orlovskyté et al. 2016, Roslin et al. 2021). The present work represents the first attempt to generate DNA barcodes for Iberian Chrysididae at a faunal level and, thus, represents a major step in documenting the genetic diversity in the Mediterranean cuckoo wasp fauna.

Materials and methods

This dataset is composed of data relating to 144 Chrysididae specimens. Specimens were collected during field expeditions in the Iberian Peninsula, Belgium, Italy and Morocco from 2014 to 2022 by T.J. Wood, I. Cross (Dorchester, UK) and P. Rosa (Fig. 1, Table 1). Specimens were pinned and dried and are preserved in the collection of T.J. Wood at the University of Mons (Belgium); Italian specimens are preserved in ethanol (98%) and preserved in the collection of P. Rosa at the University of Mons (Belgium). Holotypes of the newly-described species are deposited in the Natur-Museum (Lucerne, Switzerland – NMLU) and paratypes are deposited in the following private collections: PRC (Paolo Rosa Collection, Bernareggio, Italy), TWC (Thomas J. Wood Collection, Mons, Belgium); ICC (Ian Cross Collection, Briantspuddle, Dorset, United Kingdom). The majority of specimens were determined to species level, though some specimens in challenging or unclear taxonomic groups were identified as 'cf.' or simply to the species group. Overall, 103 species are represented in the dataset. These species belong to 13 genera (Fig. 2).

Table 1.

List of species that were collected and DNA barcoded within this project. # Indicates species with new BINs.

