Biodiversity Data Journal :
Research Article
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Academic editor: Lyubomir Penev
Received: 28 Sep 2016 | Accepted: 29 Nov 2016 | Published: 01 Dec 2016
© 2016 Matthias Geiger, Jerome Moriniere, Axel Hausmann, Gerhard Haszprunar, Wolfgang Wägele, Paul Hebert, Björn Rulik
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Geiger M, Moriniere J, Hausmann A, Haszprunar G, Wägele W, Hebert P, Rulik B (2016) Testing the Global Malaise Trap Program – How well does the current barcode reference library identify flying insects in Germany? Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e10671.
Biodiversity patterns are inherently complex and difficult to comprehensively assess. Yet, deciphering shifts in species composition through time and space are crucial for efficient and successful management of ecosystem services, as well as for predicting change. To better understand species diversity patterns, Germany participated in the Global Malaise Trap Program, a world-wide collection program for arthropods using this sampling method followed by their DNA barcode analysis. Traps were deployed at two localities: “Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald” in Bavaria, the largest terrestrial Natura 2000 area in Germany, and the nature conservation area Landskrone, an EU habitats directive site in the Rhine Valley. Arthropods were collected from May to September to track shifts in the taxonomic composition and temporal succession at these locations.
In total, 37,274 specimens were sorted and DNA barcoded, resulting in 5,301 different genetic clusters (BINs, Barcode Index Numbers, proxy for species) with just 7.6% of their BINs shared. Accumulation curves for the BIN count versus the number of specimens analyzed suggest that about 63% of the potential diversity at these sites was recovered with this single season of sampling. Diversity at both sites rose from May (496 & 565 BINs) to July (1,236 & 1,522 BINs) before decreasing in September (572 & 504 BINs). Unambiguous species names were assigned to 35% of the BINs (1,868) which represented 12,640 specimens. Another 7% of the BINs (386) with 1,988 specimens were assigned to genus, while 26% (1,390) with 12,092 specimens were only placed to a family. These results illustrate how a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library can identify unknown specimens, but also reveal how this potential is constrained by gaps in the quantity and quality of records in BOLD, especially for Hymenoptera and Diptera. As voucher specimens are available for morphological study, we invite taxonomic experts to assist in the identification of unnamed BINs.
DNA barcoding, arthropods, reverse taxonomy, BIN discordance, biomonitoring
Initiated in 2012 by the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics at the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario (BIO), the Global Malaise Trap Program (GMTP) is a collaboration involving more than 30 international partners. It aims to provide an overview of arthropod diversity by coupling the large-scale deployment of Malaise traps with the use of specimen-based DNA barcoding to assess species diversity. Because arthropods comprise the overwhelming majority of species in terrestrial habitats (
The arthropod fauna of Germany is thought to include about 38,000 species, with about 1/3 being abundant or very common, while another third are very local and/or rare, and the final third are very rare, being collected only a few times each century and usually with Red List status if recognized at all. This overall abundance pattern implies that a DNA barcode reference library with 50-60% species coverage should allow for the re-identification of some 80-95% of the specimens encountered in real samples, a sufficient level of resolution for most applications. Although Malaise traps are particularly effective in capturing flying insects (especially Diptera and Hymenoptera), they also collect other arthropods, including wingless species, that crawl into them. Because of their high taxonomic diversity, Malaise trap catches are ideal for testing the adequacy of current taxonomic coverage in the DNA barcode reference library. To evaluate the efficacy of this approach, we employed a reverse taxonomy approach (
We used samples from the two Malaise traps to assess the current taxonomic coverage of the DNA barcode reference library by assessing the percentage of BINs that were automatically assigned with an unambiguous species-, genus-, or family level taxonomy. In our definition a BIN’s identification is classified unambiguous if it contains specimens with only one taxon name of the same rank (species, genus, etc.). For this purpose we used the BOLD “discordance report” without further inspecting the discordant BINs, which is a conservative approach. Although it overestimates gaps in the reference libraries due to “noise” (obvious errors and misidentifications leading to mismatches at higher systematic levels), we opted for this strategy, because it mimics the situation in metabarcoding studies: large numbers of sequence clusters are generated and automatically given a taxonomic placement that cannot be manually checked on an individual basis. This is often due to a lack of taxonomic expertise that would be necessary to decide which taxon is the correct one in cases where more than one is retrieved as a “hit” from the BOLD identification query. We also tried to ascertain if taxonomic coverage in the reference database is biased towards organisms which occur frequently and in high abundance. We further compared the α-diversity between the two locations from May to September, using BIN assignments as a species proxy to describe shifts in diversity over the course of the year.
