The German Barcode of Life initiative (GBOL) aims at creating a DNA barcode library of German organisms. The third phase, "GBOL III: Dark Taxa", focuses on little known or unknown groups of insects in Germany, in particular Diptera and parasitoid Hymenoptera. GBOL III: Dark Taxa is a joint project with partners from three major German natural history institutions in Bonn (Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig), Munich (SNSB–Zoologische Staatssammlung München) and Stuttgart (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart). Further partners are the University of Würzburg and the Entomological Society Krefeld. Starting from July 2020, 12 PhD students are tackling the taxonomy of selected groups of poorly known Diptera and parasitoid Hymenoptera using an integrative taxonomic approach that that builds on DNA barcoding and morphology but employs also other methods. Further work packages include employing HTS techniques to estimate the role of cryptic parasitoids during outbreaks of pest species, establishing a platform for using OTU based data and developing pipelines for poor-quality samples and taxonomics approaches. The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant ID: 01LI1901). For additional information see
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