Genus Species IBI code BOLD code BOLD BIN GenBank
Chrysidea Chrysidea disclusa pumilionis (Linsenmaier, 1987)# INV12702 IBIHM1103-22 BOLD:AES3051 OP347205
Chrysis Chrysis andradei Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12728 IBIHM1129-22 BOLD:AES8383 OP347228
INV12729 IBIHM1130-22 OP347302
Chrysis berlandi Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12682 IBIHM1083-22 BOLD:AES5679 OP347200
INV12683 IBIHM1084-22 OP347265
INV12734 IBIHM1135-22 OP347250
Chrysis blanchardi Lucas, 1849# INV12732 IBIHM1133-22 BOLD:AEU3313 OP347222
Chrysis caeruliventris Abeille de Perrin, 1878 INV12676 IBIHM1077-22 BOLD:AED3523 OP347173
Chrysis castillana Du Buysson, 1894 INV12731 IBIHM1132-22 BOLD:AED2289 OP347274
Chrysis cerastes Abeille de Perrin, 1877# INV12733 IBIHM1134-22 BOLD:AET4960 OP347293
Chrysis rutilans Olivier, 1790# INV12689 IBIHM1090-22 BOLD:AET4959 OP347268
Chrysis chrysoprasina Forster, 1853 INV12677 IBIHM1078-22 BOLD:AET4958 OP347283
Chrysis chrysoscutella Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12743 IBIHM1144-22 BOLD:AES1459 OP347305
Chrysis comparata Lepeletier, 1806 INV12679 IBIHM1080-22 BOLD:AAU1528 OP347241
Chrysis consanguinea Mocsáry, 1889 INV12687 IBIHM1088-22 BOLD:AED0671 OP347212
Chrysis cortii Linsenmaier, 1951 INV12670 IBIHM1071-22 BOLD:AAR9816 OP347211
Chrysis elegans Lepeletier, 1806# INV12673 IBIHM1074-22 BOLD:AES1460 OP347219
Chrysis emarginatula Spinola, 1808 INV12672 IBIHM1073-22 BOLD:AED6786 OP347309
Chrysis fugax Abeille de Perrin, 1878 INV12661 IBIHM1062-22 BOLD:AED3372 OP347230
Chrysis germari Wesmael, 1839# INV12669 IBIHM1070-22 BOLD:AET6935 OP347229
Chrysis gracillima aurofacies (Trautmann, 1926)# INV12663 IBIHM1064-22 BOLD:AES2863 OP347234
Chrysis grohmanni Dahlbom, 1854 INV12666 IBIHM1067-22 BOLD:AED6294 OP347210
Chrysis hydropica Abeille de Perrin, 1878# INV12735 IBIHM1136-22 BOLD:AET2381 OP347243
Chrysis insperata Chevrier, 1870# INV12774 IBIHM1175-22 BOLD:AET2383 OP347258
Chrysis integra Fabricius, 1787# INV12741 IBIHM1142-22 BOLD:AET2382 OP347285
Chrysis irreperta Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12671 IBIHM1072-22 BOLD:AER8828 OP347244
Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff, 1910 INV12747 IBIHM1148-22 BOLD:ACQ6955 OP347197
Chrysis merceti (Trautmann, 1926)# INV12744 IBIHM1145-22 BOLD:AET3720 OP347260
Chrysis mixta Dahlbom, 1854# INV12664 IBIHM1065-22 BOLD:AET3717 OP347207
Chrysis monticola Linsenmaier, 1999# INV12681 IBIHM1082-22 BOLD:AET3719 OP347289
INV12730 IBIHM1131-22 OP347304
Chrysis mysticalis Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12678 IBIHM1079-22 BOLD:AET3718 OP347245
INV12736 IBIHM1137-22 OP347271
Chrysis peninsularis du Buysson, 1887# INV12667 IBIHM1068-22 BOLD:AES0122 OP347226
Chrysis crossi Rosa sp. nov.# INV12727 IBIHM1128-22 BOLD:AES0121 OP347295
Chrysis pulchella Spinola, 1808 INV12665 IBIHM1066-22 BOLD:AED0619 OP347198
Chrysis pulcherrima Lepeletier, 1806# INV12688 IBIHM1089-22 BOLD:AET0271 OP347172
Chrysis pyrophana Dahlbom, 1854# INV12775 IBIHM1176-22 BOLD:AET0272 OP347213
Chrysis ramburi Dahlbom, 1854 INV12674 IBIHM1075-22 BOLD:AED5814 OP347263
Chrysis sculpturata Mocsáry, 1912 INV12684 IBIHM1085-22 BOLD:ABU6373 OP347310
Chrysis scutellaris marteni Linsenmaier, 1951 INV12738 IBIHM1139-22 BOLD:ACM0910 OP347269
INV12739 IBIHM1140-22 OP347185
Chrysis sexdentata Christ, 1791 INV12783 IBIHM1184-22 BOLD:ABU6376 OP347217
Chrysis splendidula Rossi, 1790# INV12740 IBIHM1141-22 BOLD:AES6413 OP347180
Chrysis subsinuata Marquet, 1879# INV12662 IBIHM1063-22 BOLD:AES4620 OP347214
Chrysis varidens Abeille de Perrin, 1878 INV12668 IBIHM1069-22 BOLD:AEE0312 OP347171
Chrysis zonata Dahlbom, 1854# INV12742 IBIHM1143-22 BOLD:AET8274 OP347199
Chrysura Chrysura austriaca (Fabricius, 1804) INV12690 IBIHM1091-22 BOLD:AAJ3472 OP347193
Chrysura cuprea (Rossi, 1790) INV12692 IBIHM1093-22 BOLD:AAP1055 OP347176
Chrysura dichroa (Dahlbom, 1854)# INV12696 IBIHM1097-22 BOLD:AET1511 OP347273
INV12776 IBIHM1177-22 OP347215
Chrysura hybrida (Lepeletier, 1806) INV12726 IBIHM1127-22 BOLD:AAY6924 OP347177
Chrysura purpureifrons (Abeille de Perrin, 1878)# INV12694 IBIHM1095-22 BOLD:AEU2029 OP347231
INV12693 IBIHM1094-22 BOLD:AED1166 OP347286
INV12695 IBIHM1096-22 OP347257
INV12849 IBIHM1250-22 OP347296
INV12850 IBIHM1251-22 OP347297
INV12851 IBIHM1252-22 OP347221
Chrysura radians (Harris, 1776) INV12697 IBIHM1098-22 BOLD:ABA8702 OP347225
Chrysura refulgens (Spinola, 1806) INV12777 IBIHM1178-22 BOLD:ABA7395 OP347303
Chrysura rufiventris (Dahlbom, 1854) INV12699 IBIHM1100-22 BOLD:AEC6882 OP347290
Chrysura simplex (Dahlbom, 1854) INV12691 IBIHM1092-22 BOLD:AAY6923 OP347189
Chrysura sulcata (Dahlbom, 1845) INV12700 IBIHM1101-22 BOLD:ABA7396 OP347249
Chrysura varicornis (Spinola, 1838)# INV12698 IBIHM1099-22 BOLD:AET0222 OP347261
INV12701 IBIHM1102-22 OP347192
Hedychridium Hedychridium aereolum du Buysson, 1892 INV12809 IBIHM1210-22 BOLD:AAY6930 OP347195
Hedychridium anale (Dahlbom, 1854) INV12717 IBIHM1118-22 BOLD:AED4749 OP347270
Hedychridium ardens (Coquebert, 1801) INV12786 IBIHM1187-22 BOLD:AAK4640 OP347236
Hedychridium buyssoni Abeille de Perrin, 1887# INV12790 IBIHM1191-22 BOLD:AES9011 OP347196
Hedychridium caputaureum Trautmann & Trautmann, 1919 INV12760 IBIHM1161-22 BOLD:AAU0775 OP347183
Hedychridium valesiense Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12804 IBIHM1205-22 BOLD:AET6828 OP347275
Hedychridium chloropygum du Buysson, 1888 INV12801 IBIHM1202-22 BOLD:AAE3258 OP347187
INV12802 IBIHM1203-22 OP347240
Hedychridium cupratum (Dahlbom, 1854) INV12806 IBIHM1207-22 BOLD:AAY6946 OP347255
INV12807 IBIHM1208-22 OP347252
Hedychridium cupritibiale Linsenmaier, 1987# INV12769 IBIHM1170-22 BOLD:AES9012 OP347239
Hedychridium incrassatum (Dahlbom, 1854) INV12718 IBIHM1119-22 BOLD:AEE0029 OP347267
Hedychridium infans Abeille de Perrin, 1878# INV12768 IBIHM1169-22 BOLD:AES6837 OP347254
INV12781 IBIHM1182-22 OP347191
Hedychridium jucundum Mocsáry, 1889# INV12784 IBIHM1185-22 BOLD:AES6836 OP347262
INV12785 IBIHM1186-22 OP347232
INV12810 IBIHM1211-22 BOLD:AES6835 OP347170
INV12811 IBIHM1212-22 OP347256
Hedychridium krajniki Balthasar, 1946 INV12764 IBIHM1165-22 BOLD:AAZ0056 OP347237
Hedychridium mediocrum Linsenmaier, 1987 INV12716 IBIHM1117-22 BOLD:AAE3260 OP347279
INV12803 IBIHM1204-22 OP347308
Hedychridium monochroum du Buysson, 1888 INV12800 IBIHM1201-22 BOLD:AAY1978 OP347206
Hedychridium reticulatum Abeille de Perrin, 1878# INV12763 IBIHM1164-22 BOLD:AER9655 OP347248
INV12791 IBIHM1192-22 OP347203
INV12792 IBIHM1193-22 OP347282
INV12793 IBIHM1194-22 OP347301
Hedychridium roseum (Rossi, 1790) INV12805 IBIHM1206-22 BOLD:AAE3259 OP347281
Hedychridium sculpturatum Abeille de Perrin, 1877# INV12812 IBIHM1213-22 BOLD:AET6828 OP347181
INV12813 IBIHM1214-22 BOLD:AAE3258 OP347276
Hedychridium scutellare (Tournier, 1878)# INV12761 IBIHM1162-22 BOLD:AES0428 OP347291
INV12788 IBIHM1189-22 OP347175
Hedychridium sevillanum Linsenmaier, 1968# INV12765 IBIHM1166-22 BOLD:AET6827 OP347242
INV12767 IBIHM1168-22 BOLD:AES0429 OP347259
INV12789 IBIHM1190-22 OP347223
Hedychridium calcarium Rosa sp. nov.# INV12794 IBIHM1195-22 BOLD:AET9698 OP347204
INV12795 IBIHM1196-22 OP347307
INV12796 IBIHM1197-22 OP347169
Hedychridium subroseum prochloropygum Linsenmaier, 1959# INV12715 IBIHM1116-22 BOLD:AES2437 OP347209
Hedychridium vachali Mercet, 1915# INV12766 IBIHM1167-22 BOLD:AET6826 OP347280
Hedychrum Hedychrum longicolle Abeille de Perrin, 1877 INV12723 IBIHM1124-22 BOLD:AED0972 OP347298
Hedychrum micans europaeum Linsenmaier, 1959 INV12724 IBIHM1125-22 BOLD:AAK4644 OP347194
Hedychrum niemelai Linsenmaier, 1959 INV12721 IBIHM1122-22 BOLD:AAU1294 OP347300
Hedychrum nobile (Scopoli, 1763) INV12722 IBIHM1123-22 BOLD:AAK4644 OP347266
INV12771 IBIHM1172-22 OP347168
Hedychrum rutilans Dahlbom, 1854 INV12720 IBIHM1121-22 BOLD:AAM3491 OP347220
Hedychrum viridiaureum Tournier, 1877 INV12719 IBIHM1120-22 BOLD:AAM3491 OP347294
INV12770 IBIHM1171-22 BOLD:AAK4643 OP347247
INV12782 IBIHM1183-22 BOLD:AAM3491 OP347174
Holopyga Holopyga calida Linsenmaier, 1951# INV12705 IBIHM1106-22 OP347202
INV12754 IBIHM1155-22 BOLD:AES0090 OP347227
Holopyga lucida (Lepeletier, 1806)# INV12708 IBIHM1109-22 BOLD:AES0091 OP347182
Holopyga fastuosa (Lucas, 1849) INV12709 IBIHM1110-22 BOLD:AAZ6194 OP347292
INV12710 IBIHM1111-22 OP347190
INV12780 IBIHM1181-22 OP347253
INV12753 IBIHM1154-22 BOLD:AAY6928 OP347216
Holopyga fervida (Fabricius, 1781) INV12706 IBIHM1107-22 BOLD:ACV6331 OP347208
INV12757 IBIHM1158-22 BOLD:AAY9735 OP347287
Holopyga generosa (Förster, 1853) INV12712 IBIHM1113-22 BOLD:AAZ6194 OP347288
INV12713 IBIHM1114-22 OP347201
Holopyga inflammata (Förster, 1853)# INV12759 IBIHM1160-22 BOLD:AET1451 OP347284
Holopyga jurinei Chevrier, 1862# INV12714 IBIHM1115-22 OP347233
INV12756 IBIHM1157-22 BOLD:AET1450 OP347235
Holopyga similis Mocsáry, 1889 INV12787 IBIHM1188-22 BOLD:AED0274 OP347178
Holopyga merceti Kimsey, 1991# INV12755 IBIHM1156-22 BOLD:AES1216 OP347186
Parnopes Parnopes sp.# INV12779 IBIHM1180-22 BOLD:AET2814 OP347218
Philoctetes Philoctetes abeillei du Buysson, 1892# INV12704 IBIHM1105-22 BOLD:AEU5026 OP347179
Philoctetes punctulatus (Dahlbom, 1854)# INV12703 IBIHM1104-22 BOLD:AEU5027 OP347264
INV12749 IBIHM1150-22 OP347272
INV12750 IBIHM1151-22 OP347238
Pseudochrysis Pseudochrysis humboldti (Dahlbom, 1845)# INV12659 IBIHM1060-22 BOLD:AEU3425 OP347246
Pseudochrysis incrassata (Spinola, 1838)# INV12660 IBIHM1061-22 BOLD:AEU3426 OP347278
Pseudomalus auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) INV12751 IBIHM1152-22 BOLD:AAH8217 OP347251
Pseudomalus violaceus (Scopoli, 1763) INV12752 IBIHM1153-22 BOLD:ABX9998 OP347299
Spintharina Spintharina cuprata (Dahlbom, 1854)# INV12657 IBIHM1058-22 BOLD:AET6497 OP347277
Spintharina versicolor (Spinola, 1808) INV12656 IBIHM1057-22 BOLD:AAJ3630 OP347224
Stilbum Stilbum westermanni Dahlbom, 1845# INV12654 IBIHM1055-22 BOLD:AES3895 OP347311
INV12655 IBIHM1056-22 OP347306
Stilbum cyanurum (Forster, 1771) INV12725 IBIHM1126-22 BOLD:AAJ4180 OP347184
Trichrysis Trichrysis cyanea (Linnaeus, 1758) INV12658 IBIHM1059-22 BOLD:AAH7935 OP347188
Figure 1.  

