(02 Oct 2020)
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The Azores, its location in the Atlantic and Formigas Islets highlighted in black (by Nuno V. Álvaro).

Mid-shore intertidal level showing gastropods, chthamalid barnacles and algal turf (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG).

Treptacantha abies-marina in an intertidal channel (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG).

Low intertidal showing multi-specific algal turf and Elisolandia elongata (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG).

Frondose macrophytes (Dictyota spp. and Plocamium cartilagineum) at the subtidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG).

Collecting macroalgae at the rocky intertidal (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG).

Asparagopsis armata, a new record for the Formigas Islets (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG).