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Taxonomy & Inventories
Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e29553 (28 Jun 2019) (28 Jun 2019)
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Article metadata
Materials and methods
Project aims and rearing intensity
Imaging and dissections
Voucher specimen management
Acronyms for Depositories
Interim names for undescribed host species
DNA barcoding
Hyphantrophaga morphophaga species group
Taxon treatments
Hyphantrophaga adrianguadamuzi
Hyphantrophaga albopilosa
Hyphantrophaga anacordobae
Hyphantrophaga angustata
Hyphantrophaga calixtomoragai
Hyphantrophaga calva
Hyphantrophaga ciriloumanai
Hyphantrophaga danausophaga
Hyphantrophaga diniamartinezae
Hyphantrophaga duniagarciae
Hyphantrophaga edwinapui
Hyphantrophaga eldaarayae
Hyphantrophaga eliethcantillanoae
Hyphantrophaga gilberthampiei
Hyphantrophaga guillermopereirai
Hyphantrophaga hazelcambroneroae
Hyphantrophaga luciariosae
Hyphantrophaga manuelriosi
Hyphantrophaga morphophaga
Hyphantrophaga myersi
Hyphantrophaga nigricauda
Hyphantrophaga osvaldoespinozai
Hyphantrophaga pabloumanai
Hyphantrophaga similis
Hyphantrophaga virilis
Key to the species of Hyphantrophaga Townsend, of the Mesoamerican region
Hyphantrophaga morphophaga species-group
DNA Barcoding
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