Map of the localities where cuckoo wasps samples were collected.

Figure 2.  

Distribution of species (%) for each Chrysididae genus present in the dataset. Genera represented by less than 2% of species were lumped together.

Specimens were captured with an entomological net, euthanised by exposure to ethyl acetate and pinned and dried within 24 hours to achieve maximum suitability for DNA extraction and amplification.

DNA was extracted using a QIAmp DNA Micro Kit that is designed to extract higher concentrations of genetic material from samples with small amounts of DNA. DNA amplification was performed using two different primer pairs, that amplify partially overlapping fragments (LC + BH) of the 658 bp barcoding region of the COI mitochondrial gene (Folmer et al. 1994). We used the primers FwhF1 (Vamos et al. 2017) + C_R (Shokralla et al. 2015) for LC and BF3 (Elbrecht et al. 2019) + BR2 (Elbrecht and Leese 2017) for BH amplification, all modified with Illumina adaptors. PCRs were performed in 10 µl reactions, containing 5 µl of Multiplex PCR Master Mix (Qiagen, Germany), 0.3 µl of each 10 mM primer and 1-2 µl of DNA, with the remaining volume in water. PCR cycling conditions consisted in an initial denaturation at 95ºC for 15 min, followed by 45 cycles of denaturation at 95ºC for 30 sec, annealing at 45ºC for 45 sec and extension at 72ºC for 45 sec, with a final elongation step at 60ºC for 10 min. All DNA extracts were deposited in the IBI collection.

Successful amplification was validated through 2% agarose gel electrophoresis and samples selected for sequencing followed for a second PCR, where Illumina P5 and P7 adapters with custom 7 bp long barcodes were attached to each PCR product. The index PCR was performed in a volume of 10 µl, including 5 µl of KAPA HiFi PCR Kit (KAPA Biosystems, U.S.A.), 0.5 µl of each 10 mM indexing primer and 2 µl of diluted PCR product (usually 1:4). PCR cycling conditions were as before, except that only 10 cycles were performed and at an annealing temperature of 55ºC. The amplicons were purified using AMPure XP beads (New England Biolabs, U.S.A.) and quantified using NanoDrop 1000 (Thermo Scientific, U.S.A.). Clean PCR products were then pooled equimolarly per fragment. Each pool was quantified with KAPA Library Quantification Kit Illumina® Platforms (KAPA Biosystems, U.S.A.) and the 2200 Tapestation System (Agilent Technologies, California, USA) was used for fragment length analysis prior to sequencing (Paupério et al. 2018). DNA sequencing was done at CIBIO facilities on an Illumina MiSeq benchtop system, using a V2 MiSeq sequencing kit (2x 250 bp).

Illumina sequencing reads were processed using OBITools (Boyer et al. 2016) and VSEARCH (Rognes et al. 2016). Briefly, paired-end reads were aligned, collapsed into exact sequence variants, filtered by length, denoised and checked for chimeras. The resulting sequences from both LC and BH fragments of each sample were further assembled using CAP3 (Huang and Madan 1999) to produce a single 658 bp contig per sample.

All sequences in the dataset were submitted to BOLD and GenBank databases and, to each sequenced specimen, the morphological identification was contrasted with the results of the BLAST of the newly-generated DNA barcodes in the BOLDIdentification Engine. In order to clarify the taxonomic status of problematic groups, DNA barcodes generated here were analysed with other sequences from across the West Palaearctic downloaded from BOLD and GenBank. Sequences (658 bp) were aligned using SeaView (Gouy et al. 2010) and a neighbour-joining phylogeny was run with 10,000 bootstraps. Intra- and interspecific distances were calculated using MEGA-X (Kumar et al. 2018).

Acronyms and abbreviations

NMLU = Natur-Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland

PRC = Paolo Rosa Collection, Bernareggio, Italy

TWC = Thomas J. Wood Collection, Mons, Belgium

ICC = Ian Cross Collection, Briantspuddle, Dorset, United Kingdom

In the text, the following abbreviations are used for morphological terms:

  • F1, F2, F3 = flagellomeres 1, 2, 3
  • MOD = anterior ocellar diameter
  • MS = malar space, the shortest distance between base of mandible and margin of compound eye
  • OOL = oculo-ocellar line, the shortest distance between lateral ocellus and compound eye
  • P = pedicel
  • PD = puncture diameter
  • POL = the shortest distance between posterior ocelli
  • T1–T3 = metasomal terga 1 to 3
  • vs. = versus

Photographs were taken with a Camera Olympus E-M1 Mark II with the Olympus Zuiko 60 mm objective and stacked with the software Helicon Focus (ver. 7.6). Further image processing was completed with Adobe Photoshop CS6.0.

Data resources

The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of "European Chrysididae" dataset can be downloaded from the Public Data Portal of BOLD ( in different formats (data as dwc, xml or tsv and sequences as fasta files). Alternatively, BOLD users can log-in and access the dataset via the Workbench platform of BOLD. All records are also searchable within BOLD, using the search function of the database.

The version of the dataset, at the time of writing the manuscript, is included as Suppl. material 1 in the form of one text file with specimen data information, as Suppl. material 2 in the form of DWC file specimen data and one fasta file containing all sequences as downloaded from BOLD (Suppl. material 3).

Taxon treatments

Hedychridium calcarium Rosa sp. nov.

Materials   Download as CSV 
  1. scientificName:
    Hedychridium sp.
    ; phylum:
    ; class:
    ; order:
    ; family:
    ; genus:
    ; country:
    ; locality:
    Sierra de Baza, Prados del Rey
    ; decimalLatitude:
    ; decimalLongitude:
    ; year:
    ; month:
    ; day:
    ; individualID:
    ; individualCount:
    ; lifeStage:
    ; catalogNumber:
    ; recordNumber:
    ; recordedBy:
    Thomas Wood
    ; otherCatalogNumbers:
    ; identifiedBy:
    Paolo Rosa
    ; institutionCode:
    Universite de Mons
    ; occurrenceID:
  1. scientificName:
    Hedychridium sp.
    ; phylum:
    ; class:
    ; order:
    ; family:
    ; genus:
    ; country:
    ; locality:
    Noguera de Albarracin, Barranco de la Olmeda
    ; decimalLatitude:
    ; decimalLongitude:
    ; year:
    ; month:
    ; day:
    ; individualID:
    ; individualCount:
    ; lifeStage:
    ; catalogNumber:
    ; recordNumber:
    ; recordedBy:
    Thomas Wood
    ; otherCatalogNumbers:
    ; identifiedBy:
    Paolo Rosa
    ; institutionCode:
    Universite de Mons
    ; occurrenceID:
  2. scientificName:
    Hedychridium sp.
    ; phylum:
    ; class:
    ; order:
    ; family:
    ; genus:
    ; country:
    ; locality:
    Villar del Cobo, Barranco de los Oncenachos
    ; decimalLatitude:
    ; decimalLongitude:
    ; year:
    ; month:
    ; day:
    ; individualID:
    ; individualCount:
    ; lifeStage:
    ; catalogNumber:
    ; recordNumber:
    ; recordedBy:
    Thomas Wood
    ; otherCatalogNumbers:
    ; identifiedBy:
    Paolo Rosa
    ; institutionCode:
    Universite de Mons
    ; occurrenceID:


Female. Body length 5.0–5.4 mm (holotype 5.4 mm (Fig. 3)). Forewing length 3.0–3.5 mm.

Figure 3.  

Hedychridium calcarium sp. n., A-F holotype, female. A habitus, dorsal view; B habitus, lateral view; C head, frontal view; D head and mesosoma, fronto-lateral view; E metasoma, postero-lateral view; F metasoma, ventral view; G parataype male, habitus, lateral view; H genital capsule. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Head. Brow with medium, contiguous punctures (ca. 0.4 × MOD), suddenly decreasing diameter from frontal declivity to malar spaces and clypeus (Fig. 3C); face, in frontal view, micropunctate along inner eye margin; scapal basin with polished intervals; medial line complete from anterior ocellus to clypeus; clypeus finely punctate with wide polished intervals; clypeal apical margin thickened, triangularly-shaped, non-metallic brown; ocellar area with small punctures, without line connecting posterior ocelli; temples regularly rounded, double punctate. OOL = 1.9 × MOD; POL = 1.5 × MOD; MS = 0.6 × MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1:1.1:0.8:0.8. Malar space as long as antennal thickness.