Malaise Trap details
As part of the GMTP, two Malaise traps were deployed in Germany, one in southeast Germany in the Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald in 2012 (GMTPE: 11.3 km N of Grafenau, conifer-dominated mountain forest, 842m asl, N 48.95090 E 13.42199), which is the largest terrestrial protected natural reserve in Germany, and, combined with the neighbouring Czech Šumava National Park, part of the largest transboundary protected area in central Europe. The sample location can be described as natural forest (Luzulo nemorosae -Abietetum) in a frost-pocket with stand replacing disturbance by spruce bark beetles, close to the 'Racheldiensthütte'. The second trap was installed in 2013 in the western part of Germany, situated in the north adjacent to the Upper Middle River Rhine Valley (GMTPZ: 5.0 km E of Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, 'Landskrone', Oberwinterer terrace- and hill country, 194m asl, N 50.55600 E 7.17000). The specific trapping site can be described as follows: southerly exposure, on the edge of a sandy bluff surrounded by xeric grassland in proximity to a deciduous coppice (‘Niederwald’). The vegetation is eradicated annually due to St. Martin’s fires, which occur every November, followed by pioneer vegetation again. The two sample locations are separated by about 485 kilometers.
The collection bottles for each Malaise trap were emptied weekly or biweekly and filled with 500 ml of fresh 80% (GMTPE) or 96% (GMTPZ) laboratory EtOH. Subsequent analyses only consider the arthropod diversity observed in traps between May and September as this was the interval during which sampling was continuous at both sites.
Specimen Sorting and DNA Barcoding
Individuals from each trap were sorted and DNA barcoded following standard protocols for the Global Malaise Trap Program ( without taxonomic assignment below an ordinal level. Large-bodied specimens were pinned and stored as vouchers after a leg was removed for DNA extraction while small-bodied specimens were placed directly in 96-well microplates and were recovered after DNA extraction and then stored individually in 96% EtOH. Standard protocols ( were used to recover the DNA barcode region, with the exception that the PCR products were only sequenced unidirectionally. All meta- and sequence data were uploaded to the online Barcode of Life Database ( into the public project containers GMTPE (projects: GMGRA, GMGRD, GMGRE, GMGRC, GMGRB, GMGRF, GMGRG, GMGRH, GMGRI) and GMTPZ (projects: GMGMH, GMGMJ, GMGMA, GMGMK, GMGMI, GMGMG, GMGMF, GMGMM, GMGML, GMGMB, GMGME, GMGMN, GMGMC, GMGMD). Based on the comparison of the DNA barcode records to data already on BOLD, each sequence was assigned a new or known BIN. As well, one or more representatives of each species or BIN were imaged (available in each project container). Finally, representatives of all new BINs were bidirectional sequenced to ensure that these records were in full compliance with the barcode standard (
Data Analysis
All specimens with a full or partial DNA barcode were assigned to a new or an existing BIN, so automated identifications based on BIN membership were annotated by the BOLD-ID engine. BINs new to the barcode library are assigned a taxonomic level above the species (genus or family, usually). This is also the case if multiple species names occur in the same BIN, even if these cases of BIN-sharing do not involve specimens from the same country or continent. As BOLD is constantly growing and BIN assignments are dynamic, all data from the two projects were downloaded on August 27th 2015 and all analyses reflect the state of knowledge at this time. This is important because the addition of new sequences to the database can alter BIN assignments, either removing some members of a BIN, or merging formerly separate BINs into one (e.g.,
We evaluated the sampling effort and proportion of diversity in each trap with accumulation curves for number of BINs versus the number of DNA barcodes separately for the GMTPE and GMTPZ samples. These analyses employed EstimateS 9.1.0 with 100 randomizations and a total extrapolation by a factor of 3 (
All DNA sequences and specimen metadata can be viewed and downloaded from the dataset found at
All records that represented BINs which were new to BOLD are compiled in new datasets, and can be retrieved from BOLD under the code DS-765MFBAY ( and DS-633MF8 (
Further sources of primary data can be found in the supplemetary material.
