Omics experiments are generating large quantities of data at an ever-increasing rate due to the constantly evolving technologies in the field of biology and environmental sciences. Commonly, omics datasets are deposited into public thematic repositories, such as the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) databases European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), GenBank and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ), from where they are openly accessible. Datasets can also be described and published as data papers to receive additional visibility and citation credit as any other journal article.
To facilitate and incentivise extended high quality metadata descriptions and scholarly publication of omics data, Pensoft has launched a new type of publication - OMICS Data Paper - in the Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ). Authors are invited to describe their omic datasets by using the novel streamlined workflow for creating a manuscript at a click of a button from metadata deposited in ENA. Imported metadata will be automatically converted into a manuscript draft in the Arpha Writing Tool (AWT), where authors can edit and amend it with additional information and submit it for peer review and publication in BDJ.
Alternatively, an omics data paper manuscript can be created directly in the AWT from where the data paper can be linked to any omics dataset, deposited in repositories other than ENA.
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