Mesosoma. Pronotum with punctation irregularly sized, mostly contiguous and large, umbelicate punctures up to 0.6 MOD; intervals between large punctures densely micropunctate. Mesoscutum with similar punctuation, yet punctures relatively smaller and micropunctures sparser compared to intervals on pronotum. Scutellum with polished intervals and sparse micropunctures. Metascutellum with reticulate-foveate punctures (0.8 × MOD). Metapectal-propodeal complex with metapostnotum wider than in other species (Fig. 4A) and posterior propodeal projection [= propodeal teeth] triangular, with thickened, blunt apex, slightly pointing backwards. Forewing medial vein 1.5 times as long as RS stub, medially gently arched; Rs stub as along as pterostigma. Hind leg unmodified, metatibia entirely black, without visible spots or depressions.

Figure 4.  

Scutellum, metanotum, metapectal-propodeal complex A Hedychridium calcarium sp. nov., holotype, female; B Hedychridium jucundum, female, from Italy (PRC).

Metasoma. Punctation on terga minute, even, sparse, regularly spaced, 1–2 PD apart. Third tergum laterally with denser, deeper punctures (Fig. 3E); posterior margin with hyaline rim (2 PD).

Colouration. Head blue with two large golden-red spots on brow, between anterior ocellus and eyes; clypeus, malar space and base of mandible greenish; ocelli area blackish. Pronotum and mesonotum red, lateral and posterior margin of scutellum green; rest of mesosoma blue, with green mesopleuron and legs. Metasoma dorsally red, ventrally black with two large, oblique green to blue spots on second sternum (Fig. 3C). Mandible entirely dark brown. Scape black with slight metallic reflection, pedicel and flagellomeres black; tegula black. Wings slightly infuscate.

Male: Paratype from Teruel similar to female, with face laterally covered with appressed, silvery setae; antennae elongate, with slender flagellum and cylindrical articles. Paratype from Granada smaller (4.0 mm) with red colouration turned to green (Fig. 3G); genital capsule as in Fig. 3H, with slender cuspis, apically unmodified.


The genus Hedychridium Abeille de Perrin, 1878 in Iberia includes 34 species and two subspecies (Rosa and Soon 2012), whereas three previous members were recently moved from the genus Hedychridium to the genus Colopopyga Semenov-Tian-Shanskji, 1954 (Rosa 2017). Twenty-five of these species are known from Portugal (Rosa et al., in preparation). Mingo (1994) listed only 26 species for Iberia, another nine were overlooked, but has previously been described or cited from Spain by Linsenmaier (Linsenmaier 1959, Linsenmaier 1968, Linsenmaier 1987) and two species, H. infantum Linsenmaier, 1997 and H. balearicum Strumia, 2013, were described later.

The list of Hedychridium species known from Iberia is given below, with species subdivided by species groups following Linsenmaier’s classification (Rosa et al. 2022) and modifications proposed by Pauli et al. (2019), based on multigene molecular analyses.

anale group: Hedychridium anale (Dahlbom, 1854); H. dubium Mercet, 1904;

ardens group: H. adventicium Zimmermann, 1961, H. aereolum du Buysson, 1891, H. ardens (Coquebert, 1801), H. buyssoni Abeille de Perrin, 1887, H. cupritibiale Linsenmaier, 1987, H. ibericum Linsenmaier, 1959, H. infans Abeille de Perrin, 1879, H. infans santschii Trautmann, 1927, H. infantum Linsenmaier, 1987, H. jucundum (Mocsáry, 1889), H. marteni Linsenmaier, 1951; H. reticulatum Abeille de Perrin, 1878, H. sevillanum Linsenmaier, 1968;

coriaceum group: H. coriaceum (Dahlbom, 1854), H. krajniki Balthasar, 1953;

cupratum group: H. cupratum (Dahlbom, 1854);

femoratum group: H. elegantulum du Buysson, 1887, H. femoratum (Dahlbom, 1854), H. gratiosum Abeille de Perrin, 1878;

heliophilum group: H. heliophilum du Buysson, 1887, H. vachali Mercet, 1915;

incrassatum group: H. incrassatum (Dahlbom, 1854);

monochroum group: H. balearicum Strumia, 2013, H. carmelitanum Mercet, 1915, H. minutussimum Mercet, 1915, H. monochroum du Buysson, 1888;

plagiatum group: H. andalusicum Trautmann, 1920, H. franciscanum Linsenmaier, 1987;

roseum group: H. chloropygum du Buysson, 1888, H. mediocrum Linsenmaier, 1987, H. roseum (Rossi, 1790), H. scutellare (Tournier, 1878), H. subroseum Linsenmaier, 1959, H. subroseum prochloropygum Linsenmaier, 1959.

The following three species were moved in the genus Colpopyga, supported by morphological and molecular evidence (Rosa 2017, Pauli et al. 2019): C. auriventris (Mercet, 1904), C. flavipes (Eversmann, 1858) and C. temperata (Linsenmaier, 1959). Three species are also known for the Canary slands and are considered endemic: Hedychridium extraneum Linsenmaier, 1993, H. tricavatum Linsenmaier, 1993 and H. viridicupreum Linsenmaier, 1993.

Another species, Hedychridium suave (Tournier, 1878), was described from Spain (Andalucía) and has been considered to be a synonym of H. roseum by Linsenmaier (1951), Mingo (1994) and Kimsey and Bohart (1991), who erroneously placed the type locality in Switzerland (Léman area). None of these authors examined the type deposited at the Museum in Geneva. According to the labels pinned with the type specimen, the type locality is Tangier in Morocco and not Andalucía. Hedychridium suave does not belong to the roseum group, but to the femoratum group; it is a valid species and, based on its aspect and colouration, this taxon should be a North African species and the Andalusian locality is an error. Tournier is well-known for confusing European and Moroccan localities, as has already happened in other insect families as well as in Chrysididae (see the case of Chrysis superba Tournier, 1879 in Linsenmaier (1968). For the moment, we do not consider H. suave to be a member of the Iberian fauna.

Hedychridium calcarium sp. nov. belongs to the ardens species group due to the shape of the second metatarsomere which is longer than the third, the punctate scapal basin, the general habitus and the body colouration (Fig. 3). Hedychridium calcarium sp. nov. has small to medium dimensions, from 4.0 to 5.4 mm; head blue with two red patches on brow between anterior ocellus and compound eye; black ocellar area; red pronotum and mesonotum, rest of mesosoma blue with greenish reflections; metasoma dorsally red and ventrally black with two large and oblique green-bluish spots on the second sternum. Punctation dense, even and deep on vertex; the largest punctures deep and umbelicate on pronotum, with intervals densely micropunctate; mesoscutum with smaller, shallower and sparser punctures, intervals less densely micropunctate compared to pronotum; metanotum with sparse micropunctures on shining intervals; metapostnotum distinctly enlarged compared to the same morphological part of the closest species, H. jucundum (Fig. 4), in which it is triangular. Metasomal sculpture with even, dense and small punctures equally spaced; apical margin of the third tergum with wide hyaline margin (2–3 PD).

Besides different body sculpture and morphological characters, Hedychridium calcarium sp. nov. can be immediately separated from H. ardens, H. marteni and H. ibericum by its blue metanotum, contrasting with red scutellum (concolourous in the other species); from H. cupritibiale by the blue face, contrasting with the red head on vertex (entirely red in H. sevillanum); from H. sevillanum by the different body colour, which is green to bronze in the latter and by the metanotum bronze to green, slightly contrasting with the rest of the red body colour. For comparison, pictures of H. ardens can be found in Paukkunen et al. (2015) and pictures of all the remaining species can be found in the illustrated catalogue of Linsenmaier’s types (Rosa et al. 2022). Finally, H. infans, H. adventicium and H. infantum can be immediately separated by their very small size (2–3 mm) and the different colouration, the first having metallic tegulae (a unique feature), the other two a green line along the posterior margin of the pronotum. The species morphologically and chromatically closer to H. calcarium sp. nov. are H. jucundum, H. reticulatum sensu Linsenmaier (1959) and H. buyssoni. However, H. jucundum can be differentiated by a dark to black spot on discum of second tergum and by the vertex entirely golden to red; in case of doubt, the triangular shape of the metapostnotum is diagnostic (Fig. 4); H. reticulatum by the red mesopleuron and, finally, H. buyssoni by the green vertex, the stocky body, the first tergum shorter medially and angled on anterior margins, the metasoma with denser and deeper punctures. The male of H. calcarium sp. nov. has the same colouration of the female and can be separated from the similar male of H. jucundum by the colour of the head and the shape of the genital capsule with cuspis apically slender, unmodified (vs. apically enlarged and curved in H. jucundum (see Rosa 2017)).