A total of 29,490 (GMTPE) and 16,002 (GMTPZ) specimens collected from May through September were selected for barcode analysis. From these specimens, 23,752 (80.5%, GMTPE) and 13,524 (84.5%, GMTPZ) delivered a full or partial DNA barcode (>285 bps; mean=595 +/- 41 bps SD), enough data to permit their assignment to a BIN. In total, 2,540 BINs were represented in the sample from the Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald (GMTPE) while the Landskrone sample (GMTPZ) included 2,761 BINs. The GMTPE samples contained 3,749 individuals that represented 765 BINs that were new to BOLD (August 2015). Similarly, the GMTPZ samples included 1,980 specimens that represented 633 BINs, which were new to BOLD. These records are compiled in new datasets, which can be retrieved from BOLD under the code DS-765MFBAY ( and DS-633MF8 (
The accumulation curves for BINs versus the number of analysed specimens (Fig.
Accumulation curves showing the number of BINs versus the number of specimens analyzed from the two sample locations based on collections from May to September. The map illustrates the location of the two Malaise traps within Germany. Note that the y-axis cuts at the actual number of specimens analysed.
Asterik = GMTPE: Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Triangle = GMTPZ: Middle River Rhine Valley
With regard to the distribution of all BINs categorized at order-level, there were similar and low numbers of species belonging to non-target groups (e.g., mites, spiders, booklice) versus much higher species numbers in groups targeted with a Malaise trap (e.g., flies, butterflies and moths, bees and wasps; Fig.
Analysis of temporal variation in BIN representation revealed a similar overall pattern for both locations with an increasing number of species from May to June and July followed by a decrease in the last two months (Fig.
Total number of BINs per month (in parentheses), private BINs per month (in non-overlaid colored fields), and BIN overlap during the course of the summer and between months. For example, the highest number of private BINs not present in any other month occurred in July (481 & 644), while the highest number of shared BINs occurred between June and July (171 & 187) and the number of BINs present throughout the sampling period was 52 and 55; GMTPE left and GMTPZ right.
The same temporal pattern was generally evident for six major orders (Araneae, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera), with a steep decline of species numbers between July and August (Fig.
Ten most common BINs in samples from GMTPE with BIN information from BOLD (Oct 21st 2015 and Oct 27th 2016): number of individuals and country of origin, taxonomy [number of species, if BIN discordant], occurrence in GMTPE samples and a general note. The hyperlink leads to the respective BIN page on BOLD with information on the geographical distribution of specimens and images of representatives.
taxonomy Oct 21st 2015 |
occurrence |
Note (Oct 21st 2015) |
taxonomy Oct 27st 2016 |
BOLD:ACD9573 (n=1131, GER, NOR) |
Diptera, Phoridae |
May (395) Jun (156) Jul (281) Aug (145) Sep (129) |
Species of phorid fly not yet morphologically determined |
Metopininae, Megaselia rufa (n=1134) |
BOLD:AAH3983 (n=4035, CAN, GER, NOR) |
Diptera, Sciaridae, Ctenosciara hyalipennis |
May (259) Jun (4) Jul (258) Aug (448) Sep (22) |
Ctenosciara develops in decaying material |
Ctenosciara hyalipennis (n=4184; plus: SWE, FIN, UK) |
BOLD:ACF4704 (n=983, GER, BGR) |
Diptera, Phoridae |
May (21) Jun (110) Jul (453) Aug (292) Sep (92) |
Species of phorid fly not yet morphologically determined |
Metopininae, Metopina oligoneura (n=963) |
BOLD:AAM9243 (n=1618, CAN, GER, NOR, FIN, NZL) |
Diptera, Sciaridae, Bradysia spp. [2] |
May (3) Jun (11) Aug (26) Sep (657) |
Most likely Bradysia polonica |
Bradysia atroparva (n=1659; plus RUS) |
Diptera, Drosophilidae, Drosophilinae, Scaptomyza pallida |
Jun (576) Jul (11) Aug (8) Sep (11) |
