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Research Article
Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5848 (28 Sep 2015) (28 Sep 2015)
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Article metadata
Project description
Coordination and integration of European expert networks
Coordination and integration of European focal point networks
Coordination of taxonomic meta-data standard assessment
Coordination and integration of information e-infrastructures
e-Services for users and dissemination
Project results
Towards a European taxonomic workforce (ETW)
National Focal Point network set up
Conceptual integration: standards and internationalisation
Technical integration: advances in the Platform for Cybertaxonomy
PESI e-Services
Project dissemimation
Data Resources
Project Information & Promotion
Project progressions
Toward a European Clearing House on taxonomic expertise
Geographic extensions
Vernacular names and Europeana
Virtualisation and Automation
PESI infrastructure potentials on a larger scale
Interactive Virtual Research Environments, portals and labs
Project outlooks
Towards a next generation names infrastructure
e-Publishing perspectives
EU BON advancements
Towards a comprehensive taxonomic Palearctic survey
Supplementary files
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