Outside the Iberian Peninsula, only Hedychridium bytinskii Linsenmaier, 1959 can be confused with H. calcarium sp.nov. H. bytinskii was described from Palestine and is known from Greece and Turkey (Linsenmaier 1968, Linsenmaier 1999). Linsenmaier (Linsenmaier 1968, Linsenmaier 1999) listed this species from Morocco, but the Moroccan specimens may actually belong to the western Mediterranean species H. calcarium. The latter can be immediately recognised by the dark metasomal sterna, with two small dark green spots on the second sternum, whereas H. bytinskii specimens from the east Mediterranean have the first sternum (largely) and second sternum (entirely) bright green (see pictures of the type in Rosa et al. (2022), Fig. 7E). The second sternum of H. bytinskii is also characterised by only a few and sparse punctures bearing long setae, whereas H. calcarium has a denser punctation (Fig. 1F) with short setae that are approximately one third as long as those of H. bytinskii. The colour pattern of the head also differs between the two species, with the entire vertex in H. bytinskii coloured flame red, distinctly contrasting the blue head and the green declivity of the frons, with the ocelli area flame red; the red area on the vertex of H. calcarium is less strongly contrasting and the ocelli area is black. The scutellum is entirely flame red in H. bytinskii, whereas it is metallic green on its posterior margin in H. calcarium. Barcoding analyses of the eastern Mediterranean H. bytinskii are needed to evaluate the genetic distance between the two species.


Hedychridium calcarium sp. nov. is very distinct genetically (Fig. 5), showing a low average intraspecific genetic distance of 0.30%. It is strongly separated from the nearest relative in the phylogenetic tree H. reticulatum by an average genetic distance of 16.45% (range 16.11-16.72%). By direct genetic distance, it is closest to H. jucundum specimens from Italy, separated by an average of 16.13% (range 15.96-16.41%). As a note, H. jucundum specimens from Italy are separated from H. jucundum specimens from Menorca by an average of 4.94% (range 4.71-5.17%). This requires further investigation.

Figure 5.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of members of the Hedychridium ardens group based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.


The epithet calcarium derives from the Latin adjective calcarius related to the limestone habitat of the species.


Spain (provinces of Teruel and Granada). At each locality, the species was found in dry grassland on calcareous soil, such as at the Barranco de los Oncenachos (Fig. 6).

Figure 6.  

Villar del Cobo, Barranco de los Oncenachos, province of Teruel, Spain. Collecting site for Hedychridium calcarium Rosa sp. nov.


The host is unknown, but is likely to be a small apoid wasp, in line with other members of the Hedychridium ardens group.

Chrysis crossi Rosa sp. nov.

Materials   Download as CSV 
  1. phylum:
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    I. C. Cross
    ; otherCatalogNumbers:
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    Paolo Rosa
    ; institutionCode:
    Universite de Mons
    ; occurrenceID:
  1. phylum:
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    3 km N Mexilhoeira Grande, Poio
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    Carrapateira, Praia da Bordeira
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    ; year:
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    ; individualCount:
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    ; lifeStage:
    ; recordedBy:
    M. & E. Howe (PRC)
    ; identifiedBy:
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    ; occurrenceID:
  3. phylum:
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    ; year:
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    ; recordedBy:
    I.C. Cross (ICC)
    ; identifiedBy:
    Paolo Rosa
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  4. phylum:
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    P. Rosa & M. Jacobs
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  5. phylum:
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    ; month:
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    ; recordedBy:
    P. Rosa & M. Jacobs (MJC)
    ; identifiedBy:
    Paolo Rosa
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  6. phylum:
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    5 M, 1 F
    ; lifeStage:
    ; recordedBy:
    M. Jacobs (MJC)
    ; identifiedBy:
    Paolo Rosa
    ; occurrenceID:


Female. Body length (holotype) 5.0 mm. Forewing length 3.5 mm.

Head. Vertex and frons with small, contiguous punctures (from 0.2× to 0.3× MOD) and polished interspaces below brow; transverse frontal carina faint; scapal basin medially transversally microridged, laterally with small punctures increasing diameter towards eye (Fig. 7D); malar spaces densely punctate, elongate (1.7× MOD), shorter than first flagellomere (2.0× MOD) and with short dense, silver setae; genal carina fully developed to mandibular insertion; clypeus mostly polished, sparsely punctate along anterior margin; clypeus elongate, subantennal area 1.7 MOD; medially notched and apically thickened. First flagellomere elongate, l/w = 4 (width taken at base of flagellomere). OOL 1.4× MOD; POL 2.0× MOD; MS 1.7× MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:1.6:0.9:0.7.

Figure 7.  

Chrysis crossi Rosa, sp. nov., female, holotype. A habitus, lateral view; B habitus, dorsal view; C head and mesosoma, dorsal view; D head, frontal view; E metasoma, postero-lateral view; F metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Mesosoma. Medial pronotal line narrow and short, reaching half pronotal length; pronotum antero-laterally slightly bulging (Fig. 7); pronotal punctation double and interspaces polished with sparse minute dots; notaulus basally formed by small subrectangular foveae becoming smaller and rounded at apex; parapsidal signum as a linear depression; mesoscutellum dense puncture and irregular interspaces, antero-medially corrugated and becoming polished towards base; scrobal sulcus of mesopleuron formed by large foveae aligned, limited to upper half; episternal sulcus formed by large and irregular, subsquare foveae; punctation with dots on interspaces and larger punctures on mesepisterum; scutellar-metanotal suture deep and wide; metanotum with contiguous punctures, larger than other punctures on mesosoma; posterior propodeal projections slightly divergent; wing venation unmodified.

Metasoma. First tergum double punctate, with large punctures separated by small punctures on interspaces; second and third tergum double punctate, larger punctures smaller than those on first tergum; punctures on metasomal separated by polished interspaces (Fig. 7B, Fig. 7F); pit row composed by small, deep pits, apical margin of third tergum continuous, dark blue, medially arcuate; black spots of the second sternum large, covering almost all segment length, reaching median line.

Colouration. Head and mesosoma dark blue, pronotum and lateral areas of mesoscutum flame red, scutellum with light blue highlights; metasoma red to purplish, apical margin of third tergum blue. Scape, pedicel and first tergum black with weak greenish-metallic lustre, rest of flagellum black; tegula blue; metasomal venter black, with only a narrow blue thin line between the black spots and the apical margin of the second sternum. Legs blue, tarsi dark brown.

Male. Body length 5.0–6.0 mm. Similar to female in shape, sculpture and colouration. Malar space slightly shorter, scapal basin laterally covered by short, dense, appressed and silvery pubescence; blue segments of mesososoma with greenish reflection, propodeum and propodeal angles dorsally green to golden green; brown. Male genital capsule (Fig. 8A) with inner margin of the gonocoxa straight.

Figure 8.  

Chrysis crossi Rosa, sp. nov. A male (Ph.: © M. Jacobs); B female (Ph.: © M. Jacobs); C collecting site of Chrysis crossi with Maarten Jacobs; D Male genital capsule; E Male genital capsule of Chrysis phryne from Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Oriano).