Widely distributed in Mid-Europe, very common, larvae living saprohagic in rotting plant material |
Scaptomyza pallida (n=1334;plus NLD, CZE, BGD, KEN, UK) |
BOLD:ACD9582 (n=567, GER) |
Diptera, Empididae |
May (429) Jun (136) Jul (1) |
Species of empidid fly not yet morphologically determined |
Empididae (n=484) |
BOLD:AAG7022 (n=553, GER, NOR, FIN, FRA) |
Diptera, Phoridae, Metopininae, Megaselia nigriceps |
Jun (108) Jul (190) Aug (65) Sep (177) |
larvae living saprohagic in rotting plant material |
Megaselia nigriceps (n=567) |
BOLD:ACG4398 (n=373, GER, RUS) |
Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae, Limnophyes sp. 2SW |
Jun (42) Jul (288) Aug (37) Sep (5) |
A chironomid not yet morphologically determined |
Limnophyes sp. 2SW (n=361) |
BOLD:AAA8204 (n=1477, CAN, NOR, GER, FIN, BGR, FRA) |
Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae, Limnophyes minimus |
May (65) Jun (86) Jul (144) Aug (47) Sep (27) |
living almost everywhere in wet soils and at the margins of brooks and pools |
Limnophyes minimus (n=1823; plus ARG, UK) |
BOLD:ACG0645 (n=325, GER) |
Diptera, Hybotidae |
Jun (34) Jul (247) Aug (44) Sep (1) |
Species of hybotid fly not yet morphologically determined |
Tachydromiinae, Drapetis sp. (n=323) |
Ten most common BINs in samples from GMTPZ with BIN information from BOLD (Oct 21st 2015 and Oct 27th 2016): number of individuals and country of origin, taxonomy [number of species, if BIN discordant], occurrence in GMTPE samples and a general note. The hyperlink leads to the respective BIN page on BOLD with information on the geographical distribution of specimens and images of representatives.
taxonomy Oct 21st 2015 |
occurrence |
note (Oct 21st 2015) |
taxonomy Oct 27st 2016 |
BOLD:ACR4672 (n=265, GER, BGR, EGY) |
Diptera, Muscidae, Coenosiinae, Coenosia testacea |
May (28) Jun (4) Jul (56) Aug (98) Sep (30) |
Member of the greenhouse predator community (cf. |
Coenosia testacea (n=279; plus SWE) |
BOLD:AAG9659 (n=1184, CAN, GER, NOR, BGR, FIN, FRA) |
Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Diaphorinae, Chrysotus spp. [3] |
Jun (29) Jul (118) Aug (47) Sep (9) |
Member of the long-legged flies, known to be very abundant in e.g. wetlands (cf. Gelbič & Olejníček, 2011) |
Chrysotus neglectus [1127] Chrysotus femoratus [2] Chrysotus gramineus [1] (n=1270; plus UK, USA, RUS) |
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Plusiinae, Autographa spp. [2] |
Jul (68) Aug (105) Sep (13) |
Most likely A. gramma, a polyphagous pest species found on cereals, grasses, fiber crops, Brassica spp., or other vegetables (cf. |
Autographa gramma [80] Autographa pulchrina [1] Lygephila craccae [1] Pingasa ruginaria [1] (n=276; plus SWE, SRB, UAE, TUR, MDG, ROM, POR, KOR) |
BOLD:ABV4597 (n=212, GER, FIN, BGR) |
Diptera, Sarcophagidae, Sarcophaginae, Sarcophaga spp. [3] |
May (2) Jun (45) Jul (106) Aug (8) Sep (24) |
Most likely S. depressifrons in this megadiverse flesh-fly genus, where most species are scavengers of small carrion. |
Sarcophaga depressifrons [207] Sarcophaga haemorrhoa [10] Sarcophaga bulgarica [1] (n=274; plus NOR, NLD) |
Diptera, Syrphidae, Syrphinae, Sphaerophoria spp. [27] |
May (2) Jun (11) Jul (92) Aug (40) Sep (9) |
Most likely the very variable hoverfly S. philanthus, as frequent visitor of flowers a likely important pollinator species. The existence of 27 different names in this BIN certainly reflects the need of a revisionary work of this nearly globally occuring taxon. |
Sphaerophoria philanthus [85] Sphaerophoria scripta [36] Sphaerophoria batava [28] Sphaerophoria virgata [20] Sphaerophoria taeniata [17] Sphaerophoria interrupta [16] Sphaerophoria contigua [12] Sphaerophoria rueppellii [9] Sphaerophoria longipilosa [8] Sphaerophoria abbreviata [8] Sphaerophoria asymmetrica [8] Sphaerophoria laurae [7] Sphaerophoria sulphuripes [7] Sphaerophoria infuscata [7] Sphaerophoria bankowskae [6] Sphaerophoria fatarum [5] Sphaerophoria potentillae [4] Sphaerophoria bifurcata [3] Sphaerophoria brevipilosa [3] Sphaerophoria interrupta-group [3] Sphaerophoria pyrrhina [3] Sphaerophoria sp. MA-1 [3] Sphaerophoria boreoalpina [2] Sphaerophoria macrogaster [2] Sphaerophoria chongjini [2] Sphaerophoria sp. [1] Sphaerophoria bengalensis [1] Sphaerophoria kaa [1] Sphaerophoria cleoae [1] Sphaerophoria nr. philanthus [1] (n=1590; plus FRA, JPN, TWN, AUS, IND, CZE, KOR, HUN, BGD) |
BOLD:ACR3782 (n=223, GER, FIN) |
Diptera, Muscidae, Coenosiinae, Coenosia agromyzina |
May (33) Jun (20) Jul (21) Aug (31) Sep (33) |
Member of the genus Coenosia have potential as biological control agents against plant pests due to their predatory way of life. |
Coenosia agromyzina (n=246; plus SWE) |
Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae, Bombus spp. [15] |
May (2) Jun (10) Jul (92) Aug (30) Sep (1) |
Most likely B. terrestris, the very widespread European bumblebee with at least nine described subspecies. Despite numerous studies on this species complex there is no consens on the taxonomic status of several subspecies. (cf. |
Bombus terrestris [208] Bombus terrestris subsp. [25] Bombus maderensis [2] Bombus pascuorum [1] Bombus canariensis [1] (n=361; plus NLD, EST) |
BOLD:AAN8406 (n=254, GER, CAN, BGR, EGY, PAK) |
Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae, Empoasca sp. |
May (3) Jun (26) Jul (72) Aug (17) Sep (9) |
A genus of leafhoppers with small sized species (ca. 3mm) of which some are considered destructive pests in field crops and vegetables in greenhouses. |
Empoasca pteridis [3] Empoasca vitis [2] (n=392; plus NLD) |
BOLD:AAC4378 (n=176, GER, NOR, ITA, FRA, IRL, BGR, FIN) |
Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae, Bombus spp. [6] |
May (11) Jun (27) Jul (17) Aug (37) Sep (8) |
Most likely the common carder bee (B. pascuorum), a bumblebee present in most of Europe in various habitats. |
Bombus pascuorum [73] Bombus pascuorum subsp. vulgo [2] Bombus incertus [1] Bombus flavobarbatus [1] (n=204; plus NLD, UK, DEN) |
BOLD:ACR4546 (n=155, GER, NOR, FIN) |
Diptera, Anthomyiidae, Pegomyinae, Emmesomyia grisea |
May (9) Jun (17) Jul (49) Aug (6) Sep (8) |
Most larvae of the species in the family dung flies are known as root maggots, but many larvae also feed on dung and animal feces. Emmesomyia are coprophagous and probably specific to cow droppings (cf. Iwasa 2007). |
Emmesomyia grisea (n=185) |
The BIN discordance report (Suppl. material
As depicted in Fig.
This study did not aim to generate conclusions concerning ecological differences between the two sample locations because they represent fundamentally different types of habitat (cf. Fig.
The reverse taxonomy approach enabled by the BIN system or by use of the BLAST function against NCBI GenBank records is the standard for large-scale biomonitoring, which employ NGS-based methods to examine environmental samples (e.g.,
This study indicates that taxonomic coverage achieved during the national initiatives BFB and GBOL has led to considerable progress, but that it has been insufficient to create the reference library needed to identify the majority of small flying insects to genus or species level. Additional efforts are required to resolve taxonomic inconsistencies. If we define the biggest gaps in the reference library as those groups with the smallest proportion of unambiguous suprafamily-level taxonomy assigned to their BINs in Germany, then – not surprisingly – Diptera and Hymenoptera stand out. The two groups also contributed most individuals to the samples, and their members are notoriously difficult to identify. On the positive side, the ad hoc identification success was good (50-84%) for beetles, butterflies, moths, true bugs and spiders, and there are strong prospects that it will improve in the future due to the large community of taxonomists working on these groups. In fact, the identification success is already higher when some additional effort is invested in the examination of the discordant BINs (e.g. nearly 100% for Lepidoptera and Coleoptera collected in the GMTPE).