Medium-sized, slender species (5–6 mm); head and mesosoma blue, pronotum and lateral areas of mesoscutum red; mesosoma dorsally red to purple, apical margin of third tergum blue; metasoma ventrally black, black spots on second sternum large, covering almost all surface and touching mid-line, without being clearly fused with each other; narrow stripe on apical margin of second tergum blue. Metasoma punctation double, dense, with polished interspaces between the large and small punctures. Chrysis crossi sp. nov. is chromatically and morphologically similar to C. phryne Abeille de Perrin, 1878, but it is clearly separated genetically (see below). The main diagnostic characters to separate both sexes from C. phryne is the punctation, which consists of distinct double punctures on the metasomal scutum, these being separated by polished interspaces (Fig. 7E, Fig. 9A), whereas in C. phryne, the punctation is even and dense, without polished spaces. The metasomal venter is black in both sexes; black spots on second sternum large, covering almost all surface and touching mid-line with a narrow blue line between the black spots and the apical margin of the segment; in C. phryne, the sternum is clearly metallic green to golden green, with black spots distinctly separate from mid-line. The male genital capsule of the two species is different (Fig. 8) being narrower and more slender in C. crossi sp. nov., with the inner margin of the gonocoxa straight. Male can be also recognised by their brown tarsi, which are pale to yellowish in C. phryne.

Figure 9.  

A-B metasoma, dorsal view: A Chrysis crossi Rosa, sp. nov., male, paratype; B Chrysis phryne male, from Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Oriano); C-D metasoma, ventral view; C Chrysis crossi Rosa, sp., nov., male, paratype; D Chrysis phryne male, from Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Oriano).


Chrysis crossi is very distinct genetically, being separated from an Italian specimen of C. phryne by 8.51%. There are no other specimens separated by less than a genetic distance of 10.0%.


The specific epithet crossi (masculine) is dedicated to Ian Cross (Dorchester, Dorset, UK) for his active research on Portuguese Hymenoptera, including cuckoo wasps, many specimens of which were used for the current InBIO Barcoding Initiative work.


Portugal (Algarve).


Label information from Ian Cross reports that a male specimen was collected at an aggregation of Melitturga caudata Pérez, 1879 (Andrenidae), on the sand near empty snail shells. Chrysis phryne has been reported to attack Osmia (Allosmia) melanura Morawitz, 1871 (see Pauli et al. (2019)), but this cannot be the typical host across much of its range as, in Europe, O. melanura is restricted to southern Italy, North Macedonia and southern Ukraine (Müller 2022). It is likely that a different snail shell-nesting O. (Allosmia) is used instead, all known species of O. (Allosmia) using this nesting substrate. The likely host is O. (Allosmia) rufohirta Latreille, 1811 which is widely distributed across Europe and is the only O. (Allosmia) known from Portugal (Müller 2022), being common in the Algarve (Baldock et al. 2018). We suggest that O. rufohirta is the likely host of C. crossi, though this must be confirmed through direct observations.


According to Linsenmaier (1959), the phryne group includes only two species: Chrysis circe Mocsáry, 1889 and C. phryne Abeille de Perrin, 1878, with three subspecies C. phryne s.str., C. phryne hebraeica Linsenmaier, 1959 and C. phryne burgenlandia Linsenmaier, 1968. The types of these subspecies have been examined and C. hebraeica stat. nov. has to be considered to be a distinct species, based on morphological analyses, as it displays greater morphological differences from C. phryne s.str. than C. crossi. Comments on the specific status of C. phryne burgenlandia (known from Austria to Greece) should be postponed until genetic sequences are available, because the main diagnostic characters are based on body colouration only.

Finally, Mocsáry (1889) described Chrysis destefanii, based on the description of a specimen collected in Sicily by De Stefani-Perez and identified as C. candens by du Buysson (1888). The type of Chrysis destefanii is currently considered to be lost, as is large part of De Stefani’s collection (Romano 2006). Chrysis destefanii was considered to be a synonym of C. phryne by Linsenmaier (1959) and Kimsey and Bohart (1991). Strumia and Yildirim (2009) identified a specimen from Turkey as Chrysis destefanii, yet this record may be related to Chrysis hebraeica or to an undescribed species of the similar rubricata group that has already been observed in the Middle East (PR, unpublished data). Based on the descriptions by du Buysson (1888) and Mocsáry (1889) and, in particular, on the detail on the punctation of the second tergum “régulière formée de points égaux, assez serrés”, the synonymy between Chrysis destefanii and C. crossi is excluded and De Stefani’s specimen would appear to be conspecific with C. phryne. Since the type of Chrysis destefanii is lost, we treat C. destefani as nomen dubium, until such a point that molecular data are available for Sicilian specimens.


Hedychridium caputaureum Trautmann & Trautmann, 1919 and Hedychridium chloropygum du Buysson, 1888

Arens (2010) considered Hedychridium caputaureum Trautmann & Trautmann, 1919 to be a subspecies of H. chloropygum du Buysson, 1888, based on morphological affinities and noticeable variation in surface sculpture. According to Arens (2010), H. chloropygum s.str. is limited to south-western Europe, whereas H. chloropygum caputaureum is distributed in northern, central and south-eastern Europe. The main difference between these two taxa is based on the colouration. In H. chloropygum s.str., the anterior part of the body is richly adorned with copper or gold and the metasoma is metallic blue to violet on the third tergum, to a varying extent and intensity. In H. chloropygum caputaureum, the anterior part of the body may have a similar colouration, although Nordic and central European specimens may be darker, with faint coppery or golden reflections (described as H. chloropygum densum Linsenmaier, 1959 and synonymised by Arens (2010) with H. chloropygum caputaureum); however, the metasoma is always without metallic reflections. The two taxa can additionally be separated by the denser and coarser punctation of the metasoma in H. caputaureum which is apparently locally variable (Arens 2010).

The specimen IBIHM1161-22 collected in the Algarve (Lagos, Fig. 10) shows a rich golden colouration of the anterior part of the body and third tergum is entirely violet, with the metasoma densely punctate. DNA barcodes demonstrate there is moderate genetic differentiation between the Portuguese specimen and H. caputaureum from northern and central Europe (Fig. 11), being separated by an average of 2.50% (range 2.43-2.59%). The clade of H. caputaureum from Austria, Finland and Germany shows low average intraspecific distance of 0.19% (range 0.00-0.34%) and has bootstrap support of 98%.

Figure 10.  

Hedychridium caputaureum Trautmann & Trautmann, 1919, from Algarve A habitus, dorsal view; B habitus, postero-lateral view; C genital capsule, ventral view; D genital capsule, dorsal view.

Figure 11.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of members of the Hedychridium roseum group, based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

However, the Portuguese specimen is much more strongly separated from two sequences of H. chloropygum from Italy, showing average genetic differentiation of 8.43% (range 8.36-8.51%). When including the Portuguese specimen within H. caputaureum, the two clades are separated by an average interspecific genetic distance of 8.56% (range 8.36-9.00%). We, therefore, consider H. caputaureum and H. chloropygum to be two different species and include Portuguese material within H. caputaureum, with the observed genetic distance considered to be variation, given the geographic distance between southern Portugal and Germany. The overall distribution of H. caputaureum must be revised, as this Portuguese specimen is the first reported record of this taxon in south-western Europe. Additional genetic samples from Spain and France are likely to fall between the Portuguese and central/northern European sequences.

The subspecies H. chloropygum berberiacum Linsenmaier, 1959 from Algeria and Morocco shows a similar colouration to the Algarve specimen, though it has more extensively metallic violet colouration laterally on the metasoma, but also sparser punctation (Rosa et al. 2022). Genetic analyses are needed to clarify the placement of this taxon, but for the moment, we consider it to be the northern African subspecies of H. chloropygum, based on its shallow and sparse punctation.

Hedychrum rutilans Dahlbom, 1854 and Hedychrum viridiaureum Tournier, 1877 sp. resurr.

Hedychrum rutilans Dahlbom, 1854 is one of the most common European cuckoo wasp species, known to be a cleptoparasite of Philanthus species (Linsenmaier 1997a). In addition to typical cleptoparasitic behaviour, the female does not have to enter the host nest for ovipositing, but can oviposit directly on the prey (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) while it is being transported to the nest by the host (Veenendaal 1987, Baumgarten 1995). This species is also known in literature as H. intermedium sensu auctorum for an incorrect interpretation of the type materials (Rosa and Xu 2015). Linsenmaier (Linsenmaier 1959, Linsenmaier 1997a, Linsenmaier 1997b) considered three European subspecies, namely: rutilans s.str., ssp. viridiaureum Tournier, 1877 and ssp. viridiauratum Mocsáry, 1889.