Most biologists and even members of the public can recognize and correct gross errors in BOLD, such as those where a beetle shares a BIN with a spider, cases that reflect analytical or data entry errors. Cases where a BIN includes specimens assigned to several families can often be resolved by researchers working on the order by examining photos of the underlying voucher specimens on BOLD. However, cases where a BIN contains more than one valid genus or species name represented almost half of the discordant BINs in the present study and these are much more difficult to resolve. Detailed taxonomic expertise is often essential to distinguish between cases of synonymy or misidentification, with constraints introduced by hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting. Demonstrating the latter complexities should ideally incorporate the analysis of nuclear genetic markers. On the other hand, resolving the discordant BINs tagged with ‘No taxonomy’ (434 in our case) might be easier, as these encompass cases with inadequate taxonomy, i.e. typographic errors, interim species epithets or synonyms.
The number of new species records that could be added to BOLD based on BINs that were unidentified to a species level was 1,910 in July 2015 and had been reduced to 1,656 one year later (August 2016) (plus the 718 completely new-to-BOLD BINs). Thus 254 formerly unidentified BINs now have a species name, either through the BOLD reverse identification engine or expert data curation, efforts which we aim to increase through discussing these data in this descriptive article. To achieve this aim, our strategy involves sharing voucher specimens with the BFB- and GBOL-associated taxonomists to gain their advice (
Since taxonomic coverage in the reference database may be biased towards organisms that are frequent or in high abundance, we expected a positive relation between level of taxonomic identification and prevalence and/or abundance. Judging from the top ten most abundant BINs in each trap (Tables
We emphasize that taxonomic decisions should be made within a comparative context, ideally including morphological data (cf.
This study indicates the feasibility of developing and using new methods and standards for ecosystem management, and help to promote wide-scale screening of environmental samples for timely measurements of biodiversity. The urgent need to create such tools was recently considered at an official hearing of a committee of the German Parliament (
Looking to the future, we hope that more countries will analyse their insect fauna using DNA barcoding. This will make it possible to draw significant conclusions by placing local results in a global context, insights which will become more tangible with broader participation. Other nations from Europe participating in the GMTP include Bulgaria, Finland, and Norway, but much denser sampling will be required to obtain a comprehensive picture of the regional or continental scale dynamics of biodiversity. An interesting and useful application will be to develop early warning systems, e.g. networks of continuous Malaise trap sampling on sensitive or critical access sites with automated notifications or flags when alien or invasive species are detected. Analogously, it will be helpful to create automated annotations for members of the IUCN or regional Red Lists as well as similar applications for pest species in forestry and agriculture. This could be relatively easy to achieve by generating regional species lists and also regional lists of known invasive species, which could be highlighted by implementing this service as a new feature on BOLD. When it comes to analysing environmental samples for species composition, we advocate the use of regional, well-curated custom DNA barcode reference libraries, ideally coupled with the involvement of taxonomists who can increase the identification success by examining those BINs, which show taxonomic discordance.
The GBOL project is generously supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FKZ 01LI1101 and 01LI1501). The BFB project was supported by a 10-year grant from the Bavarian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Art. We express our sincere thanks to Jörg Müller, Dieter Doczkal, Stefan Schmidt, Bruno Cancian, Laura von der Mark, Jana Thormann, and Lea Pötter for their help in the field and laboratory. The ‘Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Nord’, especially Axel Schmidt (Koblenz, Germany), kindly permitted this study. We also thank Sujeevan Ratnasingham, Megan Milton, Kate Perez, Dirk Steinke and Claudia Steinke and their colleagues from the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario (Guelph, Canada) for support with BOLD outside the regular functions. Sequence analyses were partially defrayed by funding from the government of Canada through Genome Canada and the Ontario Genomics Institute in support of the International Barcode of Life project. We thank the reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and the insightful comments and suggestions.
BR, JM, AH and MFG made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the analysis and interpretation of data. BR, JM, MFG compiled and analysed the data. All authors participated in drafting and revising the article and contributed with intellectual content. All authors gave final approval of the submitted version.
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
Result of the BIN discordance analysis (BOLD, September 25th 2015).
Compilation of all specimens not identified to species level with embedded links leading to the respective BIN or specimen page on BOLD for an easy entry point to start refinements of taxonomic placements.