Two specimens from the same sampling locality in central Spain (Segovia, Bernuy de Porreros, IBIHM1120-22 and IBIHM1121-22) were both identified as H. rutilans, but are separated by a genetic distance of 5.27%. Integrating all newly-acquired sequences and sequences from BOLD and GenBank (some without identifications beyond Hedychrum sp.) shows that H. rutilans s.l. comprises two taxa (Fig. 12). Sequences from Spain, Italy, Germany, Finland and Bulgaria belong to H. rutilans s. str. (Fig. 12). They show low average intraspecific distance of 0.55% (range 0.00-1.48) and form a clade with bootstrap support of 100. Sequences from Portugal, Spain and western Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate) also show a low average intraspecific distance of 0.16% (range 0.00-0.33) and have bootstrap support of 100%. The two clades are separated by an average genetic distance of 5.16% (range 4.78-5.77%).

Figure 12.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of Hedychrum species, based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

Following Linsenmaier (1997a), the second clade is called Hedychrum viridiaureum Tournier, 1877 sp. resurr. Linsenmaier (Linsenmaier 1959, Linsenmaier 1997a) noted differences between these two taxa and employed a subspecific framework. Hedychrum rutilans s. str. (Fig. 13) is usually larger and Linsenmaier noted a host association with Philanthus coronatus (Thunberg, 1784), whereas H. viridiaureum (Fig. 14) is usually smaller and is associated with the respectively smaller host Philanthus triangulum (Fabricius, 1775). Based on the DNA barcodes presented here, combined with the distributional framework of Linsenmaier, in Europe, H. rutilans s. str. appears to be more widely distributed, from central Iberia across the continent, whereas H. viridiaureum appears to be restricted to Iberia and western Europe, to Switzerland, western Germany and north to Belgium and the Netherlands. Detailed revision is necessary to clarify these range limits and all host associations as, in some regions where H. rutilans s.str. occurs, only P. triangulum is present. Our observations would support the host associations noted by Linsenmaier, with additional points. Very small individuals of H. viridiaureum can be found in Iberia (such as IBIHM-1183-22) where they are associated with Philanthus pulchellus Spinola, 1842 that is smaller than P. triangulum. Equally, in central Spain, the large-bodied Philanthus dufourii Lucas, 1849 is much more frequently encountered than P. coronatus and, hence, this is likely the principal host of H. rutilans s. str. in this region. The correct placement of H. rutilans viridiauratum Mocsáry, 1889, described from Algeria (types examined) and cited by Linsenmaier (Linsenmaier 1959, Linsenmaier 1997a) from the Iberian Peninsula is unclear and must be evaluated by means of molecular analyses. It could be a synonym of H. viridiaureum Tournier or a separate northern African species.

Figure 13.  

Hedychrum rutilans Dahlbom, 1854, habitus, dorsal view A male from Austria, Hainburg (NMLU); B female from Austria, Hainburg (NMLU); C female from Spain, Segovia; D male genital capsule, Austria (NMLU).

Figure 14.  

Hedychrum viridiaureum Tournier, 1877, habitus, dorsal view A male from Switzerland, Wallis (NMLU); B female from Spain, Soria (NMLU); C male from Spain, Segovia; D male genital capsule, Spain, Segovia.

Philoctetes punctulatus (Dahlbom, 1845) and Philoctetes parvulus (Dahlbom, 1845)

Philoctetes parvulus (Dahlbom, 1845) was considered to be a valid species by Rosa and Soon (2012) following type examination. Based on the consistently smaller size, dark colouration and different punctation of both sexes in comparison with P. punctulatus (Fig. 15), specimens of P. parvulus were considered to be distinct. However, DNA barcodes (Fig. 16) demonstrate that the small individuals displaying the typical morphology of P. parvulus (INV12750, INV12749) show almost no genetic differentiation from P. punctulatus (0.00% and 0.02%). The differences in morphology are, therefore, not considered to be species-specific and are probably caused or exaggerated by the smaller body size. Philoctetes parvulus is, therefore, considered to be a synonym of P. punctulatus.

Figure 15.  

Philoctetes punctulatus (Dahlbom, 1854), habitus, lateral view A female from Spain, Segovia; B female from Portugal, Tavira; C male from Portugal, Tavira.

Figure 16.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of Elampini species with a focus on Philoctetes, based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff, 1910

The identity of Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff, 1910 (Fig. 17) has to date remained unclear. Kimsey and Bohart (1991) synonymised Chrysis sculpturata Mocsáry, 1912 with C. lusitanica, but the examination of both types revealed the occurrence of two distinct species (Rosa et al. 2017, PR, unpublished data). Soon et al. (2014) DNA barcoded and revalidated C. sculpturata in the clade of C. ignita (Linnaeus, 1758), whereas the placement of C. lusitanica remained unknown.

Figure 17.  

Chrysis lusitanica Bischoff, 1910, female, holotype (MfN) A habitus, lateral view; B head, frontal view; C head and mesosoma, dorsal view; D metasoma, dorsal view; E metasoma, postero-lateral view; F metasoma, ventral view.

The DNA barcode of a recently-collected specimen places C. lusitanica in the clade of C. brevitarsis Thomson, 1870, a well-studied group after the molecular works of Soon et al. (2014) and Orlovskyté et al. (2016). In the framework of these previous projects, we can conclude that C. lusitanica is a member of the brevitarsis clade and that it is also present in Sardinia (first record for Italy, previously published as C. pseudobrevitarsis Linsenmaier, 1951 by Soon et al. (2014)). Chrysis lusitanica can be easily separated from the other species of this clade by the small, even and dense punctures on the second tergum, these punctures being smaller or similar to those on the first tergum and the mesosoma densely punctate, with uniform dark blue colouration.

Chrysis lusitanica (including the Sardinian specimen that differs from the Portuguese specimen by 0.46%) is strongly separated from C. pseudobrevitarsis by an average interspecific distance of 4.07% (range 3.80-4.41%, Fig. 18). It is less strongly separated from C. brevitarsis by an average interspecific distance of 2.28% (range 2.05-2.43%), but because intraspecific variation is low (0.46% and 0.16%, respectively), both the C. lusitanica and C. brevitarsis clades have bootstrap support of 100%. Genetic differentiation within the brevitarsis clade is generally low, with C. brevitarsis separated from C. parabrevitarsis by an average interspecific distance of 3.06% (range 2.46-3.50%). In this context, C. lusitanica is considered to be a consistently differentiated species.

Figure 18.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of members of the Chrysis ignita group with a focus on the species around Chrysis brevitarsis based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

Chrysis scutellaris marteni Linsenmaier, 1951

Linsenmaier (1951) described a Spanish subspecies of Chrysis scutellaris Fabricius, 1794, based on its larger size (9.0-10.5 mm) and stocky aspect, with the apical margin of the third tergum indistinctly undulate. This form can be collected in sympatry with the nominotypical species. The two specimens DNA barcoded here conform morphologically to C. scutellaris marteni and show a genetic distance of 6.26% and 6.42% from a sample of C. scutellaris from Eisenberg (Rhineland-Palatinate) in Germany (KY430717). The subspecies may, therefore, be distinct, but additional samples are required, particularly of typical C. scutellaris from Iberia.

Chrysis splendidula group

The splendidula group currently includes twelve Palearctic species, yet the real number of the species in this group is unclear and requires detailed revision. Several morphospecies are found in the Mediterranean region, in particular those related to the subgroup of C. rutilans Olivier, 1790 and identified with the name Chrysis insperata Chevrier, 1870, including small and slender species. Other morphospecies closely related to C. rutilans are awaiting description (PR, unpublished data). The identity of specimen IBIHM1090-22 from the Sierra Nevada, tentatively identified as C. rutilans, is unclear, but it may represent another undescribed taxon within this group as it is clearly separated from C. rutilans sequences from Finland.

Within the splendidula group, we identify Chrysis maroccana Mocsáry, 1883 as a species closely related to C. splendidula Rossi, 1790, which lacks the raised apical margin at the apex of the second tergum. This species was previously reported from Morocco, Sardinia and Corsica (Linsenmaier 1987). Mingo (1994) recorded C. maroccana from Portugal and Spain, but her identifications clearly refer to another species already known from Iberia which was not mentioned in the monograph, namely C. continentalis Linsenmaier, 1959. Specimen IBIHM1141-22 from southern Portugal (Algarve, Praia do Barril) is strongly separated from two sequences of C. splendidula from Italy by an average of 7.67% (range 7.49-7.84%, Fig. 19). We suspect that the Portuguese specimen represents C. maroccana, but additional sampling and genetic sequences from Morocco are required for confident determination, given the complexity within this species group

Figure 19.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of the Chrysis splendidula group, based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

Stilbum westermanni Dahlbom, 1845 sp. resurr.

Linsenmaier (1959) listed six subspecies of Stilbum calens (Fabricius, 1781) distributed from Europe to China and he separated the two subspecies S. calens zimmermanni Linsenmaier, 1959 and S. calens subcalens Linsenmaier, 1959 (nec Mader 1933, an unavailable name) (Linsenmaier 1959, Linsenmaier 1997a, Linsenmaier 1997b). This latter taxon was later identified as S. calens wesmaeli Dahlbom, 1845 (Linsenmaier 1997a: 134, Linsenmaier 1997b: 287, Linsenmaier 1999: 254). However, Rosa and Vårdal (2015) discovered that the type of Stilbum wesmaeli is actually related to S. cyanurum (Forster, 1771) and the first available name for this taxon is Stilbum westermanni Dahlbom, 1845. Rosa and Vårdal (2015) considered this to be a subspecies of Stilbum calens, following Linsenmaier’s subspecific interpretation (Linsenmaier 1959, Linsenmaier 1997a, Linsenmaier 1997b).

Genetic results unambiguously support a species-level difference between S. calens westermanni from Spain and Portugal and S. calens zimmermanni from Italy (Fig. 20). These taxa are separated by an average genetic distance of 6.62%, with bootstrap support of 100% for each clade. Both taxa are well-separated from S. cyanurum (Fig. 21A), by an average of 6.68% for S. calens westermanni and by 6.86% for S. calens zimmermanni. Though collected over a large area from Portugal to South Africa, S. cyanurum shows low intraspecific variability, with average separation of 1.26% (range 0.47-1.89%). Stilbum westermanni stat. nov. is, therefore, restored to species status (Fig. 21B). For now, we follow the interpretation of Linsenmaier that material from Central Europe should be referred to as S. calens zimmermanni until genetic samples are available from Siberia, the locus typicus of S. calens s. str.

Figure 20.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of Stilbum species, based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

Figure 21.  

Stilbum species, dorsal view. A Stilbum cyanurum (Forster, 1771), male from Portugal, Odemira; B Stilbum westermanni Dahlbom, 1845, female from Spain, Malaga.

The specimens DNA barcoded and identified in BOLD as Stilbum cyanurum from Madagascar (MW983778 and MW983223) are clearly distinct and actually belong to the species Stilbum viride Guérin-Méneville, 1842, the sole and endemic Madagascan Stilbum (Kimsey and Bohart 1991). Additionally, samples from Australia identified as ‘S. superbum’ are also clearly distinct. However, the name ‘Stilbum superbum’ is unavailable and it is likely an incorrect spelling of Stilbum splendidum (Fabricius, 1775) that has recently been used on online sites. The Australian Stilbum species is clearly morphologically different from all other known species, but its taxonomic status has been confused. In literature, it has been commonly referred to as S. splendidium auct. or S. amethystinum auct. The type of the first taxon proved to be morphologically conspecific with S. cyanurum and considered to be a subjective synonym by Kimsey and Bohart (1991). The second was also considered to be a subjective synonym of S. cyanurum by Kimsey and Bohart (1991), but two syntypic specimens in London (Banks Collection, Natural History Museum) belong to a morphological separated species, characterised by smaller size and short malar spaces. Since this taxon is morphologically and genetically distinct, we here resurrect S. amethystinum (Fabricius, 1775) sp. resurr. from its previous synonymy with S. cyanurum. We also designate here the lectotype of Chrysis amethystina Fabricius, 1775 with one of the two specimens housed in the Banks Collection.

Parnopes sp.

The genetic sequence of this Parnopes specimen is strongly separated from the sequence of P. grandior from Italy by an average of 8.71% (Fig. 22). It is closer to a P. unicolor sequence from Morocco, but is still separated by 5.18%. Taken together, this taxon and Parnopes unicolor form a clade with bootstrap support of 89%, strongly separated from the P. grandior clade that has bootstrap support of 100%.

Figure 22.  

Phylogenetic tree (neighbour-joining) of Parnopes species, based on the DNA barcoding mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Numbers adjacent to branches represent bootstrap support (values of < 0.75 are omitted). The scale-bar indicates the % of sequence divergence.

The discovery of another Parnopes species in the Iberian Peninsula is not so surprising as it seems, even though a name currently cannot be confidently assigned to this taxon. In recent years, a new species from Sardinia, Parnopes linsenmaieri Agnoli, 1995 (described as subspecies of Parnopes grandior) was described and another species was found through DNA barcoding Bulgarian specimens (BOLD, unpublished sequences). However, several new species of West Palearctic Parnopes will be described in an upcoming revision. These species have been overlooked because, classically, only three species were considered to be valid in the West Palearctic: Parnopes grandior (known from Europe to central Asia), P. unicolor (northern Africa) and P. glasunowi (western Asia to central Asia) and specimens were identified, in part, based on the collecting locality and, in part, on body colouration. In this sense, all the variations and subspecies of P. grandior were considered to be only colour variation (Kimsey and Bohart 1991). The Portuguese female barcoded may be related to Parnopes marokkanus Trautmann, 1927, a taxon not mentioned by Kimsey and Bohart (1991), Linsenmaier (1959), Linsenmaier (1968), Linsenmaier (1997b) and Linsenmaier (1999). In any case, many more genetic sequences and analyses are needed to understand the limits of variability within this genus. In fact, colouration is still seemingly very variable within populations, but could also represent the presence of valid sibling species.

New additions to the Portuguese fauna

Thanks to this barcoding project, we analysed and added for the first time the following taxa to the list of the Portuguese species:

Hedychridium caputaureum Trautmann & Trautmann, 1919

Hedychridium cupritibiale Linsenmaier, 1987

Hedychridium sevillanum Linsenmaier, 1968

Holopyga fastuosa Lucas, 1849

Holopyga jurinei sensu Linsenmaier 1959

Chrysis castillana du Buysson, 1894

Chrysis cerastes Abeille de Perrin, 1877

Chrysis insperata Chevrier, 1870

Chrysis crossi Rosa, sp. nov.

Stilbum westermanni Dahlbom, 1845


The present work was funded by the project NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000063, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). InBIO Barcoding Initiative is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 668981 and the project PORBIOTA—Portuguese E-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity (POCI-01-0145- FEDER-022127), supported by Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and by Horizon Europe under the Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment call (REA.B.3); co-funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 22.00173; and by the UK Research and Innovation under the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Horizon Europe Guarantee Scheme. SF and VM were funded by the FCT through the programme ‘Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support—3rd Edition’ 2020.03526.CEECIND; 2020.02547.CEECIND). JV was funded by a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/133159/2017) from FCT. PR is supported by the EU Project ORBIT (DG Env 09.029901/2021/848268/SER/ENV.D.2). TJW is supported by an F.R.S.-FNRS fellowship “Chargé de recherches”. We thank Villu Soon (Tartu, Estonia) and Juho Paukkunen (Helsinki, Finland) for reviewing the manuscript.


Supplementary materials

Suppl. material 1: IBI - Hymenoptera 02 Chrysididae library - Specimen details 
Authors:  Paolo Rosa, Thomas Wood, Sónia Ferreira
Data type:  Specimen data records
Brief description: 

The file includes information about all records in BOLD for the IBI - Hymenoptera 02 library. It contains collecting and identification data. The data are as downloaded from BOLD in the tsv format, without further processing.

Suppl. material 2: IBI - Hymenoptera 02 Chrysididae library - Specimen details 
Authors:  Paolo Rosa, Thomas Wood, Sónia Ferreira
Data type:  Specimen data records
Brief description: 

The file includes information about all records in BOLD for the IBI - Hymenoptera 02 library. It contains collecting and identification data. The data are as downloaded from BOLD in the DWC format, without further processing.

Suppl. material 3: IBI - Hymenoptera 02 Chrysididae library - DNA sequences 
Authors:  Paolo Rosa, Thomas Wood, Sónia Ferreira
Data type:  Genomic data, DNA sequences
Brief description: 

COI sequences in fasta format. Each sequence is identified by the BOLD ProcessID, species name, marker and GenBank accession number, separated by pipe. The data are as downloaded from BOLD.

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